Use SVV_RLS_POLICY to view a list of all row-level security policies created on the Amazon Redshift cluster.
SVV_RLS_POLICY is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.
Table columns
Column name | Data type | Description |
poldb | text | The name of the database in which the row-level security policy is created. |
polname | text | The name of the row-level security policy. |
polalias | text | The table alias used in the policy definition. |
polatts | text | The attributes provided to the policy definition. |
polqual | text | The policy condition provided in the USING clause of the CREATE POLICY statement. |
polenabled | boolean | Whether the policy is turned on globally. |
polmodifiedby | text | The name of the user that created or modified the policy most recently. |
polmodifiedtime | timestamp | The timestamp of when the policy is created or last modified. |
Sample query
The following example displays the result of the SVV_RLS_POLICY.
-- Create some policies. CREATE RLS POLICY pol1 WITH (a int) AS t USING ( t.a IS NOT NULL ); CREATE RLS POLICY pol2 WITH (c varchar(10)) AS t USING ( c LIKE '%public%'); -- Inspect the policy in SVV_RLS_POLICY SELECT * FROM svv_rls_policy; poldb | polname | polalias | polatts | polqual | polenabled | polmodifiedby | polmodifiedtime -------+---------+----------+--------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+------------+---------------+--------------------- my_db | pol1 | t | [{"colname":"a","type":"integer"}] | "t"."a" IS NOT NULL | t | policy_admin | 2022-02-11 14:40:49 my_db | pol2 | t | [{"colname":"c","type":"character varying(10)"}] | "t"."c" LIKE CAST('%public%' AS TEXT) | t | policy_admin | 2022-02-11 14:41:28