Amazon Redshift Advisor recommendations - Amazon Redshift
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Amazon Redshift Advisor recommendations

Amazon Redshift Advisor offers recommendations about how to optimize your Amazon Redshift cluster to increase performance and save on operating costs. You can find explanations for each recommendation in the console, as described preceding. You can find further details on these recommendations in the following sections.

Compress Amazon S3 file objects loaded by COPY

The COPY command takes advantage of the massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture in Amazon Redshift to read and load data in parallel. It can read files from Amazon S3, DynamoDB tables, and text output from one or more remote hosts.

When loading large amounts of data, we strongly recommend using the COPY command to load compressed data files from S3. Compressing large datasets saves time uploading the files to Amazon S3. COPY can also speed up the load process by uncompressing the files as they are read.


Long-running COPY commands that load large uncompressed datasets often have an opportunity for considerable performance improvement. The Advisor analysis identifies COPY commands that load large uncompressed datasets. In such a case, Advisor generates a recommendation to implement compression on the source files in Amazon S3.


Ensure that each COPY that loads a significant amount of data, or runs for a significant duration, ingests compressed data objects from Amazon S3. You can identify the COPY commands that load large uncompressed datasets from Amazon S3 by running the following SQL command as a superuser.

SELECT wq.userid, query, exec_start_time AS starttime, COUNT(*) num_files, ROUND(MAX(wq.total_exec_time/1000000.0),2) execution_secs, ROUND(SUM(transfer_size)/(1024.0*1024.0),2) total_mb, SUBSTRING(querytxt,1,60) copy_sql FROM stl_s3client s JOIN stl_query q USING (query) JOIN stl_wlm_query wq USING (query) WHERE s.userid>1 AND http_method = 'GET' AND POSITION('COPY ANALYZE' IN querytxt) = 0 AND aborted = 0 AND final_state='Completed' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 7 HAVING SUM(transfer_size) = SUM(data_size) AND SUM(transfer_size)/(1024*1024) >= 5 ORDER BY 6 DESC, 5 DESC;

If the staged data remains in Amazon S3 after you load it, which is common in data lake architectures, storing this data in a compressed form can reduce your storage costs.

Implementation tips

  • The ideal object size is 1–128 MB after compression.

  • You can compress files with gzip, lzop, or bzip2 format.

Isolate multiple active databases

As a best practice, we recommend isolating databases in Amazon Redshift from one another. Queries run in a specific database and can't access data from any other database on the cluster. However, the queries that you run in all databases of a cluster share the same underlying cluster storage space and compute resources. When a single cluster contains multiple active databases, their workloads are usually unrelated.


The Advisor analysis reviews all databases on the cluster for active workloads running at the same time. If there are active workloads running at the same time, Advisor generates a recommendation to consider migrating databases to separate Amazon Redshift clusters.


Consider moving each actively queried database to a separate dedicated cluster. Using a separate cluster can reduce resource contention and improve query performance. It can do so because it allows you to set the size for each cluster for the storage, cost, and performance needs of each workload. Also, unrelated workloads often benefit from different workload management configurations.

To identify which databases are actively used, you can run this SQL command as a superuser.

SELECT database, COUNT(*) as num_queries, AVG(DATEDIFF(sec,starttime,endtime)) avg_duration, MIN(starttime) as oldest_ts, MAX(endtime) as latest_ts FROM stl_query WHERE userid > 1 GROUP BY database;

Implementation tips

  • Because a user must connect to each database specifically, and queries can only access a single database, moving databases to separate clusters has minimal impact for users.

  • One option to move a database is to take the following steps:

    1. Temporarily restore a snapshot of the current cluster to a cluster of the same size.

    2. Delete all databases from the new cluster except the target database to be moved.

    3. Resize the cluster to an appropriate node type and count for the database's workload.

Reallocate workload management (WLM) memory

Amazon Redshift routes user queries to Implementing manual WLM for processing. Workload management (WLM) defines how those queries are routed to the queues. Amazon Redshift allocates each queue a portion of the cluster's available memory. A queue's memory is divided among the queue's query slots.

When a queue is configured with more slots than the workload requires, the memory allocated to these unused slots goes underutilized. Reducing the configured slots to match the peak workload requirements redistributes the underutilized memory to active slots, and can result in improved query performance.


The Advisor analysis reviews workload concurrency requirements to identify query queues with unused slots. Advisor generates a recommendation to reduce the number of slots in a queue when it finds the following:

  • A queue with slots that are completely inactive throughout the analysis.

  • A queue with more than four slots that had at least two inactive slots throughout the analysis.


