Finding information to connect to a VPC
Applies to: Enterprise Edition |
Intended audience: System administrators |
To gather the information to have ready when you create a VPC connection in Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition, take the steps listed following.
Identify the data sources to use
Start by identifying all the data sources that you want to connect to using Amazon QuickSight. For each of these, note the database's private IP, security group, and subnets. QuickSight connects to your data using the private IP. However, you don't need to enter this or the security group or subnet information for the VPC connection. This information helps you identify the other components you need for the QuickSight VPC connection.
For the connection to your data source to work, make sure that there's a traceable route from your data source to the VPC ID. For more details, see Setting up a VPC to use with Amazon QuickSight.
Identify the Amazon Web Services Region to use
For the connection to work, the data, the subnets, and the security group must be in the same VPC. Make sure also that you use Amazon QuickSight in the same Amazon Web Services Region with the VPC.
You can't use QuickSight in one Amazon Web Services Region and expect to connect to a VPC in a different Amazon Web Services Region.
If your team is already using QuickSight, you can see your current Amazon Web Services Region displayed at the upper right of the QuickSight home screen. You can change the Amazon Web Services Region you're using in QuickSight by changing the Region at the upper right of the QuickSight home screen. All the people who plan to use the data in the VPC must be using the same Amazon Web Services Region in QuickSight.
The Amazon Web Services Region that displays in the QuickSight console doesn't have to match your Amazon CLI configuration. Take care not to mistake your current QuickSight console settings with the settings that apply in any Amazon CLI commands that you run or the settings in other consoles. Changing the current Amazon Web Services Region in any console doesn't change the Region anywhere except for that page.
For example, let's say you have three tabs open in one browser window. You can have the QuickSight console open in one Amazon Web Services Region, the Amazon VPC console open in a second Region, the Amazon RDS console open in a third Region, and the Amazon CLI running in a fourth Region.
Identify the VPC ID to use
The VPC ID is assigned when the VPC is created.
Using the Amazon CLI
The following describe-vpcs
example retrieves details for all of your
aws ec2 describe-vpcs
The following describe-vpcs
example retrieves details for the specified
aws ec2 describe-vpcs \ --vpc-ids vpc-06e4ab6c6cEXAMPLE
Using the Amazon VPC console
In the VPC console (
In the Amazon VPC console, you can filter by VPC. This option is located at the top left of the console. If you filter by your VPC ID, all the other menus display only the network elements that are in your selected VPC.
Identify the subnet IDs to use
To locate the subnet IDs for the subnets used by the VPC, open the VPC console. Locate the VPC you are using, and at least two subnets in different availibility zones. QuickSight creates its QuickSight elastic network interface (QuickSight network interface) for the subnets that you choose. The QuickSight network interfaces get created after you save your VPC connection settings, described in the following section.
Your database instances can reside in different subnets. However, make sure you can trace the route from this subnet to any data destinations that you want to reach.
Using the Amazon CLI
The following example describes all existing subnets.
aws ec2 describe-subnets
The following describe-subnets
example uses a filter to retrieve details for
the subnets of the specified VPC.
aws ec2 describe-subnets \ --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-06e4ab6c6cEXAMPLE"
Using the Amazon VPC console
In the VPC console (
Identify the security group to use
The security group contains rules that control the inbound and outbound network traffic on
your data source instances. The security group you are using should have the
description "QuickSight-VPC"
to make it easier to identify.
When you locate the correct security group, copy its Group ID value.
Using the Amazon CLI
The following example displays the security groups in a specific Amazon Web Services Region. It displays
only the group ID, name, and description. It filters the result to display only
groups for a specific VPC ID that also have a description of
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \ --region us-west-2 \ --query 'SecurityGroups[*].[GroupId, GroupName, Description]' \ --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-06e4ab6c6cEXAMPLE" "Name=description,Values=QuickSight-VPC"
The following example displays information about the security group with the
ID sg-903004f8
. Note that you can't reference a security group for
EC2-VPC by name.
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids sg-903004f8 --region us-west-2
The following example queries the results to describe VPC the inbound and outbound rules
of a security group with a specific ID (sg-903004f8
), in a
specific Amazon Web Services Region (us-west-2
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \ --region us-west-2 \ --group-ids sg-903004f8 \ --query 'SecurityGroups[*].[GroupId, GroupName, Description, IpPermissions,IpPermissionsEgress]'
The following example uses filters to describe VPC security groups that have a specific
rule that allows SQL Server traffic (port 1433
). The example also
has a rule that allows traffic from all addresses (
). The
output is filtered to display only the group IDs, names, and descriptions of the
security groups. Security groups must match all filters to be returned in the
results. However, a single rule doesn't have to match all filters. (EC2-VPC
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \ --filters Name=ip-permission.from-port,Values=1433 \,Values=1433 \ Name=ip-permission.cidr,Values='' \ --query 'SecurityGroups[*].[GroupId, GroupName, Description]'
Using the Amazon VPC console
In the VPC console ("QuickSight"