Using pie charts - Amazon QuickSight
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Using pie charts

Use pie charts to compare values for items in a dimension. The best use for this type of chart is to show a percentage of a total amount.

Each wedge in a pie chart represents one item in the dimension. Wedge size represents the proportion of the value for the selected measure that the item represents compared to the whole for the dimension. Pie charts are best when precision isn't important and there are few items in the dimension.

To create a donut chart, use one dimension in the Group/Color field well. With only one field, the chart displays the division of values by row count. To display the division of dimension values by a metric value, you can add a metric field to the Value field well.

Pie charts show up to 20 data points for group or color. For more information about how Amazon QuickSight handles data that falls outside display limits, see Display limits.

The icon for a pie chart is as follows.

Pie chart icon with two unequal slices, one blue and one orange.

Pie chart features

To understand the features supported by pie charts, use the following table.

Feature Supported? Comments For more information
Changing the legend display Yes Legends on visual types in QuickSight
Changing the title display Yes Titles and subtitles on visual types in QuickSight
Changing the axis range Not applicable Range and scale on visual types in QuickSight
Showing or hiding axis labels. Yes Axes and grid lines on visual types in QuickSight
Changing the visual colors Yes Colors in visual types in QuickSight
Focusing on or excluding elements Yes, with exceptions You can focus on or exclude a wedge in a pie chart, except when you are using a date field as a dimension. In that case, you can only focus on a wedge, not exclude it.

Focusing on visual elements

Excluding visual elements

Sorting Yes You can sort on the field that you choose for the value or the group or color. Sorting visual data in Amazon QuickSight
Performing field aggregation Yes You must apply aggregation to the field that you choose for the value, and can't apply aggregation to the field that you choose for group or color. Changing field aggregation
Adding drill-downs Yes You can add drill-down levels to the Group/Color field well. Adding drill-downs to visual data in Amazon QuickSight

Creating a pie chart

Use the following procedure to create a pie chart.

To create a pie chart
  1. On the analysis page, choose Visualize on the tool bar.

  2. Choose Add on the application bar, and then choose Add visual.

  3. On the Visual types pane, choose the pie chart icon.

  4. From the Fields list pane, drag the fields that you want to use to the appropriate field wells. Typically, you want to use dimension or measure fields as indicated by the target field well. If you choose to use a dimension field as a measure, the Count aggregate function is automatically applied to it to create a numeric value.

    To create a pie chart, drag a dimension to the Group/Color field well. Optionally, drag a measure to the Value field well.

  5. (Optional) Add drill-down layers by dragging one or more additional fields to the Group/Color field well. For more information about adding drill-downs, see Adding drill-downs to visual data in Amazon QuickSight.