Alert Scheduling
When you create an alert, QuickSight checks your data for any breaches against the thresholds you set based on when your dataset is scheduled to refresh. The information presented in the alert varies based on the visual type that you're creating an alert for. For SPICE datasets, alert rules are checked after a successful refresh of your SPICE dataset. For direct query datasets, alert rules are checked at a random time between 6:00 PM and 8:00 AM in the Amazon Web Services Region that holds the dataset by default.
If you're a dataset owner, you can set an alert evaluation schedule in the dataset settings. See the following procedure to learn how.
To set an alert evaluation schedule for a dataset
In QuickSight, choose Datasets in the navigation bar at left.
Choose the dataset name that you want to schedule alert evaluations for.
Choose Set alert schedule.
In the Set alert schedule page that opens, do the following.
For Time zone, choose a time zone.
For Repeats, choose how often you want the data to be evaluated.
For Starts, enter the time that you want the alert evaluation to start.