Reducing the configured slots to match peak workload requirements redistributes underutilized memory to active slots. Consider reducing the configured slot count for queues where the slots have never been fully used. To identify these queues, you can compare the peak hourly slot requirements for each queue by running the following SQL command as a superuser.

WITH generate_dt_series AS (select sysdate - (n * interval '5 second') as dt from (select row_number() over () as n from stl_scan limit 17280)), apex AS ( SELECT iq.dt, iq.service_class, iq.num_query_tasks, count(iq.slot_count) as service_class_queries, sum(iq.slot_count) as service_class_slots FROM (select gds.dt, wq.service_class, wscc.num_query_tasks, wq.slot_count FROM stl_wlm_query wq JOIN stv_wlm_service_class_config wscc ON (wscc.service_class = wq.service_class AND wscc.service_class > 5) JOIN generate_dt_series gds ON (wq.service_class_start_time <= gds.dt AND wq.service_class_end_time > gds.dt) WHERE wq.userid > 1 AND wq.service_class > 5) iq GROUP BY iq.dt, iq.service_class, iq.num_query_tasks), maxes as (SELECT apex.service_class, trunc(apex.dt) as d, date_part(h,apex.dt) as dt_h, max(service_class_slots) max_service_class_slots from apex group by apex.service_class, apex.dt, date_part(h,apex.dt)) SELECT apex.service_class - 5 AS queue, apex.service_class, apex.num_query_tasks AS max_wlm_concurrency, maxes.d AS day, maxes.dt_h || ':00 - ' || maxes.dt_h || ':59' as hour, MAX(apex.service_class_slots) as max_service_class_slots FROM apex JOIN maxes ON (apex.service_class = maxes.service_class AND apex.service_class_slots = maxes.max_service_class_slots) GROUP BY apex.service_class, apex.num_query_tasks, maxes.d, maxes.dt_h ORDER BY apex.service_class, maxes.d, maxes.dt_h;

The max_service_class_slots column represents the maximum number of WLM query slots in the query queue for that hour. If underutilized queues exist, implement the slot reduction optimization by modifying a parameter group, as described in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide.

Implementation tips

  • If your workload is highly variable in volume, make sure that the analysis captured a peak utilization period. If it didn't, run the preceding SQL repeatedly to monitor peak concurrency requirements.

  • For more details on interpreting the query results from the preceding SQL code, see the wlm_apex_hourly.sql script on GitHub.

Skip compression analysis during COPY

When you load data into an empty table with compression encoding declared with the COPY command, Amazon Redshift applies storage compression. This optimization ensures that data in your cluster is stored efficiently even when loaded by end users. The analysis required to apply compression can require significant time.


The Advisor analysis checks for COPY operations that were delayed by automatic compression analysis. The analysis determines the compression encodings by sampling the data while it's being loaded. This sampling is similar to that performed by the ANALYZE COMPRESSION command.

When you load data as part of a structured process, such as in an overnight extract, transform, load (ETL) batch, you can define the compression beforehand. You can also optimize your table definitions to skip this phase permanently without any negative impacts.


To improve COPY responsiveness by skipping the compression analysis phase, implement either of the following two options:

  • Use the column ENCODE parameter when creating any tables that you load using the COPY command.

  • Turn off compression altogether by supplying the COMPUPDATE OFF parameter in the COPY command.

The best solution is generally to use column encoding during table creation, because this approach also maintains the benefit of storing compressed data on disk. You can use the ANALYZE COMPRESSION command to suggest compression encodings, but you must recreate the table to apply these encodings. To automate this process, you can use the AmazonColumnEncodingUtility, found on GitHub.

To identify recent COPY operations that triggered automatic compression analysis, run the following SQL command.

WITH xids AS ( SELECT xid FROM stl_query WHERE userid>1 AND aborted=0 AND querytxt = 'analyze compression phase 1' GROUP BY xid INTERSECT SELECT xid FROM stl_commit_stats WHERE node=-1) SELECT a.userid, a.query, a.xid, a.starttime, b.complyze_sec, a.copy_sec, a.copy_sql FROM (SELECT q.userid, q.query, q.xid, date_trunc('s',q.starttime) starttime, substring(querytxt,1,100) as copy_sql, ROUND(datediff(ms,starttime,endtime)::numeric / 1000.0, 2) copy_sec FROM stl_query q JOIN xids USING (xid) WHERE (querytxt ilike 'copy %from%' OR querytxt ilike '% copy %from%') AND querytxt not like 'COPY ANALYZE %') a LEFT JOIN (SELECT xid, ROUND(sum(datediff(ms,starttime,endtime))::numeric / 1000.0,2) complyze_sec FROM stl_query q JOIN xids USING (xid) WHERE (querytxt like 'COPY ANALYZE %' OR querytxt like 'analyze compression phase %') GROUP BY xid ) b ON a.xid = b.xid WHERE b.complyze_sec IS NOT NULL ORDER BY a.copy_sql, a.starttime;

Implementation tips

  • Ensure that all tables of significant size created during your ETL processes (for example, staging tables and temporary tables) declare a compression encoding for all columns except the first sort key.

