Using conditional rules - Amazon QuickSight
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Using conditional rules

Once you have set up a conditional rule that is connected to a parameter and a parameter control, you can use the parameter control to enable or disable the conditional rules you have set.

To enable a conditional rule
  1. From the QuickStart start page, choose Analyses, and then choose the analysis you want to customize.

  2. On the Controls bar at the top of your workspace, choose the dropdown icon.

  3. Choose the parameter control associated with the conditional rule you created.

  4. Choose the value associated with the conditional rule that you created from the parameter's menu. You can also enter the value that you want into the Search value box.


    Values are case-sensitive.

    Selecting the correct value causes the visual to appear or disappear depending on the rule you set.

Spreadsheet interface with "Controls" section, "Test" input field, and hidden visual message.

You can also bring a parameter control to the sheet your visual is on. This is useful when you want a parameter control to be next to the visual it is associated with or when you want to add a conditional rule to the control so it appears only when specific conditions are met.

To bring a parameter control to a sheet
  1. From the QuickStart start page, choose Analyses, and then choose the analysis you want to customize.

  2. On the Controls bar at the top of your workspace, choose the control that you want to move.

  3. At the upper right-hand side of the control, open the Menu options menu.

  4. Choose Move to sheet.

Dropdown menu options for a sheet: Move inside this sheet, Reset, Edit, Remove.
To move a parameter control back to the Controls bar
  1. On your dashboard, select the parameter control you want to move.

  2. On the upper right-hand side of the control, open the Menu options menu.

  3. Choose Move to top of sheet.

Dropdown menu options including "Move to top of sheet", "Reset", and "Send to back".