Refreshing a materialized view - Amazon Redshift
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Refreshing a materialized view

This topic describes how to refresh the data in a material view from the underlying tables.

When you create a materialized view, its contents reflect the state of the underlying database table or tables at that time. The data in the materialized view remains unchanged, even when applications change the data in the underlying tables. To update the data in the materialized view, you can use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW statement at any time to manually refresh materialized views. When you use this statement, Amazon Redshift identifies changes that have taken place in the base table or tables and applies those changes to the materialized view.

Amazon Redshift has two strategies for refreshing a materialized view:

  • In many cases, Amazon Redshift can perform an incremental refresh. In an incremental refresh, Amazon Redshift quickly identifies the changes to the data in the base tables since the last refresh and updates the data in the materialized view. Incremental refresh is supported on the following SQL constructs used in the query when defining the materialized view:

    • Constructs that contain the clauses SELECT, FROM, [INNER] JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, or HAVING.

    • Constructs that contain aggregations, such as SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, and COUNT.

    • Most built-in SQL functions, specifically the ones that are immutable, given that these have the same input arguments and always produce the same output.

    Incremental refresh is also supported for a materialized view that's based on a datashare table.

  • If an incremental refresh isn't possible, then Amazon Redshift performs a full refresh. A full refresh reruns the underlying SQL statement, replacing all of the data in the materialized view.

  • Amazon Redshift automatically chooses the refresh method for a materialized view depending on the SELECT query used to define the materialized view.

Refreshing a materialized view on a materialized view isn't a cascading process. In other words, suppose that you have a materialized view A that depends on materialized view B. In this case, when the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW A is invoked, A is refreshed using the current version of B, even when B is out-of-date. To bring A fully up to date, before refreshing A, first refresh B in a separate transaction.

The following example shows how you can create a full refresh plan for a materialized view programmatically. To refresh the materialized view v, first refresh materialized view u. To refresh materialized view w, first refresh materialized view u and then materialized view v.

CREATE TABLE t(a INT); CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW u AS SELECT * FROM t; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM u; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW w AS SELECT * FROM v; WITH RECURSIVE recursive_deps (mv_tgt, lvl, mv_dep) AS ( SELECT trim(name) as mv_tgt, 0 as lvl, trim(ref_name) as mv_dep FROM stv_mv_deps UNION ALL SELECT R.mv_tgt, R.lvl+1 as lvl, trim(S.ref_name) as mv_dep FROM stv_mv_deps S, recursive_deps R WHERE R.mv_dep = ) SELECT mv_tgt, mv_dep from recursive_deps ORDER BY mv_tgt, lvl DESC; mv_tgt | mv_dep --------+-------- v | u w | u w | v (3 rows)

The following example shows an informative message when you run REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW on a materialized view that depends on an out-of-date materialized view.

create table a(a int);
create materialized view b as select * from a;
create materialized view c as select * from b;
insert into a values (1);
refresh materialized view c; INFO: Materialized view c is already up to date. However, it depends on another materialized view that is not up to date.
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW b; INFO: Materialized view b was incrementally updated successfully.
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW c; INFO: Materialized view c was incrementally updated successfully.

Amazon Redshift currently has the following limitations for incremental refresh for materialized views.

Amazon Redshift doesn't support incremental refresh for materialized views that are defined with a query using the following SQL elements:


  • The set operations UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, and MINUS.



    The COUNT, SUM, and AVG aggregate functions are supported.

  • DISTINCT aggregate functions, such as DISTINCT COUNT, DISTINCT SUM, and so on.

  • Window functions.

  • A query that uses temporary tables for query optimization, such as optimizing common subexpressions.

  • Subqueries.

  • External tables referencing the following formats in the query that defines the materialized view.

    • Delta Lake

    • Hudi

    Incremental refresh is supported for materialized views defined using formats other than those listed above. For more information, see Materialized views on external data lake tables in Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Autorefreshing a materialized view

Amazon Redshift can automatically refresh materialized views with up-to-date data from its base tables when materialized views are created with or altered to have the autorefresh option. Amazon Redshift autorefreshes materialized views as soon as possible after base tables changes.

To complete refresh of the most important materialized views with minimal impact to active workloads in your cluster, Amazon Redshift considers multiple factors. These factors include current system load, the resources needed for refresh, available cluster resources, and how often the materialized views are used.

Amazon Redshift prioritizes your workloads over autorefresh and might stop autorefresh to preserve the performance of user workload. This approach might delay refresh of some materialized views. In some cases, you might need more deterministic refresh behavior for your materialized views. If so, consider using manual refresh as described in REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW or scheduled refresh using the Amazon Redshift scheduler API operations or the console.

You can set autorefresh for materialized views using CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW. You can also use the AUTO REFRESH clause to refresh materialized views automatically. For more information about creating materialized views, see CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW. You can turn on autorefresh for a current materialized view by using ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.

Consider the following when you refresh materialized views:

  • You can still refresh a materialized view explicitly using REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command even if you haven't enabled autorefresh for the materialized view.

  • Amazon Redshift doesn't autorefresh materialized views defined on external tables.

  • For refresh status, you can check SVL_MV_REFRESH_STATUS, which records queries that were user-initiated or autorefreshed.

  • To run REFRESH on recompute-only materialized views, make sure that you have the CREATE permission on schemas. For more information, see GRANT.