  • Estimate the expected lifetime size of the table being loaded for each of the COPY commands identified by the SQL command preceding. If you are confident that the table will remain extremely small, turn off compression altogether with the COMPUPDATE OFF parameter. Otherwise, create the table with explicit compression before loading it with the COPY command.

Split Amazon S3 objects loaded by COPY

The COPY command takes advantage of the massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture in Amazon Redshift to read and load data from files on Amazon S3. The COPY command loads the data in parallel from multiple files, dividing the workload among the nodes in your cluster. To achieve optimal throughput, we strongly recommend that you divide your data into multiple files to take advantage of parallel processing.


The Advisor analysis identifies COPY commands that load large datasets contained in a small number of files staged in Amazon S3. Long-running COPY commands that load large datasets from a few files often have an opportunity for considerable performance improvement. When Advisor identifies that these COPY commands are taking a significant amount of time, it creates a recommendation to increase parallelism by splitting the data into additional files in Amazon S3.


In this case, we recommend the following actions, listed in priority order:

  1. Optimize COPY commands that load fewer files than the number of cluster nodes.

  2. Optimize COPY commands that load fewer files than the number of cluster slices.

  3. Optimize COPY commands where the number of files is not a multiple of the number of cluster slices.

Certain COPY commands load a significant amount of data or run for a significant duration. For these commands, we recommend that you load a number of data objects from Amazon S3 that is equivalent to a multiple of the number of slices in the cluster. To identify how many S3 objects each COPY command has loaded, run the following SQL code as a superuser.

SELECT query, COUNT(*) num_files, ROUND(MAX(wq.total_exec_time/1000000.0),2) execution_secs, ROUND(SUM(transfer_size)/(1024.0*1024.0),2) total_mb, SUBSTRING(querytxt,1,60) copy_sql FROM stl_s3client s JOIN stl_query q USING (query) JOIN stl_wlm_query wq USING (query) WHERE s.userid>1 AND http_method = 'GET' AND POSITION('COPY ANALYZE' IN querytxt) = 0 AND aborted = 0 AND final_state='Completed' GROUP BY query, querytxt HAVING (SUM(transfer_size)/(1024*1024))/COUNT(*) >= 2 ORDER BY CASE WHEN COUNT(*) < (SELECT max(node)+1 FROM stv_slices) THEN 1 WHEN COUNT(*) < (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stv_slices WHERE node=0) THEN 2 ELSE 2+((COUNT(*) % (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stv_slices))/(SELECT COUNT(*)::DECIMAL FROM stv_slices)) END, (SUM(transfer_size)/(1024.0*1024.0))/COUNT(*) DESC;

Implementation tips

  • The number of slices in a node depends on the node size of the cluster. For more information about the number of slices in the various node types, see Clusters and Nodes in Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Management Guide.

  • You can load multiple files by specifying a common prefix, or prefix key, for the set, or by explicitly listing the files in a manifest file. For more information about loading files, see Loading data from compressed and uncompressed files.

  • Amazon Redshift doesn't take file size into account when dividing the workload. Split your load data files so that the files are about equal size, between 1 MB and 1 GB after compression.

Update table statistics

Amazon Redshift uses a cost-based query optimizer to choose the optimum execution plan for queries. The cost estimates are based on table statistics gathered using the ANALYZE command. When statistics are out of date or missing, the database might choose a less efficient plan for query execution, especially for complex queries. Maintaining current statistics helps complex queries run in the shortest possible time.


The Advisor analysis tracks tables whose statistics are out-of-date or missing. It reviews table access metadata associated with complex queries. If tables that are frequently accessed with complex patterns are missing statistics, Advisor creates a critical recommendation to run ANALYZE. If tables that are frequently accessed with complex patterns have out-of-date statistics, Advisor creates a suggested recommendation to run ANALYZE.


