Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


Defines the default set of access permissions to be applied to objects that are created in the future by the specified user. By default, users can change only their own default access permissions. Only a superuser can specify default permissions for other users.

You can apply default privileges to roles, users, or user groups. You can set default permissions globally for all objects created in the current database, or for objects created only in the specified schemas.

Default permissions apply only to new objects. Running ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES doesn’t change permissions on existing objects. To grant permissions on all current and future objects created by any user within a database or schema, see Scoped permissions.

To view information about the default privileges for database users, query the PG_DEFAULT_ACL system catalog table.

For more information about privileges, see GRANT.

Required privileges

Following are required privileges for ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES:

  • Superuser

  • Users with the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES privilege

  • Users changing their own default access privileges

  • Users setting privileges for schemas that they have access privileges to


ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES [ FOR USER target_user [, ...] ] [ IN SCHEMA schema_name [, ...] ] grant_or_revoke_clause where grant_or_revoke_clause is one of: GRANT { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | DROP | REFERENCES | TRUNCATE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON TABLES TO { user_name [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] | ROLE role_name | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] GRANT { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON FUNCTIONS TO { user_name [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] | ROLE role_name | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] GRANT { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON PROCEDURES TO { user_name [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] | ROLE role_name | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | REFERENCES | TRUNCATE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON TABLES FROM user_name [, ...] [ RESTRICT ] REVOKE { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | REFERENCES | TRUNCATE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON TABLES FROM { ROLE role_name | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON FUNCTIONS FROM user_name [, ...] [ RESTRICT ] REVOKE { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON FUNCTIONS FROM { ROLE role_name | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ RESTRICT ] REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON PROCEDURES FROM user_name [, ...] [ RESTRICT ] REVOKE { EXECUTE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON PROCEDURES FROM { ROLE role_name | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ RESTRICT ]


FOR USER target_user

Optional. The name of the user for which default privileges are defined. Only a superuser can specify default privileges for other users. The default value is the current user.

IN SCHEMA schema_name

Optional. If an IN SCHEMA clause appears, the specified default privileges are applied to new objects created in the specified schema_name. In this case, the user or user group that is the target of ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES must have CREATE privilege for the specified schema. Default privileges that are specific to a schema are added to existing global default privileges. By default, default privileges are applied globally to the entire database.


The set of privileges to grant to the specified users or groups for all new tables and views, functions, or stored procedures created by the specified user. You can set the same privileges and options with the GRANT clause that you can with the GRANT command.


A clause that indicates that the user receiving the privileges can in turn grant the same privileges to others. You can't grant WITH GRANT OPTION to a group or to PUBLIC.

TO user_name | ROLE role_name | GROUP group_name

The name of the user, role, or user group to which the specified default privileges are applied.


The set of privileges to revoke from the specified users or groups for all new tables, functions, or stored procedures created by the specified user. You can set the same privileges and options with the REVOKE clause that you can with the REVOKE command.


A clause that revokes only the option to grant a specified privilege to other users and doesn't revoke the privilege itself. You can't revoke GRANT OPTION from a group or from PUBLIC.

FROM user_name | ROLE role_name | GROUP group_name

The name of the user, role, or user group from which the specified privileges are revoked by default.


The RESTRICT option revokes only those privileges that the user directly granted. This is the default.


Suppose that you want to allow any user in the user group report_readers to view all tables and views created by the user report_admin. In this case, run the following command as a superuser.

alter default privileges for user report_admin grant select on tables to group report_readers;

In the following example, the first command grants SELECT privileges on all new tables and views you create.

alter default privileges grant select on tables to public;

The following example grants INSERT privilege to the sales_admin user group for all new tables and views that you create in the sales schema.

alter default privileges in schema sales grant insert on tables to group sales_admin;

The following example reverses the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES command in the preceding example.

alter default privileges in schema sales revoke insert on tables from group sales_admin;

By default, the PUBLIC user group has execute permission for all new user-defined functions. To revoke public execute permissions for your new functions and then grant execute permission only to the dev_test user group, run the following commands.

alter default privileges revoke execute on functions from public; alter default privileges grant execute on functions to group dev_test;