Refreshing data in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight
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Refreshing data in Amazon QuickSight

When refreshing data, Amazon QuickSight handles datasets differently depending on the connection properties and the storage location of the data.

If QuickSight connects to the data store by using a direct query, the data automatically refreshes when you open an associated dataset, analysis, or dashboard. Filter controls are refreshed automatically every 24 hours.

To refresh SPICE datasets, QuickSight must independently authenticate using stored credentials to connect to the data. QuickSight can't refresh manually uploaded data—even from S3 buckets, even though it's stored in SPICE—because QuickSight doesn't store its connection and location metadata. If you want to automatically refresh data that's stored in an S3 bucket, create a dataset by using the S3 data source card.

For files that you manually uploaded to SPICE, you refresh these manually by importing the file again. If you want to reuse the name of the original dataset for the new file, first rename or delete the original dataset. Then give the preferred name to the new dataset. Also, check that the field names are the same name and data type. Open your analysis, and replace the original dataset with the new dataset. For more information, see Replacing datasets.

You can refresh your SPICE datasets at any time. Refreshing imports the data into SPICE again, so the data includes any changes since the last import.

For Amazon QuickSight Standard Edition, you can do a full refresh of your SPICE data at any time. For Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition, you can do a full refresh or an incremental refresh (SQL-based data sources only) at any time.


If your dataset uses CustomSQL, refreshing incrementally might not benefit you. If the SQL query is complex, your database may not be able to optimize the filter with the look-back window. This can cause the query that pulls in the data to take longer than a full refresh. We recommend that you try reducing query execution time by refactoring the custom SQL. Note that results might vary depending on the type of optimization you make.

You can refresh SPICE data by using any of the following approaches:

  • You can use the options on Datasets page.

  • You can refresh a dataset while editing a dataset.

  • You can schedule refreshes in the dataset settings.

  • You can use the CreateIngestion API operation to refresh the data.

When you create or edit a SPICE dataset, you can enable email notifications about data loading status. This option notifies the owners of the dataset if the data fails to load or refresh. To turn on notifications, select the Email owners when a refresh fails option that appears on the Finish data set creation screen. This option isn't available for datasets that you create by using Upload a File on the datasets page.

In the following topics, you can find an explanation of different approaches to refreshing and working with SPICE data.