I can't connect to Amazon Athena - Amazon QuickSight
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I can't connect to Amazon Athena

   Intended audience: Amazon QuickSight administrators 

Use this section to help troubleshoot connecting to Athena.

If you can't connect to Amazon Athena, you might get an insufficient permissions error when you run a query, showing that the permissions aren't configured. To verify that you can connect Amazon QuickSight to Athena, check the following settings:

  • Amazon resource permissions inside of Amazon QuickSight

  • Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies

  • Amazon S3 location

  • Query results location

  • Amazon KMS key policy (for encrypted datasets only)

For details, see following. For information about troubleshooting other Athena issues, see Connectivity issues when using Amazon Athena with Amazon QuickSight.

Make sure that you authorized Amazon QuickSight to use Athena

   Intended audience: Amazon QuickSight administrators 

Use the following procedure to make sure that you successfully authorized Amazon QuickSight to use Athena. Permissions to Amazon resources apply to all Amazon QuickSight users.

To perform this action, you must be an Amazon QuickSight administrator. To check if you have access, verify that you see the Manage QuickSight option when you open the menu from your profile at upper right.

To authorize Amazon QuickSight to access Athena
  1. Choose your profile name (upper right). Choose Manage QuickSight, and then choose Security & permissions.

  2. Under QuickSight access to Amazon Web Services services, choose Add or remove.

  3. Find Athena in the list. Clear the box by Athena, then select it again to enable Athena.

    Then choose Connect both.

  4. Choose the buckets that you want to access from Amazon QuickSight.

    The settings for S3 buckets that you access here are the same ones that you access by choosing Amazon S3 from the list of Amazon Web Services services. Be careful that you don't inadvertently disable a bucket that someone else uses.

  5. Choose Finish to confirm your selection. Or choose Cancel to exit without saving.

  6. Choose Update to save your new settings for Amazon QuickSight access to Amazon Web Services services. Or choose Cancel to exit without making any changes.

  7. Make sure that you are using the correct Amazon Web Services Region when you are finished.

    If you had to change your Amazon Web Services Region as part of the first step of this process, change it back to the Amazon Web Services Region that you were using before.

Make sure that your IAM policies grant the right permissions

   Intended audience: System administrators 

Your Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies must grant permissions to specific actions. Your IAM user or role must be able to read and write both the input and the output of the S3 buckets that Athena uses for your query.

If the dataset is encrypted, the IAM user needs to be a key user in the specified Amazon KMS key's policy.

To verify that your IAM policies have permission to use S3 buckets for your query
  1. Open the IAM console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/iam/.

  2. Locate the IAM user or role that you are using. Choose the user or role name to see the associated policies.

  3. Verify that your policy has the correct permissions. Choose a policy that you want to verify, and then choose Edit policy. Use the visual editor, which opens by default. If you have the JSON editor open instead, choose the Visual editor tab.

  4. Choose the S3 entry in the list to see its contents. The policy needs to grant permissions to list, read, and write. If S3 is not in the list, or it doesn't have the correct permissions, you can add them here.

For examples of IAM policies that work with Amazon QuickSight, see IAM policy examples for Amazon QuickSight.

Make sure that the IAM user has read/write access to your S3 location

   Intended audience: Amazon QuickSight administrators 

To access Athena data from Amazon QuickSight, first make sure that Athena and its S3 location are authorized in Manage QuickSight screen. For more information, see Make sure that you authorized Amazon QuickSight to use Athena.

Next, verify the relevant IAM permissions. The IAM user for your Athena connection needs read/write access to the location where your results go in S3. Start by verifying that the IAM user has an attached policy that allows access to Athena, such as AmazonAthenaFullAccess. Let Athena create the bucket using the name that it requires, and then add this bucket to the list of buckets that QuickSight can access. If you change the default location of the results bucket (aws-athena-query-results-*), be sure that the IAM user has permission to read and write to the new location.

Verify that you don't include the Amazon Web Services Region code in the S3 URL. For example, use s3://awsexamplebucket/path and not s3://us-east-1.amazonaws.com/awsexamplebucket/path. Using the wrong S3 URL causes an Access Denied error.

Also verify that the bucket policies and object access control lists (ACLs) allow the IAM user to access the objects in the buckets. If the IAM user is in a different Amazon Web Services account, see Cross-account Access in the Amazon Athena User Guide.

If the dataset is encrypted, verify that the IAM user is a key user in the specified Amazon KMS key's policy. You can do this in the Amazon KMS console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/kms.

To set permissions to your Athena query results location
  1. Open the Athena console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/athena/.

  2. Verify that you have selected the workgroup you want to use:

    • Examine the Workgroup option at the top. It has the format Workgroup: group-name. If the group name is the one that you want to use, skip to the next step.

    • To choose a different workgroup, chose Workgroup at the top. Choose the workgroup that you want to use, and choose Switch workgroup.

  3. Choose Settings at upper right.

    (Not common) If you get an error that your workgroup is not found, use these steps to fix it:

    1. Ignore the error message for now, and instead find Workgroup: group-name on the Settings page. Your workgroup's name is a hyperlink. Open it.

    2. On the Workgroup: <groupname> page, choose Edit workgroup at left. Now close the error message.

    3. Near Query result location, open the S3 location selector by choosing the Select button that has the file folder icon.

    4. Choose the small arrow at the end of the name of the S3 location for Athena. The name must begin with aws-athena-query-results.

    5. (Optional) Encrypt query results by selecting the Encrypt results stored in S3 check box.

    6. Choose Save to confirm your choices.

    7. If the error doesn't reappear, return to Settings.

      Occasionally, the error might appear again. If so, take the following steps:

      1. Choose the workgroup and then choose View details.

      2. (Optional) To preserve your settings, take notes or a screenshot of the workgroup configuration.

      3. Choose Create workgroup.

      4. Replace the workgroup with a new one. Configure the correct S3 location and encryption options. Note the S3 location because you need it later.

      5. Choose Save to proceed.

      6. When you no longer need the original workgroup, disable it. Make sure to carefully read the warning that appears, because it tells you what you lose if you choose to disable it.

  4. If you didn't get this by troubleshooting in the previous step, choose Settings at upper right and get the S3 location value shown as Query result location.

  5. If Encrypt query results is enabled, check whether it uses SSE-KMS or CSE-KMS. Note the key.

  6. Open the S3 console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/s3/, open the correct bucket, and then choose the Permissions tab.

  7. Check that your IAM user has access by viewing Bucket Policy.

    If you manage access with ACLs, make sure that the access control lists (ACLs) are set up by viewing Access Control List.

  8. If your dataset is encrypted (Encrypt query results is selected in the workgroup settings), make sure that the IAM user or role is added as a key user in that Amazon KMS key's policy. You can access Amazon KMS settings at https://console.amazonaws.cn/kms.

To grant access to the S3 bucket used by Athena
  1. Open the Amazon S3 console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/s3/.

  2. Choose the S3 bucket used by Athena in the Query result location.

  3. On the Permissions tab, verify the permissions.

For more information, see the Amazon Support article When I run an Athena query, I get an "Access Denied" error.