Use DescribeStatement with an Amazon SDK or CLI - Amazon Redshift
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Use DescribeStatement with an Amazon SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use DescribeStatement.

SDK for Java 2.x

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

public static void checkStatement(RedshiftDataClient redshiftDataClient, String sqlId) { try { DescribeStatementRequest statementRequest = DescribeStatementRequest.builder() .id(sqlId) .build(); String status; while (true) { DescribeStatementResponse response = redshiftDataClient.describeStatement(statementRequest); status = response.statusAsString(); System.out.println("..." + status); if (status.compareTo("FAILED") == 0 ) { System.out.println("The Query Failed. Ending program"); System.exit(1); } else if (status.compareTo("FINISHED") == 0) { break; } TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); } System.out.println("The statement is finished!"); } catch (RedshiftDataException | InterruptedException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

class RedshiftDataWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon Redshift data.""" def __init__(self, client): """ :param client: A Boto3 RedshiftDataWrapper client. """ self.client = client def describe_statement(self, statement_id): """ Describes a SQL statement. :param statement_id: The SQL statement identifier. :return: The SQL statement result. """ try: response = self.client.describe_statement(Id=statement_id) return response except ClientError as err: logging.error( "Couldn't describe statement. Here's why: %s: %s", err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise

The following code instantiates the RedshiftDataWrapper object.

client = boto3.client("redshift-data") redshift_data_wrapper = RedshiftDataWrapper(client)
  • For API details, see DescribeStatement in Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.

For a complete list of Amazon SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using this service with an Amazon SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.