PG_CLASS_INFO - Amazon Redshift
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PG_CLASS_INFO is an Amazon Redshift system view built on the PostgreSQL catalog tables PG_CLASS and PG_CLASS_EXTENDED. PG_CLASS_INFO includes details about table creation time and the current distribution style. For more information, see Data distribution for query optimization.

PG_CLASS_INFO is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.

Table columns

PG_CLASS_INFO shows the following columns in addition to the columns in PG_CLASS. The oid column in PG_CLASS is called relid in the PG_CLASS_INFO table.

Column name Data type Description
relcreationtime timestamp Time in UTC that the table was created.
releffectivediststyle integer The distribution style of a table or, if the table uses automatic distribution, the current distribution style assigned by Amazon Redshift.

The RELEFFECTIVEDISTSTYLE column in PG_CLASS_INFO indicates the current distribution style for the table. If the table uses automatic distribution, RELEFFECTIVEDISTSTYLE is 10, 11, or 12, which indicates whether the effective distribution style is AUTO (ALL), AUTO (EVEN), or AUTO (KEY). If the table uses automatic distribution, the distribution style might initially show AUTO (ALL), then change to AUTO (EVEN) when the table grows or AUTO (KEY) if a column is found to be useful as a distribution key.

The following table gives the distribution style for each value in RELEFFECTIVEDISTSTYLE column:

RELEFFECTIVEDISTSTYLE Current distribution style


The following query returns the current distribution style of tables in the catalog.

select relid as tableid,trim(nspname) as schemaname,trim(relname) as tablename,reldiststyle,releffectivediststyle, CASE WHEN "reldiststyle" = 0 THEN 'EVEN'::text WHEN "reldiststyle" = 1 THEN 'KEY'::text WHEN "reldiststyle" = 8 THEN 'ALL'::text WHEN "releffectivediststyle" = 10 THEN 'AUTO(ALL)'::text WHEN "releffectivediststyle" = 11 THEN 'AUTO(EVEN)'::text WHEN "releffectivediststyle" = 12 THEN 'AUTO(KEY)'::text ELSE '<<UNKNOWN>>'::text END as diststyle,relcreationtime from pg_class_info a left join pg_namespace b on a.relnamespace=b.oid;
tableid | schemaname | tablename | reldiststyle | releffectivediststyle | diststyle | relcreationtime ---------+------------+-----------+--------------+-----------------------+------------+---------------------------- 3638033 | public | customer | 0 | 0 | EVEN | 2019-06-13 15:02:50.666718 3638037 | public | sales | 1 | 1 | KEY | 2019-06-13 15:03:29.595007 3638035 | public | lineitem | 8 | 8 | ALL | 2019-06-13 15:03:01.378538 3638039 | public | product | 9 | 10 | AUTO(ALL) | 2019-06-13 15:03:42.691611 3638041 | public | shipping | 9 | 11 | AUTO(EVEN) | 2019-06-13 15:03:53.69192 3638043 | public | support | 9 | 12 | AUTO(KEY) | 2019-06-13 15:03:59.120695 (6 rows)