Developing applications with the Amazon QuickSight API - Amazon QuickSight
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Developing applications with the Amazon QuickSight API

You can manage most aspects of your deployment by using the Amazon SDKs to access an API that's tailored to the programming language or platform that you're using. For more information, see Amazon SDKs.

For more information on the API operations, see Amazon QuickSight API Reference.

Before you can call the Amazon QuickSight API operations, you need the quicksight:operation-name permission in a policy attached to your IAM identity. For example, to call list-users, you need the permission quicksight:ListUsers. The same pattern applies to all operations.

If you're not sure what the necessary permission is, you can attempt to make a call. The client then tells you what the missing permission is. You can use asterisk (*) in the Resource field of your permission policy instead of specifying explicit resources. However, we recommended that you restrict each permission as much as possible. You can restrict user access by specifying or excluding resources in the policy, using their Amazon QuickSight Amazon Resource Name (ARN) identifier.

For more information, see the following:

To retrieve the ARN of a user or a group, use the Describe operation on the relevant resource. You can also add conditions in IAM to further restrict access to an API in some scenarios. For instance, when adding User1 to Group1, the main resource is Group1, so you can allow or deny access to certain groups, but you can also add a condition by using the IAM Amazon QuickSight key quicksight:UserName to allow or prevent certain users from being added to that group.

Following is an example policy. It means that the caller with this policy attached, is able to invoke the CreateGroupMembership operation on any group, provided that the user name they are adding to the group is not user1.

{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "quicksight:CreateGroupMembership", "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:quicksight:us-east-1:aws-account-id:group/default/*", "Condition": { "StringNotEquals": { "quicksight:UserName": "user1" } } }
Amazon CLI

The following procedure explains how to interact with Amazon QuickSight API operations through the Amazon CLI. The following instructions have been tested in Bash but should be identical or similar in other command-line environments.

  1. Install Amazon SDK in your environment. Instructions on how to do that are located here: Amazon Command line Interface.

  2. Set up your Amazon CLI identity and region using the following command and follow-up instructions. Use the credentials for an IAM identity or role that has the proper permissions.

    aws configure
  3. Look at the Amazon QuickSight SDK help by issuing the following command:

    aws quicksight help
  4. To get detailed instructions on how to use an API, enter its name followed by help, like so:

    aws quicksight list-users help
  5. Now you can call an Amazon QuickSight API operation. This example returns a list of Amazon QuickSight users in your account.

    aws quicksight list-users --aws-account-id aws-account-id --namespace default --region us-east-1
Java SDK

Use the following procedure to set up a Java app that interacts with Amazon QuickSight.

  1. To get started, create a Java project in your IDE.

  2. Import the Amazon QuickSight SDK into your new project, for example: AWSQuickSightJavaClient-1.11.x.jar

  3. Once your IDE indexes the Amazon QuickSight SDK, you should be able to add an import line as follows:


    If you IDE doesn't recognize this as valid, verify that you imported the SDK.

  4. Like other Amazon SDKs, Amazon QuickSight SDK requires external dependencies to perform many of its functions. You need to download and import those into the same project. The following dependencies are required:

  5. Now, you are ready to create an Amazon QuickSight client. You can use a default public endpoint that the client can communicate with or you can reference the endpoint explicitly. There are multiple ways to provide your Amazon credentials. In the following example, we provide a direct, simple approach. The following client method is used to make all the API calls that follow:

    private static AmazonQuickSight getClient() { final AWSCredentialsProvider credsProvider = new AWSCredentialsProvider() { @Override public AWSCredentials getCredentials() { // provide actual IAM access key and secret key here return new BasicAWSCredentials("access-key", "secret-key"); } @Override public void refresh() {} }; return AmazonQuickSightClientBuilder .standard() .withRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1.getName()) .withCredentials(credsProvider) .build(); }
  6. Now, we can use the above client to list all the users in our Amazon QuickSight account.


    You have to provide the Amazon account ID that you used to subscribe to Amazon QuickSight. This must match the Amazon account ID of the caller’s identity. Cross-account calls aren't supported at this time. Furthermore, the required parameter namespace should always be set to default.

    getClient().listUsers(new ListUsersRequest() .withAwsAccountId("relevant_AWS_account_ID") .withNamespace("default")) .getUserList().forEach(user -> { System.out.println(user.getArn()); });
  7. To see a list of all possible API operations and the request objects they use, you can CTRL-click on the client object in your IDE in order to view the Amazon QuickSight interface. Alternatively, find it within the package in the Amazon QuickSight JavaClient JAR file.

JavaScript (Node.js) SDK

Use the following procedure to interact with Amazon QuickSight using Node.js.

