STL_QUERY - Amazon Redshift
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Returns execution information about a database query.


The STL_QUERY and STL_QUERYTEXT views only contain information about queries, not other utility and DDL commands. For a listing and information on all statements run by Amazon Redshift, you can also query the STL_DDLTEXT and STL_UTILITYTEXT views. For a complete listing of all statements run by Amazon Redshift, you can query the SVL_STATEMENTTEXT view.

STL_QUERY is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.

Some or all of the data in this table can also be found in the SYS monitoring view SYS_QUERY_HISTORY. The data in the SYS monitoring view is formatted to be easier to use and understand. We recommend that you use the SYS monitoring view for your queries.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
userid integer ID of the user who generated the entry.
query integer Query ID. The query column can be used to join other system tables and views.
label character(320) Either the name of the file used to run the query or a label defined with a SET QUERY_GROUP command. If the query is not file-based or the QUERY_GROUP parameter is not set, this field value is default.
xid bigint Transaction ID.
pid integer Process ID. Normally, all of the queries in a session are run in the same process, so this value usually remains constant if you run a series of queries in the same session. Following certain internal events, Amazon Redshift might restart an active session and assign a new PID. For more information, see STL_RESTARTED_SESSIONS.
database character(32) The name of the database the user was connected to when the query was issued.
querytxt character(4000) Actual query text for the query.
starttime timestamp Time in UTC that the query started. Total time includes queuing and execution. with 6 digits of precision for fractional seconds. For example: 2009-06-12 11:29:19.131358.
endtime timestamp Time in UTC that the query finished. Total time includes queuing and execution. with 6 digits of precision for fractional seconds. For example: 2009-06-12 11:29:19.131358.
aborted integer If a query was stopped by the system or canceled by the user, this column contains 1. If the query ran to completion (including returning results to the client), this column contains 0. If a client disconnects before receiving the results, the query will be marked as canceled (1), even if it completed successfully in the backend.
insert_pristine integer Whether write queries are/were able to run while the current query is/was running. 1 = no write queries allowed. 0 = write queries allowed. This column is intended for use in debugging.
concurrency_scaling_status integer

Indicates whether the query ran on the main cluster or on a concurrency scaling cluster. Possible values are as follows:

0 - Ran on the main cluster

1 - Ran on a concurrency scaling cluster

Greater than 1 - Ran on the main cluster

Sample queries

The following query lists the five most recent queries.

select query, trim(querytxt) as sqlquery from stl_query order by query desc limit 5; query | sqlquery ------+-------------------------------------------------- 129 | select query, trim(querytxt) from stl_query order by query; 128 | select node from stv_disk_read_speeds; 127 | select system_status from stv_gui_status 126 | select * from systable_topology order by slice 125 | load global dict registry (5 rows)

The following query returns the time elapsed in descending order for queries that ran on February 15, 2013.

select query, datediff(seconds, starttime, endtime), trim(querytxt) as sqlquery from stl_query where starttime >= '2013-02-15 00:00' and endtime < '2013-02-16 00:00' order by date_diff desc; query | date_diff | sqlquery -------+-----------+------------------------------------------- 55 | 119 | padb_fetch_sample: select count(*) from category 121 | 9 | select * from svl_query_summary; 181 | 6 | select * from svl_query_summary where query in(179,178); 172 | 5 | select * from svl_query_summary where query=148; ... (189 rows)

The following query shows the queue time and execution time for queries. Queries with concurrency_scaling_status = 1 ran on a concurrency scaling cluster. All other queries ran on the main cluster.

SELECT w.service_class AS queue , q.concurrency_scaling_status , COUNT( * ) AS queries , SUM( q.aborted ) AS aborted , SUM( ROUND( total_queue_time::NUMERIC / 1000000,2 ) ) AS queue_secs , SUM( ROUND( total_exec_time::NUMERIC / 1000000,2 ) ) AS exec_secs FROM stl_query q JOIN stl_wlm_query w USING (userid,query) WHERE q.userid > 1 AND service_class > 5 AND q.starttime > '2019-03-01 16:38:00' AND q.endtime < '2019-03-01 17:40:00' GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 1,2;