OfflineStoreConfig - Amazon SageMaker
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The configuration of an OfflineStore.

Provide an OfflineStoreConfig in a request to CreateFeatureGroup to create an OfflineStore.

To encrypt an OfflineStore using at rest data encryption, specify Amazon Key Management Service (KMS) key ID, or KMSKeyId, in S3StorageConfig.



The Amazon Simple Storage (Amazon S3) location of OfflineStore.

Type: S3StorageConfig object

Required: Yes


The meta data of the Glue table that is autogenerated when an OfflineStore is created.

Type: DataCatalogConfig object

Required: No


Set to True to disable the automatic creation of an Amazon Glue table when configuring an OfflineStore. If set to False, Feature Store will name the OfflineStore Glue table following Athena's naming recommendations.

The default value is False.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


Format for the offline store table. Supported formats are Glue (Default) and Apache Iceberg.

Type: String

Valid Values: Default | Glue | Iceberg

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: