STL_LOAD_COMMITS - Amazon Redshift
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Returns information to track or troubleshoot a data load.

This view records the progress of each data file as it is loaded into a database table.

STL_LOAD_COMMITS is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.


STL_LOAD_COMMITS only contains queries run on main provisioned clusters. It doesn't contain queries run on concurrency scaling clusters or on serverless namespaces. To access explain plans for queries run on both main clusters, concurrency scaling clusters, and serverless namespaces, we recommend that you use the SYS monitoring view SYS_LOAD_DETAIL . The data in the SYS monitoring view is formatted to be easier to use and understand.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
userid integer ID of the user who generated the entry.
query integer Query ID. The query column can be used to join other system tables and views.
slice integer Slice loaded for this entry.
name character(256) System-defined value.
filename character(256) Name of file being tracked.
byte_offset integer This information is for internal use only.
lines_scanned integer Number of lines scanned from the load file. This number may not match the number of rows that are actually loaded. For example, the load may scan but tolerate a number of bad records, based on the MAXERROR option in the COPY command.
errors integer This information is for internal use only.
curtime timestamp Time that this entry was last updated.
status integer This information is for internal use only.
file_format character(16) Format of the load file. Possible values are as follows:
  • Avro

  • JSON

  • ORC

  • Parquet

  • Text

is_partial integer Value that if true (1) indicates the input file is split into ranges during a COPY operation. If this value is false (0), the input file isn't split.
start_offset bigint Value that, if the input file is split during a COPY operation, indicates the offset value of the split (in bytes). Each file split is logged as a separate record with the corresponding start_offset value. If the file isn't split, this value is 0.
copy_job_id bigint The copy job identifier. A 0 indicates no job identifier.

Sample queries

The following example returns details for the last COPY operation.

select query, trim(filename) as file, curtime as updated from stl_load_commits where query = pg_last_copy_id(); query | file | updated -------+----------------------------------+---------------------------- 28554 | s3://dw-tickit/category_pipe.txt | 2013-11-01 17:14:52.648486 (1 row)

The following query contains entries for a fresh load of the tables in the TICKIT database:

select query, trim(filename), curtime from stl_load_commits where filename like '%tickit%' order by query;
query | btrim | curtime -------+---------------------------+---------------------------- 22475 | tickit/allusers_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:23.274186 22478 | tickit/venue_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:25.070604 22480 | tickit/category_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:27.333472 22482 | tickit/date2008_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:28.608305 22485 | tickit/allevents_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:29.99489 22487 | tickit/listings_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 20:58:37.632939 22593 | tickit/allusers_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:08.400491 22596 | tickit/venue_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:10.056055 22598 | tickit/category_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:11.465049 22600 | tickit/date2008_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:12.461502 22603 | tickit/allevents_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:14.785124 22605 | tickit/listings_pipe.txt | 2013-02-08 21:04:20.170594 (12 rows)

The fact that a record is written to the log file for this system view does not mean that the load committed successfully as part of its containing transaction. To verify load commits, query the STL_UTILITYTEXT view and look for the COMMIT record that corresponds with a COPY transaction. For example, this query joins STL_LOAD_COMMITS and STL_QUERY based on a subquery against STL_UTILITYTEXT:

select l.query,rtrim(l.filename),q.xid from stl_load_commits l, stl_query q where l.query=q.query and exists (select xid from stl_utilitytext where xid=q.xid and rtrim("text")='COMMIT'); query | rtrim | xid -------+---------------------------+------- 22600 | tickit/date2008_pipe.txt | 68311 22480 | tickit/category_pipe.txt | 68066 7508 | allusers_pipe.txt | 23365 7552 | category_pipe.txt | 23415 7576 | allevents_pipe.txt | 23429 7516 | venue_pipe.txt | 23390 7604 | listings_pipe.txt | 23445 22596 | tickit/venue_pipe.txt | 68309 22605 | tickit/listings_pipe.txt | 68316 22593 | tickit/allusers_pipe.txt | 68305 22485 | tickit/allevents_pipe.txt | 68071 7561 | allevents_pipe.txt | 23429 7541 | category_pipe.txt | 23415 7558 | date2008_pipe.txt | 23428 22478 | tickit/venue_pipe.txt | 68065 526 | date2008_pipe.txt | 2572 7466 | allusers_pipe.txt | 23365 22482 | tickit/date2008_pipe.txt | 68067 22598 | tickit/category_pipe.txt | 68310 22603 | tickit/allevents_pipe.txt | 68315 22475 | tickit/allusers_pipe.txt | 68061 547 | date2008_pipe.txt | 2572 22487 | tickit/listings_pipe.txt | 68072 7531 | venue_pipe.txt | 23390 7583 | listings_pipe.txt | 23445 (25 rows)

The following examples highlight is_partial and start_offset column values.

-- Single large file copy without scan range SELECT count(*) FROM stl_load_commits WHERE query = pg_last_copy_id(); 1 -- Single large uncompressed, delimited file copy with scan range SELECT count(*) FROM stl_load_commits WHERE query = pg_last_copy_id(); 16 -- Scan range offset logging in the file at 64MB boundary. SELECT start_offset FROM stl_load_commits WHERE query = pg_last_copy_id() ORDER BY start_offset; 0 67108864 134217728 201326592 268435456 335544320 402653184 469762048 536870912 603979776 671088640 738197504 805306368 872415232 939524096 1006632960