Records transfer time and other performance metrics.
Use the STL_S3CLIENT table to find the time spent transferring data from Amazon S3.
STL_S3CLIENT is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.
Table columns
Column name | Data type | Description |
userid | integer | ID of the user who generated the entry. |
query | integer | Query ID. The query column can be used to join other system tables and views. |
slice | integer | Number that identifies the slice where the query was running. |
recordtime | timestamp | Time the record is logged. |
pid | integer | Process ID. All of the queries in a session are run in the same process, so this value remains constant if you run a series of queries in the same session. |
http_method | character(64) | HTTP method name corresponding to the Amazon S3 request. |
bucket | character(64) | S3 bucket name. |
key | character(256) | Key corresponding to the Amazon S3 object. |
transfer_size | bigint | Number of bytes transferred. |
data_size | bigint | Number of bytes of data. This value is the same as transfer_size for uncompressed data. If compression was used, this is the size of the uncompressed data. |
start_time | bigint | Time when the transfer began (in microseconds since January 1, 2000). |
end_time | bigint | Time when the transfer ended (in microseconds since January 1, 2000). |
transfer_time | bigint | Time taken by the transfer (in microseconds). |
compression_time | bigint | Portion of the transfer time that was spent uncompressing data (in microseconds). |
connect_time | bigint | Time from the start until the connect to the remote server was completed (in microseconds). |
app_connect_time | bigint | Time from the start until the SSL connect/handshake with the remote host was completed (in microseconds). |
retries | bigint | Number of times the transfer was retried. |
request_id | char(32) | Request ID from Amazon S3 HTTP response header |
extended_request_id | char(128) | Extended request ID from Amazon S3 HTTP header response (x-amz-id-2). |
ip_address | char(64) | IP address of the server (ip V4 or V6). |
is_partial | integer | Value that if true (1) indicates the input file is split into ranges during a COPY operation. If this value is false (0), the input file isn't split. |
start_offset | bigint | Value that, if the input file is split during a COPY operation, indicates the offset value of the split (in bytes). If the file isn't split, this value is 0. |
Sample query
The following query returns the time taken to load files using a COPY command.
select slice, key, transfer_time from stl_s3client where query = pg_last_copy_id();
slice | key | transfer_time ------+-----------------------------+--------------- 0 | listing10M0003_part_00 | 16626716 1 | listing10M0001_part_00 | 12894494 2 | listing10M0002_part_00 | 14320978 3 | listing10M0000_part_00 | 11293439 3371 | prefix=listing10M;marker= | 99395
The following query converts the start_time
and end_time
to a timestamp.
select userid,query,slice,pid,recordtime,start_time,end_time, '2000-01-01'::timestamp + (start_time/1000000.0)* interval '1 second' as start_ts, '2000-01-01'::timestamp + (end_time/1000000.0)* interval '1 second' as end_ts from stl_s3client where query> -1 limit 5;
userid | query | slice | pid | recordtime | start_time | end_time | start_ts | end_ts --------+-------+-------+-------+----------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------------------+---------------------------- 0 | 0 | 0 | 23449 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.207839 | 616436837154256 | 616436837207838 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.154256 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.207838 0 | 0 | 0 | 23449 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.252521 | 616436837208208 | 616436837252520 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.208208 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.25252 0 | 0 | 0 | 23449 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.284376 | 616436837208460 | 616436837284374 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.20846 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.284374 0 | 0 | 0 | 23449 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.285307 | 616436837208980 | 616436837285306 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.20898 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.285306 0 | 0 | 0 | 23449 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.353853 | 616436837302216 | 616436837353851 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.302216 | 2019-07-14 16:27:17.353851