Individuals in my organization get an "External Login is Unauthorized" message when they try to access Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight
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Individuals in my organization get an "External Login is Unauthorized" message when they try to access Amazon QuickSight

   Intended audience: Amazon QuickSight administrators 

When an individual in your organization is federating into Amazon QuickSight using AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, QuickSight maps a single role-based user to a single external login. In some cases, that individual might be authenticated through an external login (such as Amazon Cognito) that's different from the originally mapped user. If so, they can't access QuickSight and get the following unexpected error message.

The external login used for federation is unauthorized for the QuickSight user.

To learn how to troubleshoot this issue, see the following sections:

Why is this happening?

You are using a simplified Amazon Cognito flow

If you're using Amazon Cognito to federate into QuickSight, the single sign-on (IAM Identity Center) setup might use the CognitoIdentityCredentials API operation to assume the QuickSight role. This method maps all users in the Amazon Cognito identity pool to a single QuickSight user and isn't supported by Amazon QuickSight.

We recommend that you use the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API operation instead, which specifies the role session name.

You're using unauthenticated Amazon Cognito users

Amazon Cognito IAM Identity Center is set up for unauthenticated users in the Amazon Cognito identity pool. The QuickSight role trust policy is set up like the following example.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Federated": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "": "us-west-2:cognito-pool-id" }, "ForAnyValue:StringLike": { "": "unauthenticated" } } } ] }

This setup allows a temporary Amazon Cognito user to assume a role session mapped to a unique QuickSight user. Because unauthenticated identities are temporary, they aren't supported by QuickSight.

We recommend that you don't use this setup, which setup isn't supported by Amazon QuickSight. For Amazon QuickSight, make sure that the Amazon Cognito IAM Identity Center uses authenticated users.

You deleted and recreated an Amazon Cognito user with the same user name attributes

In this case, the associated Amazon Cognito user that's mapped to the Amazon QuickSight user was deleted and recreated. The newly created Amazon Cognito user has a different underlying subject. Depending on how the role session name is mapped to the QuickSight user, the session name might correspond to the same QuickSight role-based user.

We recommend that you remap the QuickSight user to the updated Amazon Cognito user subject by using the UpdateUser API operation. For more information, see the following UpdateUser API example.

You're mapping multiple Amazon Cognito user pools in different Amazon Web Services accounts to one identity pool and with QuickSight

Mapping multiple Amazon Cognito user pools in different Amazon Web Services accounts to one identity pool and QuickSight isn't supported by Amazon QuickSight.

How can I fix it?

You can use QuickSight public API operations to update the external login information for your users. Use the following options to learn how.

Use RegisterUser to create users with external login information

If the external login provider is Amazon Cognito, use the following CLI code to create users.

aws quicksight register-user --aws-account-id account-id --namespace namespace --email user-email --user-role user-role --identity-type IAM --iam-arn arn:aws-cn:iam::account-id:role/cognito-associated-iam-role --session-name cognito-username --external-login-federation-provider-type COGNITO --external-login-id cognito-identity-id --region identity-region

The external-login-id should be the identity ID for the Amazon Cognito user. The format is <identity-region>:<cognito-user-sub>, as shown in the following example.

aws quicksight register-user --aws-account-id 111222333 --namespace default --email --user-role ADMIN --identity-type IAM --iam-arn arn:aws-cn:iam::111222333:role/CognitoQuickSightRole --session-name cognito-user --external-login-federation-provider-type COGNITO --external-login-id us-east-1:12345678-1234-1234-abc1-a1b1234567 --region us-east-1

If the external login provider is a custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider, use the following CLI code to create users.

aws quicksight register-user --aws-account-id account-id --namespace namespace --email user-email --user-role user-role --identity-type IAM --iam-arn arn:aws-cn:iam::account-id:role/identity-provider-associated-iam-role --session-name identity-username --external-login-federation-provider-type CUSTOM_OIDC --custom-federation-provider-url custom-identity-provider-url --external-login-id custom-provider-identity-id --region identity-region