  1. Set up your node environment using the following commands:

    • npm install aws-sdk

    • npm install aws4

    • npm install request

    • npm install url

  2. For information on configuring the Node.js with Amazon SDK and setting your credentials, see--> the Amazon SDK for JavaScript Developer Guide for SDK v2.

  3. Use the following code sample to test your setup. HTTPS is required. The sample displays a full listing of Amazon QuickSight operations along with their URL request parameters, followed by a list of Amazon QuickSight users in your account.

    const Amazon = require('aws-sdk'); const https = require('https'); var quicksight = new Amazon.Service({ apiConfig: require('./quicksight-2018-04-01.min.json'), region: 'us-east-1', }); console.log(quicksight.config.apiConfig.operations); quicksight.listUsers({ // Enter your actual Amazon account ID 'AwsAccountId': 'relevant_AWS_account_ID', 'Namespace': 'default', }, function(err, data) { console.log('---'); console.log('Errors: '); console.log(err); console.log('---'); console.log('Response: '); console.log(data); });
Python3 SDK

Use the following procedure to create a custom built botocore package to interact with Amazon QuickSight.

  1. Create a credentials file in the Amazon directory for your environment. In a Linux/Mac-based environment, that file is called ~/.aws/credentials and looks like this:

    [default] aws_access_key_id = Your_IAM_access_key aws_secret_access_key = Your_IAM_secret_key
  2. Unzip the folder botocore-1.12.10. Change directory into botocore-1.12.10 and enter the Python3 interpreter environment.

  3. Responses come back as a dictionary object. They each have a ResponseMetadata entry that contains request IDs and response status. Other entries are based on what type of operation you run.

  4. The following example is a sample app that first creates, deletes, and lists groups. Then, it lists users in a Quicksight account:

    import botocore.session default_namespace = 'default' account_id = 'relevant_AWS_Account' session = botocore.session.get_session() client = session.create_client("quicksight", region_name='us-east-1') print('Creating three groups: ') client.create_group(AwsAccountId = account_id, Namespace=default_namespace, GroupName='MyGroup1') client.create_group(AwsAccountId = account_id, Namespace=default_namespace, GroupName='MyGroup2') client.create_group(AwsAccountId = account_id, Namespace=default_namespace, GroupName='MyGroup3') print('Retrieving the groups and listing them: ') response = client.list_groups(AwsAccountId = account_id, Namespace=default_namespace) for group in response['GroupList']: print(group) print('Deleting our groups: ') client.delete_group(AwsAccountId = account_id, Namespace=default_namespace, GroupName='MyGroup1') client.delete_group(AwsAccountId = account_id, Namespace=default_namespace, GroupName='MyGroup2') client.delete_group(AwsAccountId = account_id, Namespace=default_namespace, GroupName='MyGroup3') response = client.list_users(AwsAccountId = account_id, Namespace=default_namespace) for user in response['UserList']: print(user)

Use the following procedure to interact with Amazon QuickSight using C#.NET. This example is constructed on Microsoft Visual for Mac; the instructions can vary slightly based on your IDE and platform. However, they should be similar.

  1. Unzip the file into a folder called nuget.

  2. Create a new Console app project in Visual Studio.

  3. Under your solution, locate app Dependencies, then open the context (right-click menu and choose Add Packages.

  4. In the sources list, choose Configure Sources.

  5. Choose Add, and name the source QuickSightSDK. Browse to the nuget folder and choose Add Source.

  6. Choose OK. Then, with QuickSightSDK selected, select all three Amazon QuickSight packages:

    • AWSSDK.QuickSight

    • AWSSDK.Extensions.NETCore.Setup

    • AWSSDK.Extensions.CognitoAuthentication

  7. Click Add Package.

  8. Copy and paste the following sample app into your console app editor.

    using System; using Amazon.QuickSight.Model; using Amazon.QuickSight; namespace DotNetQuickSightSDKTest { class Program { private static readonly string AccessKey = "insert_your_access_key"; private static readonly string SecretAccessKey = "insert_your_secret_key"; private static readonly string AccountID = "AWS_account_ID"; private static readonly string Namespace = "default"; // leave this as default static void Main(string[] args) { var client = new AmazonQuickSightClient( AccessKey, SecretAccessKey, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1); var listUsersRequest = new ListUsersRequest { AwsAccountId = AccountID, Namespace = Namespace }; client.ListUsersAsync(listUsersRequest).Result.UserList.ForEach( user => Console.WriteLine(user.Arn) ); var listGroupsRequest = new ListGroupsRequest { AwsAccountId = AccountID, Namespace = Namespace }; client.ListGroupsAsync(listGroupsRequest).Result.GroupList.ForEach( group => Console.WriteLine(group.Arn) ); } } }