Restricting others from creating new datasets from your dataset - Amazon QuickSight
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Restricting others from creating new datasets from your dataset

When you create a dataset in Amazon QuickSight, you can prevent others from using it as a source for other datasets. You can specify if others can use it to create any datasets at all. Or you can specify the type of datasets others can or can't create from your dataset, such as direct query datasets or SPICE datasets.

Use the following procedure to learn how to restrict others from creating new datasets from your dataset.

To restrict others from creating new datasets from your dataset
  1. From the QuickSight start page, choose Datasets in the pane at left.

  2. On the Datasets page, choose the dataset that you want to restrict creating new datasets from.

  3. On the page that opens for that dataset, choose Edit dataset.

    Use in a dataset.
  4. On the data preparation page that opens, choose Manage at upper right, and then choose Properties.

  5. In the Dataset properties pane that opens, choose from the following options:

    • To restrict anyone from creating any type of new datasets from this dataset, turn off Allow new datasets to be created from this one.

      The toggle is blue when creating new datasets is allowed. It's gray when creating new datasets isn't allowed.

    • To restrict others from creating direct query datasets, clear Allow direct query.

    • To restrict others from creating SPICE copies of your dataset, clear Allow SPICE copies.

      For more information about SPICE datasets, see Importing data into SPICE.

  6. Close the pane.