netWorkDays - Amazon QuickSight
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netWorkDays returns the number of working days between the provided two date fields or even custom date values generated using other QuickSight date functions such as parseDate or epochDate as an integer.

netWorkDays assumes a standard 5-day work week starting from Monday and ending on Friday. Saturday and Sunday are assumed to be weekends. The calculation is inclusive of both startDate and endDate. The function operates on and shows results for DAY granularity.


netWorkDays(startDate, endDate)



A valid non-NULL date that acts as the start date for the calculation.

  • Dataset fields: Any date field from the dataset that you are adding this function to.

  • Date Functions: Any date output from another date function, for example, parseDate.

  • Calculated fields: Any QuickSight calculated field that returns a date value.

  • Parameters: Any QuickSight DateTime parameter.

  • Any combination of the above stated argument values.


A valid non-NULL date that acts as the end date for the calculation.

  • Dataset fields: Any date field from the dataset that you are adding this function to.

  • Date Functions: Any date output from another date function, for example, parseDate.

  • Calculated fields: Any QuickSight calculated field that returns a date value.

  • Parameters: Any QuickSight DateTime parameter.

  • Any combination of the above stated argument values.

Return type


Ouptut values

Expected output values include:

  • Positive integer (when start_date < end_date)

  • Negative integer (when start_date > end_date)

  • NULL when one or both of the arguments get a null value from the dataset field.


The following example returns the number of work days falling between two dates.

Let's assume that there's a field named application_date with the following values:

netWorkDays({startDate}, {endDate})

The following are the given field values.

startDate endDate netWorkDays 9/4/2022 9/11/2022 5 9/9/2022 9/2/2022 -6 9/10/2022 9/11/2022 0 9/12/2022 9/12/2022 1

The following example calculates the number of days worked by each employee and the salary expended per day for each employee:

days_worked = netWorkDays({employment_start_date}, {employment_end_date}) salary_per_day = {salary}/{days_worked}

The following example filters employees whose employment ends on a work day and determines whether their employment began on work day or a weekend using conditional formatting:

is_start_date_work_day = netWorkDays(employment_start_date) is_end_date_work_day = netWorkDays(employment_end_date)
Employee salary data table with fields for ID, dates, salary paid, days worked, and daily rate.