Creating a reader generated report in Amazon QuickSight
If a QuickSight author has set up a prompted report for a QuickSight paginated report, QuickSight dashboard viewers can use the prompt to schedule their own reports for themselves. For more information about prompts for paginated reports, see Setting up prompts for paginated reports.
Use the following sections to learn how to create and modify a reader generated report.
Creating a reader generated report
Use the following procedure to create a reader generated report.
To create a reader generated report
Open the QuickSight console
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Open the dashboard that you want to create a report for.
Choose the Scheduling at the top of the dashboard page.
The scheduling pane opens. To add a new report schedule, choose Add. If you do not see the Add button, the dashboard does not contain a paginated sheet, or your QuickSight account does not have the Paginated reports add on. For more information about the paginater reports add on, see Getting started .
For Schedule name, enter a name for the new schedule. The schedule name can be up to 100 chatacters long.
For Description, choose the view option that you want the report to use. You can choose from the following views:
Custom view – The current view of the dashboard.
Original view – The author published view of the dashboard.
For Content, choose the paginated report sheet that you want to generate a PDF report for.
For Dates, choose the frequency at which you want to receive the report. Scheduling options that are available for an email report include the following:
Once (Does not repeat) – Sends the report only once at the date and time that you choose.
Daily – Repeats daily at the time that you choose.
Weekly – Repeats each week on the same day or days at the time that you choose. You can also use this option to send reports in weekly intervals, such as every other week or every three weeks.
Monthly – Repeats each month on the same day of the month at the time that you choose. You can also use this option to send reports on specific days of the month, such as the second Wednesday or the last Friday of each month.
Yearly – Repeats each year on the same day of the month or months selected at the time that you choose. You can also use this option to send reports on specific days or sets of days in selected months. For example, you can configure a report to be sent on the first Monday of January, March, and September, or on July 14th, or on the second day of February, April, and June each year.
Custom – Configure your own scheduled report that best fits your business needs.
The scheduled report is sent within 1 hour from the specified time. Delays may occur during peak hours.
In the Email tab, for E-mail subject line, enter a custom subject line, or leave it blank to use the report title.
Enter the email addresses of the QuickSight group name of the users or groups that you want to receive the report.
For Email header, enter the header that you want the emal report to show.
(Optional) For E-mail body text, leave it blank or enter a custom message to display at the beginning of the email.
(Optional, recommended) To send a sample of the report before you save changes, choose Send test report.
Do one of the following:
(Recommended) Choose Save to confirm your entries.
To immediately send a report, choose Save and run now. The report is sent immediately, even if your schedule's start date is in the future.
After you save a report schedule, the schedule appears in the Schedules pane. Reader generated reports are only available to the user that created them and can't be shared.
Loading a saved view of a reader generated report
QuickSight readers can use the Schedules pane to load a saved view of any scheduled paginated report thay have created or received. Use the following procedure to load a saved review of a scheduled report.
To load a saved view of a scheduled report
Open the QuickSight console
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Open the dashboard that contains the report that you want to change.
Choose the Scheduling at the top of the dashboard page.
The scheduling pane opens. Locate the schedule that you want to change and choose the ellipsis (three dots) icon next to the report to open the schedule menu, and then choose Details.
Choose Load saved view. The saved view of the dashboard that was used for the selected schedule is rendered. All filter values that were active when the dashboard snapshot was taken are applied to the dashboard. When a saved view of a dashboard is loaded, the reader's current view of the dashboard is lost.
Updating the view of a scheduled reader generated report
After a QuickSight reader has created a report in QuickSight, they can use the Schedules pane to update the dashboard view that is used in the scheduled report. Use the following procedure to update the dashboard view of a scheduled report.
To change the dashboard view of a scheduled report
Open the QuickSight console
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Open the dashboard that contains the report that you want to change.
Choose the Scheduling at the top of the dashboard page.
The scheduling pane opens. Locate the schedule that you want to change and choose the ellipsis (three dots) icon next to the report to open the schedule menu, and then choose Details.
Choose Load saved view. The saved view of the dashboard that was used for the selected schedule is rendered. All filter values that were active when the dashboard snapshot was taken are applied to the dashboard. When a saved view of a dashboard is loaded, the reader's current view of the dashboard is lost.
Update the dashboard filters that you want to change.
Choose the Scheduling at the top of the dashboard page.
The scheduling pane opens. Locate the schedule that you want to change and choose the ellipsis (three dots) icon next to the report to open the schedule menu, and then choose Edit.
Navigate to the Dashboard view section, and then choose Custom view. The new filter values that you updated are applied to the dashboard report.
Choose Save to update the schedule.
Updating a reader generated report schedule
After they create a reader generated report, QuickSight readers can use the Schedules pane to make a report schedule active or inactive. Use the following procedure to update active status of a reader generated report schedule.
Open the QuickSight console
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Open the dashboard that contains the report that you want to change.
Choose the Scheduling at the top of the dashboard page to open the Schedulespane.
Choose Schedules.
Navigate to the My schedules section and find the schedule that you want to update.
Use the toggle to set the report schedule to Active or Inactive.
When you are finished making changes to the report schedule, close the Schedules pane.