Querying and creating materialized views with replicated data - Amazon Redshift
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Querying and creating materialized views with replicated data

Querying replicated data in Amazon Redshift

After you add data to your source, it's replicated in near real time to the Amazon Redshift data warehouse, and it's ready for querying. For information about integration metrics and table statistics, see Metrics for zero-ETL integrations.


As a database is the same as a schema in MySQL, MySQL database level maps to Amazon Redshift schema level. Note this mapping difference when you query data replicated from Aurora MySQL or RDS for MySQL.

To query the replicated data
  1. Navigate to the Amazon Redshift console and choose Query editor v2.

  2. Connect to your Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup or Amazon Redshift provisioned cluster and choose your database from the dropdown list.

  3. Use a SELECT statement to select all replicated data from the schema and table that you created in the source. For case sensitivity, use double quotes (" ") for schema, table, and column names. For example:

    SELECT * FROM "schema_name"."table_name";

    You can also query the data using the Amazon Redshift CLI.

Creating materialized views with replicated data

You can create materialized views in your local Amazon Redshift database to transform data replicated through zero-ETL integrations. Connect to your local database and use cross-database queries to access the destination databases. You can use either fully qualified object names with the three-part notation (destination-database-name.schema-name.table-name) or create an external schema referencing the destination database-schema pair and use the two-part notation (external-schema-name.table-name). For more information on cross-database queries, see Querying data across databases.

Use the following example to create and insert sample data into the sales_zetl and event_zetl tables from the source tickit_zetl. The tables are replicated into the Amazon Redshift database zetl_int_db.

CREATE TABLE sales_zetl ( salesid integer NOT NULL primary key, eventid integer NOT NULL, pricepaid decimal(8, 2) ); CREATE TABLE event_zetl ( eventid integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, eventname varchar(200) ); INSERT INTO sales_zetl VALUES(1, 1, 3.33); INSERT INTO sales_zetl VALUES(2, 2, 4.44); INSERT INTO sales_zetl VALUES(3, 2, 5.55); INSERT INTO event_zetl VALUES(1, "Event 1"); INSERT INTO event_zetl VALUES(2, "Event 2");

You can create a materialized view to get total sales per event using the three-part notation:

--three part notation zetl-database-name.schema-name.table-name CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_transformed_sales_per_event_3p as (SELECT eventname, sum(pricepaid) as total_price FROM zetl_int_db.tickit_zetl.sales_zetl S, zetl_int_db.tickit_zetl.event_zetl E WHERE S.eventid = E.eventid GROUP BY 1);

You can create a materialized view to get total sales per event using the two-part notation:

--two part notation external-schema-name.table-name notation CREATE EXTERNAL schema ext_tickit_zetl FROM REDSHIFT DATABASE zetl_int_db SCHEMA tickit_zetl; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_transformed_sales_per_event_2p AS ( SELECT eventname, sum(pricepaid) as total_price FROM ext_tickit_zetl.sales_zetl S, ext_tickit_zetl.event_zetl E WHERE S.eventid = E.eventid GROUP BY 1 );

To view the materialized views you created, use the following example.

SELECT * FROM mv_transformed_sales_per_event_3p; +-----------+-------------+ | eventname | total_price | +-----------+-------------+ | Event 1 | 3.33 | | Event 2 | 9.99 | +-----------+-------------+ SELECT * FROM mv_transformed_sales_per_event_2p; +-----------+-------------+ | eventname | total_price | +-----------+-------------+ | Event 1 | 3.33 | | Event 2 | 9.99 | +-----------+-------------+