Whenever table content changes significantly, update statistics with ANALYZE. We recommend running ANALYZE whenever a significant number of new data rows are loaded into an existing table with COPY or INSERT commands. We also recommend running ANALYZE whenever a significant number of rows are modified using UPDATE or DELETE commands. To identify tables with missing or out-of-date statistics, run the following SQL command as a superuser. The results are ordered from largest to smallest table.

To identify tables with missing or out-of-date statistics, run the following SQL command as a superuser. The results are ordered from largest to smallest table.

SELECT ti.schema||'.'||ti."table" tablename, ti.size table_size_mb, ti.stats_off statistics_accuracy FROM svv_table_info ti WHERE ti.stats_off > 5.00 ORDER BY ti.size DESC;

Implementation tips

The default ANALYZE threshold is 10 percent. This default means that the ANALYZE command skips a given table if fewer than 10 percent of the table's rows have changed since the last ANALYZE. As a result, you might choose to issue ANALYZE commands at the end of each ETL process. Taking this approach means that ANALYZE is often skipped but also ensures that ANALYZE runs when needed.

ANALYZE statistics have the most impact for columns that are used in joins (for example, JOIN tbl_a ON col_b) or as predicates (for example, WHERE col_b = 'xyz'). By default, ANALYZE collects statistics for all columns in the table specified. If needed, you can reduce the time required to run ANALYZE by running ANALYZE only for the columns where it has the most impact. You can run the following SQL command to identify columns used as predicates. You can also let Amazon Redshift choose which columns to analyze by specifying ANALYZE PREDICATE COLUMNS.

WITH predicate_column_info as ( SELECT ns.nspname AS schema_name, c.relname AS table_name, a.attnum as col_num, a.attname as col_name, CASE WHEN 10002 = s.stakind1 THEN array_to_string(stavalues1, '||') WHEN 10002 = s.stakind2 THEN array_to_string(stavalues2, '||') WHEN 10002 = s.stakind3 THEN array_to_string(stavalues3, '||') WHEN 10002 = s.stakind4 THEN array_to_string(stavalues4, '||') ELSE NULL::varchar END AS pred_ts FROM pg_statistic s JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.starelid JOIN pg_namespace ns ON c.relnamespace = ns.oid JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = s.staattnum) SELECT schema_name, table_name, col_num, col_name, pred_ts NOT LIKE '2000-01-01%' AS is_predicate, CASE WHEN pred_ts NOT LIKE '2000-01-01%' THEN (split_part(pred_ts, '||',1))::timestamp ELSE NULL::timestamp END as first_predicate_use, CASE WHEN pred_ts NOT LIKE '%||2000-01-01%' THEN (split_part(pred_ts, '||',2))::timestamp ELSE NULL::timestamp END as last_analyze FROM predicate_column_info;

For more information, see Analyzing tables.

Enable short query acceleration

Short query acceleration (SQA) prioritizes selected short-running queries ahead of longer-running queries. SQA runs short-running queries in a dedicated space, so that SQA queries aren't forced to wait in queues behind longer queries. SQA only prioritizes queries that are short-running and are in a user-defined queue. With SQA, short-running queries begin running more quickly and users see results sooner.

If you turn on SQA, you can reduce or eliminate workload management (WLM) queues that are dedicated to running short queries. In addition, long-running queries don't need to contend with short queries for slots in a queue, so you can configure your WLM queues to use fewer query slots. When you use lower concurrency, query throughput is increased and overall system performance is improved for most workloads. For more information, see Short query acceleration.


Advisor checks for workload patterns and reports the number of recent queries where SQA would reduce latency and the daily queue time for SQA-eligible queries.


Modify the WLM configuration to turn on SQA. Amazon Redshift uses a machine learning algorithm to analyze each eligible query. Predictions improve as SQA learns from your query patterns. For more information, see Configuring Workload Management.

When you turn on SQA, WLM sets the maximum runtime for short queries to dynamic by default. We recommend keeping the dynamic setting for SQA maximum runtime.

Implementation tips

To check whether SQA is turned on, run the following query. If the query returns a row, then SQA is turned on.

select * from stv_wlm_service_class_config where service_class = 14;

For more information, see Monitoring SQA.

Alter distribution keys on tables

Amazon Redshift distributes table rows throughout the cluster according to the table distribution style. Tables with KEY distribution require a column as the distribution key (DISTKEY). A table row is assigned to a node slice of a cluster based on its DISTKEY column value.

An appropriate DISTKEY places a similar number of rows on each node slice and is frequently referenced in join conditions. An optimized join occurs when tables are joined on their DISTKEY columns, accelerating query performance.


Advisor analyzes your cluster’s workload to identify the most appropriate distribution key for the tables that can significantly benefit from a KEY distribution style.


