Evaluating the query plan
You can use query plans to identify candidates for optimizing the distribution style.
After making your initial design decisions, create your tables, load them with data, and test them. Use a test dataset that is as close as possible to the real data. Measure load times to use as a baseline for comparisons.
Evaluate queries that are representative of the most costly queries you expect to run, specifically queries that use joins and aggregations. Compare runtimes for various design options. When you compare runtimes, don't count the first time the query is run, because the first runtime includes the compilation time.
No redistribution is required, because corresponding slices are collocated on the compute nodes. You typically have only one DS_DIST_NONE step, the join between the fact table and one dimension table.
No redistribution is required, because the inner join table used DISTSTYLE ALL. The entire table is located on every node.
The inner table is redistributed.
The outer table is redistributed.
A copy of the entire inner table is broadcast to all the compute nodes.
The entire inner table is redistributed to a single slice because the outer table uses DISTSTYLE ALL.
Both tables are redistributed.
DS_DIST_NONE and DS_DIST_ALL_NONE are good. They indicate that no distribution was required for that step because all of the joins are collocated.
DS_DIST_INNER means that the step probably has a relatively high cost because the inner table is being redistributed to the nodes. DS_DIST_INNER indicates that the outer table is already properly distributed on the join key. Set the inner table's distribution key to the join key to convert this to DS_DIST_NONE. In some cases, distributing the inner table on the join key isn't possible because the outer table isn't distributed on the join key. If this is the case, evaluate whether to use ALL distribution for the inner table. If the table isn't updated frequently or extensively, and it's large enough to carry a high redistribution cost, change the distribution style to ALL and test again. ALL distribution causes increased load times, so when you retest, include the load time in your evaluation factors.
DS_DIST_ALL_INNER is not good. It means that the entire inner table is redistributed to a single slice because the outer table uses DISTSTYLE ALL, so that a copy of the entire outer table is located on each node. This results in inefficient serial runtime of the join on a single node, instead taking advantage of parallel runtime using all of the nodes. DISTSTYLE ALL is meant to be used only for the inner join table. Instead, specify a distribution key or use even distribution for the outer table.
DS_BCAST_INNER and DS_DIST_BOTH are not good. Usually these redistributions occur because the tables are not joined on their distribution keys. If the fact table does not already have a distribution key, specify the joining column as the distribution key for both tables. If the fact table already has a distribution key on another column, evaluate whether changing the distribution key to collocate this join improve overall performance. If changing the distribution key of the outer table isn't an optimal choice, you can achieve collocation by specifying DISTSTYLE ALL for the inner table.
The following example shows a portion of a query plan with DS_BCAST_INNER and DS_DIST_NONE labels.
-> XN Hash Join DS_BCAST_INNER (cost=112.50..3272334142.59 rows=170771 width=84) Hash Cond: ("outer".venueid = "inner".venueid) -> XN Hash Join DS_BCAST_INNER (cost=109.98..3167290276.71 rows=172456 width=47) Hash Cond: ("outer".eventid = "inner".eventid) -> XN Merge Join DS_DIST_NONE (cost=0.00..6286.47 rows=172456 width=30) Merge Cond: ("outer".listid = "inner".listid) -> XN Seq Scan on listing (cost=0.00..1924.97 rows=192497 width=14) -> XN Seq Scan on sales (cost=0.00..1724.56 rows=172456 width=24)
After changing the dimension tables to use DISTSTYLE ALL, the query plan for the
same query shows DS_DIST_ALL_NONE in place of DS_BCAST_INNER. Also, there is a
dramatic change in the relative cost for the join steps. The total cost is 14142.59
compared to 3272334142.59
in the previous query.
-> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_ALL_NONE (cost=112.50..14142.59 rows=170771 width=84) Hash Cond: ("outer".venueid = "inner".venueid) -> XN Hash Join DS_DIST_ALL_NONE (cost=109.98..10276.71 rows=172456 width=47) Hash Cond: ("outer".eventid = "inner".eventid) -> XN Merge Join DS_DIST_NONE (cost=0.00..6286.47 rows=172456 width=30) Merge Cond: ("outer".listid = "inner".listid) -> XN Seq Scan on listing (cost=0.00..1924.97 rows=192497 width=14) -> XN Seq Scan on sales (cost=0.00..1724.56 rows=172456 width=24)