Amazon SageMaker MLOps FAQ - Amazon SageMaker
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Amazon SageMaker MLOps FAQ

Use the following FAQ items to find answers to commonly asked questions about MLOps in SageMaker.

No, the SageMaker Python SDK is not required to create a SageMaker pipeline. You can also use boto3 or Amazon CloudFormation. Creating a pipeline requires a pipeline definition, which is a JSON object that defines each step of the pipeline. The SageMaker SDK offers a simple way to construct the pipeline definition, which you can use with any of the APIs previously mentioned to create the pipeline itself. Without using the SDK, users have to write the raw JSON definition to create the pipeline without any of the error checks provided by the SageMaker Python SDK. To see the schema for the pipeline JSON definition, see SageMaker Pipeline Definition JSON Schema. The following code sample shows an example of a SageMaker pipeline definition JSON object:

{'Version': '2020-12-01', 'Metadata': {}, 'Parameters': [{'Name': 'ProcessingInstanceType', 'Type': 'String', 'DefaultValue': 'ml.m5.xlarge'}, {'Name': 'ProcessingInstanceCount', 'Type': 'Integer', 'DefaultValue': 1}, {'Name': 'TrainingInstanceType', 'Type': 'String', 'DefaultValue': 'ml.m5.xlarge'}, {'Name': 'ModelApprovalStatus', 'Type': 'String', 'DefaultValue': 'PendingManualApproval'}, {'Name': 'ProcessedData', 'Type': 'String', 'DefaultValue': 'S3_URL', {'Name': 'InputDataUrl', 'Type': 'String', 'DefaultValue': 'S3_URL', 'PipelineExperimentConfig': {'ExperimentName': {'Get': 'Execution.PipelineName'}, 'TrialName': {'Get': 'Execution.PipelineExecutionId'}}, 'Steps': [{'Name': 'ReadTrainDataFromFS', 'Type': 'Processing', 'Arguments': {'ProcessingResources': {'ClusterConfig': {'InstanceType': 'ml.m5.4xlarge', 'InstanceCount': 2, 'VolumeSizeInGB': 30}}, 'AppSpecification': {'ImageUri': 'IMAGE_URI', 'ContainerArguments': [....]}, 'RoleArn': 'ROLE', 'ProcessingInputs': [...], 'ProcessingOutputConfig': {'Outputs': [.....]}, 'StoppingCondition': {'MaxRuntimeInSeconds': 86400}}, 'CacheConfig': {'Enabled': True, 'ExpireAfter': '30d'}}, ... ... ... }

Model repacking happens when the pipeline needs to include a custom script in the compressed model file (model.tar.gz) to be uploaded to Amazon S3 and used to deploy a model to a SageMaker endpoint. When SageMaker pipeline trains a model and registers it to the model registry, it introduces a repack step if the trained model output from the training job needs to include a custom inference script. The repack step uncompresses the model, adds a new script, and recompresses the model. Running the pipeline adds the repack step as a training job.

Yes. SageMaker Pipelines is natively integrated with SageMaker Experiments. You can use PipelineExperimentConfig when creating a pipeline and set your own SageMaker Experiment name. Each run of the pipeline creates a trial, and each step in the pipeline corresponds to a TrialComponent within the trial. If no trial name is specified in the experiment config, the pipeline execution ID is used as the trial name.

pipeline = Pipeline( name=pipeline_name, parameters=[...], steps=[...], sagemaker_session=sagemaker_session, pipeline_experiment_config=PipelineExperimentConfig( ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_NAME, ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID ) )

You can customize the deploy repository in the project template to deploy the model from the model registry any way you like. The template uses CloudFormation to create a real-time endpoint, as an example. You can update the deployment to use the SageMaker SDK, boto3, or any other API that can create endpoints instead of CFN. If you need to update the CodeBuild steps as part of the deployment pipeline, you can create a custom template.

You can reference the model location as a property of the training step, as shown in the end-to-end example CustomerChurn pipeline in Github.

No, you can either copy the script to the container or pass it via the entry_point argument (of your estimator entity) or code argument (of your processor entity), as demonstrated in the following code sample.

step_process = ProcessingStep( name="PreprocessAbaloneData", processor=sklearn_processor, inputs = [ ProcessingInput( input_name='dataset', source=..., destination="/opt/ml/processing/code", ) ], outputs=[ ProcessingOutput(output_name="train", source="/opt/ml/processing/train", destination = processed_data_path), ProcessingOutput(output_name="validation", source="/opt/ml/processing/validation", destination = processed_data_path), ProcessingOutput(output_name="test", source="/opt/ml/processing/test", destination = processed_data_path), ], code=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ""), ## Code is passed through an argument cache_config = cache_config, job_arguments = ['--input', 'arg1'] ) sklearn_estimator = SKLearn( entry_point=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ""), ## Code is passed through the entry_point framework_version="0.23-1", instance_type=training_instance_type, role=role, output_path=model_path, # New sagemaker_session=sagemaker_session, # New instance_count=1, # New base_job_name=f"{base_job_prefix}/pilot-train", metric_definitions=[ {'Name': 'train:accuracy', 'Regex': 'accuracy_train=(.*?);'}, {'Name': 'validation:accuracy', 'Regex': 'accuracy_validation=(.*?);'} ], )

You can use a SageMaker Projects template to implement image-building CI/CD. With this template, you can automate the CI/CD of images that are built and pushed to Amazon ECR. Changes in the container files in your project’s source control repositories initiate the ML pipeline and deploy the latest version for your container. For more information, see the blog Create Amazon SageMaker projects with image building CI/CD pipelines.

Since SageMaker Projects is backed by Service Catalog, you must add each role that requires access to SageMaker Projects to the Amazon SageMaker Solutions and ML Ops products Portfolio in the service catalog. You can do this in the Groups, roles, and users tab, as shown in the following image. If each user profile in Studio Classic has a different role, you should add each of those roles to the service catalog. You can also do this while creating a user profile in Studio Classic.

The Service Catalog option to give project access to a role.

Each step in the pipeline uses the underlying SageMaker APIs for the corresponding jobs. For example, TrainingStep invokes the CreateTrainingJob API and the step properties correspond to the response from DescribeTrainingJob. The response output can be found in the API reference link for DescribeTrainingJob. You can follow the same procedure to get the properties for TransformStep, ProcessingStep, TuningStep, and CreateModelStep. For more information about pipeline steps, see Pipeline Steps.

Yes, you can use ExecutionVariables and the Join function to specify your output location. ExecutionVariables is resolved at runtime. For instance, ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID is resolved to the ID of the current execution, which can be used as a unique identifier across different runs.

from sagemaker.workflow.execution_variables import ExecutionVariables processor_run_args = outputs=[ ProcessingOutput( output_name="train", source="/opt/ml/processing/train", destination=Join( on="/", values=[ "s3:/", default_bucket, base_job_prefix, ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID, "PreprocessData", ], ), ), ProcessingOutput( output_name="validation", source="/opt/ml/processing/validation", destination=Join( on="/", values=[ "s3:/", default_bucket, base_job_prefix, ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID, "PreprocessData", ], ), ), ProcessingOutput( output_name="test", source="/opt/ml/processing/test", destination=Join( on="/", values=[ "s3:/", default_bucket, base_job_prefix, ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID, "PreprocessData", ], ), ), ], code="code/", arguments=["--input-data", input_data], ) step_process = ProcessingStep( name="MyPreprocessingStep", step_args=processor_run_args, )

SageMaker’s Lineage Tracking service works in the backend to track all the metadata associated with your model training and deployment workflows. This includes your training jobs, datasets used, pipelines, endpoints, and the actual models. You can query the lineage service at any point to find the exact artifacts used to train a model. Using those artifacts, you can recreate the same ML workflow to reproduce the model as long as you have access to the exact dataset that was used. A trial component tracks the training job. This trial component has all the parameters used as part of the training job. If you don’t need to rerun the entire workflow, you can reproduce the training job to derive the same model.

If you try to delete your SageMaker project and get one of the following error messages:

The bucket you tried to delete is not empty
The repository with name 'repository-name' in registry with id 'id' cannot be deleted because it still contains images

then you have non-empty Amazon S3 buckets or Amazon ECR repositories which you need to manually delete before you delete the SageMaker project. Amazon CloudFormation does not automatically delete non-empty Amazon S3 buckets or Amazon ECR repositories for you.