Amazon Redshift parameter groups - Amazon Redshift
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Amazon Redshift parameter groups

In Amazon Redshift, you associate a parameter group with each cluster that you create. A parameter group is a group of parameters that apply to all of the databases that you create in the cluster. These parameters configure database settings such as query timeout and date style. When you launch a cluster, you must associate it with a parameter group. If you want to change the parameter group later, you can modify the cluster and choose a different parameter group.

Each parameter group has several parameters to configure settings for the database. The list of available parameters depends on the parameter group family to which the parameter group belongs. The default parameter group family is redshift-2.0.

Amazon Redshift provides one default parameter group for each parameter group family. The default parameter group has preset values for each of its parameters, and it cannot be modified. The format of the default parameter group name is default.parameter_group_family. For example, the default parameter group for the redshift-2.0 parameter group family is default.redshift-2.0.

If you want to use different parameter values than the default parameter group, you must create a custom parameter group and then associate your cluster with it. Initially, the parameter values in a custom parameter group are the same as in the default parameter group. The initial source for all of the parameters is engine-default because the values are preset by Amazon Redshift. After you change a parameter value, the source changes to user to indicate that the value has been modified from its default value.


The Amazon Redshift console does not display the source of each parameter. You must use the Amazon Redshift API, the Amazon CLI, or one of the Amazon SDKs to view the source.

For parameter groups that you create, you can modify a parameter value at any time, or you can reset all parameter values to their defaults. You can also associate a different parameter group with a cluster. In some cases, you might modify parameter values in a parameter group that is already associated with a cluster or associate a different parameter group with a cluster. In these cases, you might need to restart the cluster for the updated parameter values to take effect. If the cluster fails and is restarted by Amazon Redshift, your changes are applied at that time. Changes aren't applied if your cluster is restarted during maintenance. For more information, see WLM dynamic and static properties.

Default parameter values


As of January 10, 2025, the default value for the require_ssl parameter is true. If you don’t want your cluster to require SSL, you can use a custom parameter group when creating the cluster, or modify the cluster to associate it with a custom parameter group after creating the cluster with the default.

The following table shows the default parameter values at a glance with links to more in-depth information about each parameter. These are the default values for the redshift-2.0 parameter group family.

Parameter name Value More information



auto_analyze in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



Automated materialized views in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



datestyle in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



enable_case_sensitive_identifier in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



Database audit logging in this guide



extra_float_digits in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



max_concurrency_scaling_clusters in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



query_group in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



Configuring security options for connections in this guide


$user, public

search_path in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



statement_timeout in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide



Workload management in this guide



Enable FIPS-compliant SSL mode only if your system is required to be FIPS-compliant.


The max_cursor_result_set_size parameter is deprecated. For more information about cursor result set size, see Cursor constraints in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.

You can temporarily override a parameter by using the SET command in the database. The SET command overrides the parameter for the duration of your current session only. In addition to the parameters listed in the preceding table, you can also temporarily adjust the slot count by setting wlm_query_slot_count in the database. The wlm_query_slot_count parameter is not available for configuration in parameter groups. For more information about adjusting the slot count, see wlm_query_slot_count in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide. For more information about temporarily overriding the other parameters, see Modifying the server configuration in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.