Step 7: Cancel a query - Amazon Redshift
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Step 7: Cancel a query

If you run a query that is taking too long or is consuming excessive resources, cancel the query. For example, create a list of ticket sellers that includes the seller's name and quantity of tickets sold. The following query selects data from the SALES table and USERS table and joins the two tables by matching SELLERID and USERID in the WHERE clause.

SELECT sellerid, firstname, lastname, sum(qtysold) FROM sales, users WHERE sales.sellerid = users.userid GROUP BY sellerid, firstname, lastname ORDER BY 4 desc;

The result looks something like the following.

sellerid | firstname | lastname | sum ----------+-----------+----------+------ 48950 | Nayda | Hood | 184 19123 | Scott | Simmons | 164 20029 | Drew | Mcguire | 164 36791 | Emerson | Delacruz | 160 13567 | Imani | Adams | 156 9697 | Dorian | Ray | 156 41579 | Harrison | Durham | 156 15591 | Phyllis | Clay | 152 3008 | Lucas | Stanley | 148 44956 | Rachel |Villarreal| 148

This is a complex query. For this tutorial, you don't need to worry about how this query is constructed.

The previous query runs in seconds and returns 2,102 rows.

Suppose that you forget to put in the WHERE clause.

SELECT sellerid, firstname, lastname, sum(qtysold) FROM sales, users GROUP BY sellerid, firstname, lastname ORDER BY 4 desc;

The result set includes all of the rows in the SALES table multiplied by all the rows in the USERS table (49989*3766). This is called a Cartesian join, and it isn't recommended. The result is over 188 million rows and takes a long time to run.

To cancel a running query, use the CANCEL command with the query's session ID. With the Amazon Redshift query editor v2 you can cancel a query by choosing the cancel button while the query is running.

To find the session ID, start a new session and query the STV_RECENTS table, as shown in the previous step. The following example shows how you can make the results more readable. To do this, use the TRIM function to trim trailing spaces and show only the first 20 characters of the query string.

To determine the session ID of a running query, run the following SELECT statement.

SELECT user_id, session_id, start_time, query_text FROM sys_query_history WHERE status='running';

The result looks something like the following.

user_id | session_id | start_time | query_text ---------+---------------+----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 100 | 1073791534 | 2024-03-19 22:26:21.205739 | SELECT user_id, session_id, start_time, query_text FROM ...

To cancel the query with session ID 1073791534, run the following command.

CANCEL 1073791534;

The CANCEL command doesn't stop a transaction. To stop or roll back a transaction, use the ABORT or ROLLBACK command. To cancel a query associated with a transaction, first cancel the query then stop the transaction.

If the query that you canceled is associated with a transaction, use the ABORT or ROLLBACK command to cancel the transaction and discard any changes made to the data:


Unless you are signed on as a superuser, you can cancel only your own queries. A superuser can cancel all queries.

If your query tool doesn't support running queries concurrently, start another session to cancel the query.

For more information about canceling a query, see CANCEL in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.

Cancel a query using the superuser queue

If your current session has too many queries running concurrently, you might not be able to run the CANCEL command until another query finishes. In that case, run the CANCEL command using a different workload management query queue.

By using workload management, you can run queries in different query queues so that you don't need to wait for another query to complete. The workload manager creates a separate queue, called the Superuser queue, that you can use for troubleshooting. To use the Superuser queue, log on a superuser and set the query group to 'superuser' using the SET command. After running your commands, reset the query group using the RESET command.

To cancel a query using the superuser queue, run these commands.

SET query_group TO 'superuser'; CANCEL 1073791534; RESET query_group;