Advisor provides ALTER TABLE statements that alter the DISTSTYLE and DISTKEY of a table based on its analysis. To realize a significant performance benefit, make sure to implement all SQL statements within a recommendation group.

Redistributing a large table with ALTER TABLE consumes cluster resources and requires temporary table locks at various times. Implement each recommendation group when other cluster workload is light. For more details on optimizing table distribution properties, see the Amazon Redshift Engineering's Advanced Table Design Playbook: Distribution Styles and Distribution Keys.

For more information about ALTER DISTSYLE and DISTKEY, see ALTER TABLE.


If you don't see a recommendation that doesn't necessarily mean that the current distribution styles are the most appropriate. Advisor doesn't provide recommendations when there isn't enough data or the expected benefit of redistribution is small.

Advisor recommendations apply to a particular table and don't necessarily apply to a table that contains a column with the same name. Tables that share a column name can have different characteristics for those columns unless data inside the tables is the same.

If you see recommendations for staging tables that are created or dropped by ETL jobs, modify your ETL processes to use the Advisor recommended distribution keys.

Alter sort keys on tables

Amazon Redshift sorts table rows according to the table sort key. The sorting of table rows is based on the sort key column values.

Sorting a table on an appropriate sort key can accelerate performance of queries, especially those with range-restricted predicates, by requiring fewer table blocks to be read from disk.


Advisor analyzes your cluster's workload over several days to identify a beneficial sort key for your tables.


Advisor provides two groups of ALTER TABLE statements that alter the sort key of a table based on its analysis:

  • Statements that alter a table that currently doesn't have a sort key to add a COMPOUND sort key.

  • Statements that alter a sort key from INTERLEAVED to COMPOUND or no sort key.

    Using compound sort keys significantly reduces maintenance overhead. Tables with compound sort keys don't need the expensive VACUUM REINDEX operations that are necessary for interleaved sorts. In practice, compound sort keys are more effective than interleaved sort keys for the vast majority of Amazon Redshift workloads. However, if a table is small, it's more efficient not to have a sort key to avoid sort key storage overhead.

When sorting a large table with the ALTER TABLE, cluster resources are consumed and table locks are required at various times. Implement each recommendation when a cluster's workload is moderate. More details on optimizing table sort key configurations can be found in the Amazon Redshift Engineering's Advanced Table Design Playbook: Compound and Interleaved Sort Keys.

For more information about ALTER SORTKEY, see ALTER TABLE.


If you don't see a recommendation for a table, that doesn't necessarily mean that the current configuration is the best. Advisor doesn't provide recommendations when there isn't enough data or the expected benefit of sorting is small.

Advisor recommendations apply to a particular table and don’t necessarily apply to a table that contains a column with the same name and data type. Tables that share column names can have different recommendations based on the data in the tables and the workload.

Alter compression encodings on columns

Compression is a column-level operation that reduces the size of data when it's stored. Compression is used in Amazon Redshift to conserve storage space and improve query performance by reducing the amount of disk I/O. We recommend an optimal compression encoding for each column based on its data type and on query patterns. With optimal compression, queries can run more efficiently and the database can take up minimal storage space.


Advisor performs analysis of your cluster's workload and database schema continually to identify the optimal compression encoding for each table column.


Advisor provides ALTER TABLE statements that change the compression encoding of particular columns, based on its analysis.

Changing column compression encodings with ALTER TABLE consumes cluster resources and requires table locks at various times. It's best to implement recommendations when the cluster workload is light.

For reference, ALTER TABLE examples shows several statements that change the encoding for a column.


Advisor doesn't provide recommendations when there isn't enough data or the expected benefit of changing the encoding is small.

Data type recommendations

Amazon Redshift has a library of SQL data types for various use cases. These include integer types like INT and types to store characters, like VARCHAR. Redshift stores types in an optimized way to provide fast access and good query performance. Also, Redshift provides functions for specific types, which you can use to format or perform calculations on query results.


Advisor performs analysis of your cluster's workload and database schema continually to identify columns that can benefit significantly from a data type change.


Advisor provides an ALTER TABLE statement that adds a new column with the suggested data type. An accompanying UPDATE statement copies data from the existing column to the new column. After you create the new column and load the data, change your queries and ingestion scripts to access the new column. Then leverage features and functions specialized to the new data type, found in SQL functions reference.

Copying existing data to the new column can take time. We recommend that you implement each advisor recommendation when the cluster’s workload is light. Reference the list of available data types at Data types.

Note that Advisor doesn't provide recommendations when there isn't enough data or the expected benefit of changing the data type is small.