Using service control policies to restrict Amazon QuickSight sign-up options - Amazon QuickSight
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Using service control policies to restrict Amazon QuickSight sign-up options

If you're an administrator in Amazon Organizations, you can use service control policies (SCPs) to restrict how individuals in your organization can sign up for Amazon QuickSight. You can restrict the edition of Amazon QuickSight they can sign up for, and also the type of user that they can sign up for.

Amazon Organizations is a user account management service that you can use to consolidate multiple Amazon accounts into an organization that you create and centrally manage. You can use SCPs in Amazon Organizations to manage the permissions in your organization. For more information, see What is Amazon Organizations? and Service control policies in the Amazon Organizations User Guide.

In the following topic, you can learn about two ways to restrict Amazon QuickSight sign-up options using SCPs in Amazon Organizations. The topic includes an example SCP. To learn more about creating SCPs, see the following topics in the Amazon Organizations User Guide:

Restricting the Amazon QuickSight edition

To restrict the edition of Amazon QuickSight that your managed accounts can sign up for, use the quicksight:Edition condition key in your SCP. The values for this key are listed and described in the following table.

Key Name Key Value Description



QuickSight Standard Edition


QuickSight Enterprise Edition

Restricting user management options

To restrict the user management options that individuals in your organization can use to sign up for Amazon QuickSight, use the quicksight:DirectoryType condition key in your SCP. The values for this key are listed and described in the following table.

Key Name Key Value Description



IAM federated identities and QuickSight-managed users


Only IAM federated identities


Users managed in Microsoft Active Directory on Amazon Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory


Users managed in on-premises Active Directory and connected through AD_Connector to Amazon Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory


Users managed in a QuickSight account that is integrated with IAM Identity Center.

Example SCP

The following example for Amazon QuickSight shows a service control policy that denies signing up for a QuickSight Standard Edition and turns off the ability to sign up using QuickSight or Active Directory credentials. This policy uses the quicksight:subscribe action, in addition to the condition keys previously described. For a list of QuickSight-specific keys for use in IAM permission policies, seeActions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon QuickSight in the Service Authorization Reference.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Statement1", "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "quicksight:Subscribe" ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Condition": { "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": { "quicksight:DirectoryType": [ "iam_identity_center" ] } } }, { "Sid": "Statement2", "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "quicksight:Subscribe" ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "quicksight:Edition": "standard" } } } ] }

With this policy in effect, individuals in an organization can sign up only for QuickSight Enterprise Edition. Additionally, they can sign up only by using the IAM Identity Center enabled application option. If they try to sign up for QuickSight Standard Edition or use another form of authentication, they are restricted from signing up. They receive a message explaining that they don't have the right permissions to sign up for QuickSight.