Amazon SageMaker Experiments Integration - Amazon SageMaker
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Amazon SageMaker Experiments Integration

Amazon SageMaker Model Building Pipelines is closely integrated with Amazon SageMaker Experiments. By default, when SageMaker Pipelines creates and executes a pipeline, the following SageMaker Experiments entities are created if they don't exist:

  • An experiment for the pipeline

  • A run group for every execution of the pipeline

  • A run that's added to the run group for each SageMaker job created in a pipeline execution step

You can compare metrics such as model training accuracy across multiple pipeline executions just as you can compare such metrics across multiple run groups of a SageMaker model training experiment.

The following sample shows the relevant parameters of the Pipeline class in the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK.

Pipeline( name="MyPipeline", parameters=[...], pipeline_experiment_config=PipelineExperimentConfig( ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_NAME, ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID ), steps=[...] )

If you don't want an experiment and run group created for the pipeline, set pipeline_experiment_config to None.


Experiments integration was introduced in the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK v2.41.0.

The following naming rules apply based on what you specify for the ExperimentName and TrialName parameters of pipeline_experiment_config:

  • If you don't specify ExperimentName, the pipeline name is used for the experiment name.

    If you do specify ExperimentName, it's used for the experiment name. If an experiment with that name exists, the pipeline-created run groups are added to the existing experiment. If an experiment with that name doesn't exist, a new experiment is created.

  • If you don't specify TrialName, the pipeline execution ID is used for the run group name.

    If you do specify TrialName, it's used for the run group name. If a run group with that name exists, the pipeline-created runs are added to the existing run group. If a run group with that name doesn't exist, a new run group is created.


The experiment entities aren't deleted when the pipeline that created the entities is deleted. You can use the SageMaker Experiments API to delete the entities.

For information about how to view the SageMaker Experiment entities associated with a pipeline, see View Experiment Entities Created by SageMaker Pipelines. For more information on SageMaker Experiments, see Manage Amazon SageMaker Experiments in Studio Classic.

The following sections show examples of the previous rules and how they are represented in the pipeline definition file. For more information on pipeline definition files, see SageMaker Pipelines Overview.

Default Behavior

Create a pipeline

The pipeline_experiment_config is omitted. ExperimentName defaults to the pipeline name. TrialName defaults to the execution ID.

pipeline_name = f"MyPipeline" pipeline = Pipeline( name=pipeline_name, parameters=[...], steps=[step_train] )

Pipeline definition file

{ "Version": "2020-12-01", "Parameters": [ { "Name": "InputDataSource" }, { "Name": "InstanceCount", "Type": "Integer", "DefaultValue": 1 } ], "PipelineExperimentConfig": { "ExperimentName": {"Get": "Execution.PipelineName"}, "TrialName": {"Get": "Execution.PipelineExecutionId"} }, "Steps": [...] }

Disable Experiments Integration

Create a pipeline

The pipeline_experiment_config is set to None.

pipeline_name = f"MyPipeline" pipeline = Pipeline( name=pipeline_name, parameters=[...], pipeline_experiment_config=None, steps=[step_train] )

Pipeline definition file

This is the same as the preceding default example, without the PipelineExperimentConfig.

Specify a Custom Experiment Name

A custom experiment name is used. The run group name is set to the execution ID, as with the default behavior.

Create a pipeline

pipeline_name = f"MyPipeline" pipeline = Pipeline( name=pipeline_name, parameters=[...], pipeline_experiment_config=PipelineExperimentConfig( "CustomExperimentName", ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID ), steps=[step_train] )

Pipeline definition file

{ ..., "PipelineExperimentConfig": { "ExperimentName": "CustomExperimentName", "TrialName": {"Get": "Execution.PipelineExecutionId"} }, "Steps": [...] }

Specify a Custom Run Group Name

A custom run group name is used and appended with the execution ID. The experiment name is set to the pipeline name, as with the default behavior.

Create a pipeline

pipeline_name = f"MyPipeline" pipeline = Pipeline( name=pipeline_name, parameters=[...], pipeline_experiment_config=PipelineExperimentConfig( ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_NAME, Join(on="-", values=["CustomTrialName", ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID]) ), steps=[step_train] )

Pipeline definition file

{ ..., "PipelineExperimentConfig": { "ExperimentName": {"Get": "Execution.PipelineName"}, "TrialName": { "On": "-", "Values": [ "CustomTrialName", {"Get": "Execution.PipelineExecutionId"} ] } }, "Steps": [...] }