Returning a result set from a stored procedure - Amazon Redshift
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Returning a result set from a stored procedure

This topic describes how stored procedures return data.

You can return a result set using a cursor or a temp table.

Returning a cursor

To return a cursor, create a procedure with an INOUT argument defined with a refcursor data type. When you call the procedure, give the cursor a name. Then you can fetch the results from the cursor by name.

The following example creates a procedure named get_result_set with an INOUT argument named rs_out using the refcursor data type. The procedure opens the cursor using a SELECT statement.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_result_set (param IN integer, rs_out INOUT refcursor) AS $$ BEGIN OPEN rs_out FOR SELECT * FROM fact_tbl where id >= param; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The following CALL command opens the cursor with the name mycursor. Use cursors only within transactions.

BEGIN; CALL get_result_set(1, 'mycursor');

After the cursor is opened, you can fetch from the cursor, as the following example shows.

FETCH ALL FROM mycursor; id | secondary_id | name -------+--------------+--------- 1 | 1 | Joe 1 | 2 | Ed 2 | 1 | Mary 1 | 3 | Mike (4 rows)

In the end, the transaction is either committed or rolled back.


A cursor returned by a stored procedure is subject to the same constraints and performance considerations as described in DECLARE CURSOR. For more information, see Cursor constraints.

The following example shows the calling of the get_result_set stored procedure using a refcursor data type from JDBC. The literal 'mycursor' (the name of the cursor) is passed to the prepareStatement. Then the results are fetched from the ResultSet.

static void refcursor_example(Connection conn) throws SQLException { conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement proc = conn.prepareStatement("CALL get_result_set(1, 'mycursor')"); proc.execute(); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("fetch all from mycursor"); while ( { int n = rs.getInt(1); System.out.println("n " + n); }

Using a temp table

To return results, you can return a handle to a temp table containing result rows. The client can supply a name as a parameter to the stored procedure. Inside the stored procedure, dynamic SQL can be used to operate on the temp table. The following shows an example.

CREATE PROCEDURE get_result_set(param IN integer, tmp_name INOUT varchar(256)) as $$ DECLARE row record; BEGIN EXECUTE 'drop table if exists ' || tmp_name; EXECUTE 'create temp table ' || tmp_name || ' as select * from fact_tbl where id <= ' || param; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CALL get_result_set(2, 'myresult'); tmp_name ----------- myresult (1 row) SELECT * from myresult; id | secondary_id | name ----+--------------+------ 1 | 1 | Joe 2 | 1 | Mary 1 | 2 | Ed 1 | 3 | Mike (4 rows)