The following is an example.

aws quicksight register-user --aws-account-id 111222333 --namespace default --email --user-role ADMIN --identity-type IAM --iam-arn arn:aws-cn:iam::111222333:role/CustomIdentityQuickSightRole --session-name identity-user --external-login-federation-provider-type CUSTOM_OIDC --custom-federation-provider-url --external-login-id 12345678-1234-1234-abc1-a1b1234567 --region us-east-1

To learn more about using RegisterUser in the CLI, see RegisterUser in the Amazon QuickSight API Reference.

Use DescribeUser to check external login information for users

If a user is a role-based federated user from an external login provider, use the DescribeUser API operation to check the external login information for it, as shown in the following code.

aws quicksight describe-user --aws-account-id account-id --namespace namespace --user-name identity-provider-associated-iam-role/identity-username --region identity-region

The following is an example.

aws quicksight describe-user --aws-account-id 111222333 --namespace default --user-name IdentityQuickSightRole/user --region us-west-2

The result contains the external login information fields if there are any. Following is an example.

{ "Status": 200, "User": { "Arn": "arn:aws-cn:quicksight:us-east-1:111222333:user-default-IdentityQuickSightRole-user", "UserName": "IdentityQuickSightRole-user", "Email": "", "Role": "ADMIN", "IdentityType": "IAM", "Active": true, "PrincipalId": "federated-iam-AROAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:user", "ExternalLoginFederationProviderType": "COGNITO", "ExternalLoginFederationProviderUrl": "", "ExternalLoginId": "us-east-1:123abc-1234-123a-b123-12345678a" }, "RequestId": "12345678-1234-1234-abc1-a1b1234567" }

To learn more about using DescribeUser in the CLI, see DescribeUser in the Amazon QuickSight API Reference.

Use UpdateUser to update external login information for users

In some cases, you might find that the external login information saved for the user from the DescribeUser result isn't correct or the external login information is missing. If so, you can use the UpdateUser API operation to update it. Use the following examples.

For Amazon Cognito users, use the following.

aws quicksight update-user --aws-account-id account-id --namespace namespace --user-name cognito-associated-iam-role/cognito-username --email user-email --role user-role --external-login-federation-provider-type COGNITO --external-login-id cognito-identity-id --region identity-region

The following is an example.

aws quicksight update-user --aws-account-id 111222333 --namespace default --user-name CognitoQuickSightRole/cognito-user --email --role ADMIN --external-login-federation-provider-type COGNITO --external-login-id us-east-1:12345678-1234-1234-abc1-a1b1234567 --region us-west-2

For custom OIDC provider users, use the following.

aws quicksight update-user --aws-account-id account-id --namespace namespace --user-name identity-provider-associated-iam-role/identity-username --email user-email --role user-role --external-login-federation-provider-type CUSTOM_OIDC --custom-federation-provider-url custom-identity-provider-url --external-login-id custom-provider-identity-id --region identity-region

The following is an example.

aws quicksight update-user --aws-account-id 111222333 --namespace default --user-name IdentityQuickSightRole/user --email --role ADMIN --external-login-federation-provider-type CUSTOM_OIDC --custom-federation-provider-url --external-login-id 123abc-1234-123a-b123-12345678a --region us-west-2

If you want to delete the external login information for the user, use NONE external login federation provider type. Use the following CLI command to delete external login information.

aws quicksight update-user --aws-account-id account-id --namespace namespace --user-name identity-provider-associated-iam-role/identity-username --email user-email --role user-role --external-login-federation-provider-type NONE --region identity-region

The following is an example.

aws quicksight update-user --aws-account-id 111222333 --namespace default --user-name CognitoQuickSightRole/cognito-user --email --role ADMIN --external-login-federation-provider-type NONE --region us-west-2

To learn more about using UpdateUser in the CLI, see the UpdateUser in the Amazon QuickSight API Reference.