TIMEZONE function
TIMEZONE returns a timestamp for the specified time zone and timestamp value.
For information and examples about how to set time zone, see timezone.
For information and examples about how to convert time zone, see CONVERT_TIMEZONE.
TIMEZONE('timezone', { timestamp | timestamptz })
- timezone
The time zone for the return value. The time zone can be specified as a time zone name (such as
) or as a time zone abbreviation (such as'UTC'
). To view a list of supported time zone names, run the following command.select pg_timezone_names();
To view a list of supported time zone abbreviations, run the following command.
select pg_timezone_abbrevs();
For more information and examples, see Time zone usage notes.
- timestamp | timestamptz
An expression that results in a TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPTZ type, or a value that can implicitly be coerced to a timestamp or a timestamp with time zone.
Return type
TIMESTAMPTZ when used with a TIMESTAMP expression.
TIMESTAMP when used with a TIMESTAMPTZ expression.
The following returns a timestamp for the UTC time zone using the timestamp
2008-06-17 09:44:54
from the PST timezone.
SELECT TIMEZONE('PST', '2008-06-17 09:44:54');
timezone ----------------------- 2008-06-17 17:44:54+00
The following returns a timestamp for the PST time zone using the timestamp with UTC
time zone 2008-06-17 09:44:54+00
SELECT TIMEZONE('PST', timestamptz('2008-06-17 09:44:54+00'));
timezone ----------------------- 2008-06-17 01:44:54