Invoke models for real-time inference - Amazon SageMaker
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Invoke models for real-time inference

After you deploy your model using SageMaker hosting services, you can test your model on that endpoint by sending it test data. You can test your endpoints using Amazon SageMaker Studio, the Amazon SDKs, or the Amazon CLI.

Invoke Your Endpoint Using Amazon SageMaker Studio

After you deploy your model to an endpoint, you can view the endpoint through Amazon SageMaker Studio and test your endpoint by sending single inference requests.


SageMaker only supports endpoint testing in Studio for real-time endpoints.

To send a test inference request to your endpoint
  1. Launch Amazon SageMaker Studio.

  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Deployments.

  3. From the dropdown, choose Endpoints.

  4. Find for your endpoint by name, and choose the name in the table. The endpoint names listed in the Endpoints panel are defined when you deploy a model. The Studio workspace opens the Endpoint page in a new tab.

  5. Choose the Test inference tab.

  6. For Testing Options, select one of the following:

    1. Select Test the sample request to immediately send a request to your endpoint. Use the JSON editor to provide sample data in JSON format, and choose Send Request to submit the request to your endpoint. After submitting your request, Studio shows the inference output in a card to the right of the JSON editor.

    2. Select Use Python SDK example code to view the code for sending a request to the endpoint. Then, copy the code example from the Example inference request section and run the code from your testing environment.

The top of the card shows the type of request that was sent to the endpoint (only JSON is accepted). The card shows the following fields:

  • Status – displays one of the following status types:

    • Success – The request succeeded.

    • Failed – The request failed. A response appears under Failure Reason.

    • Pending – While the inference request is pending, the status shows a spinning, circular icon.

  • Execution Length – How long the invocation took (end time minus the start time) in milliseconds.

  • Request Time – How many minutes have passed since the request was sent.

  • Result Time – How many minutes have passed since the result was returned.

Invoke Your Endpoint by Using the Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3)

After you deploy your model to an endpoint you can check your endpoint by using one of the Amazon SDKs, including as the Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3). To test your endpoint with this SDK, you use one of the following methods:

  • invoke_endpoint– Sends an inference request to a model endpoint and returns the response that the model generates. This method returns the inference payload as one response after the model finishes generating it. For more information, see invoke_endpoint in the Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.

  • invoke_endpoint_with_response_stream – Sends an inference request to a model endpoint and streams the response in incremental parts while the model generates the inference. With this method, your client application immediately starts receiving parts of the response as the parts become available. Your client doesn't need to wait for the model to generate the whole response payload. You can implement streaming to support fast interactive experiences, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and music generators.

    Use this method only to invoke models that support inference streaming.

    When a container handles a streaming inference request, it returns the model's inference as a series of parts incrementally as the model generates them. Client applications start receiving responses immediately when they're available. They don't need to wait for the model to generate the entire response. You can implement streaming to support fast interactive experiences, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and music generators.

Before you can use these methods in your client code, you must create a SageMaker Runtime client, and you must specify the name of your endpoint. The following example sets up the client and endpoint for the rest of the examples that follow:

import boto3 # Create a low-level client representing Amazon SageMaker Runtime sagemaker_runtime = boto3.client( "sagemaker-runtime", region_name='aws_region') # The endpoint name must be unique within # an AWS Region in your AWS account. endpoint_name='endpoint-name'

Invoke to Get an Inference Response

The following example uses the invoke_endpoint method to invoke an endpoint with the Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3):

# Gets inference from the model hosted at the specified endpoint: response = sagemaker_runtime.invoke_endpoint( EndpointName=endpoint_name, Body=bytes('{"features": ["This is great!"]}', 'utf-8') ) # Decodes and prints the response body: print(response['Body'].read().decode('utf-8'))

This example provide input data in the Body field for SageMaker to pass to the model. This data must be in the same format that was used for training. The example stores the response in the response variable.

The response variable provides access to the HTTP status, the name of the deployed model, and other fields. The following snippet prints the HTTPStatusCode:


Invoke to Stream an Inference Response

If you deployed a model that supports inference streaming, you can invoke the model to receive its inference payload as a stream of parts. The model delivers these parts incrementally as the model generates them. When an application receives an inference stream, the application doesn't need to wait for the model to generate the whole response payload. Instead, the application immediately starts receiving parts of the response as they become available.

By consuming an inference stream in your application, you can create interactions where your users perceive the inference to be fast because they get the first part immediately. For example, you could create a chatbot that incrementally shows the text generated by a large language model (LLM).

To get an inference stream, you can use the invoke_endpoint_with_response_stream method in the SDK for Python (Boto3). In the response body, the SDK provides an EventStream object, which gives the inference as a series of PayloadPart objects.

Example Inference Stream

The following example is a stream of PayloadPart objects:

{'PayloadPart': {'Bytes': b'{"outputs": [" a"]}\n'}} {'PayloadPart': {'Bytes': b'{"outputs": [" challenging"]}\n'}} {'PayloadPart': {'Bytes': b'{"outputs": [" problem"]}\n'}} . . .

In each payload part, the Bytes field provides a portion of the inference response from the model. This portion can be any content type that a model generates, such as text, image, or audio data. In this example, the portions are JSON objects that contain generated text from an LLM.

Usually, the payload part contains a discrete chunk of data from the model. In this example, the discrete chunks are whole JSON objects. Occasionally, the streaming response splits the chunks over multiple payload parts, or it combines multiple chunks into one payload part. The following example shows a chunk of data in JSON format that's split over two payload parts:

{'PayloadPart': {'Bytes': b'{"outputs": '}} {'PayloadPart': {'Bytes': b'[" problem"]}\n'}}

When you write application code that processes an inference stream, include logic that handles these occasional splits and combinations of data. As one strategy, you could write code that concatenates the contents of Bytes while your application receives the payload parts. By concatenating the example JSON data here, you would combine the data into a newline-delimited JSON body. Then, your code could process the stream by parsing the whole JSON object on each line.

The following example shows the newline-delimited JSON that you would create when you concatenate the example contents of Bytes:

{"outputs": [" a"]} {"outputs": [" challenging"]} {"outputs": [" problem"]} . . .
Example Code to Process an Inference Stream

The following example Python class, SmrInferenceStream, demonstrates how you can process an inference stream that sends text data in JSON format:

import io import json # Example class that processes an inference stream: class SmrInferenceStream: def __init__(self, sagemaker_runtime, endpoint_name): self.sagemaker_runtime = sagemaker_runtime self.endpoint_name = endpoint_name # A buffered I/O stream to combine the payload parts: self.buff = io.BytesIO() self.read_pos = 0 def stream_inference(self, request_body): # Gets a streaming inference response # from the specified model endpoint: response = self.sagemaker_runtime\ .invoke_endpoint_with_response_stream( EndpointName=self.endpoint_name, Body=json.dumps(request_body), ContentType="application/json" ) # Gets the EventStream object returned by the SDK: event_stream = response['Body'] for event in event_stream: # Passes the contents of each payload part # to be concatenated: self._write(event['PayloadPart']['Bytes']) # Iterates over lines to parse whole JSON objects: for line in self._readlines(): resp = json.loads(line) part = resp.get("outputs")[0] # Returns parts incrementally: yield part # Writes to the buffer to concatenate the contents of the parts: def _write(self, content):, io.SEEK_END) self.buff.write(content) # The JSON objects in buffer end with '\n'. # This method reads lines to yield a series of JSON objects: def _readlines(self): for line in self.buff.readlines(): self.read_pos += len(line) yield line[:-1]

This example processes the inference stream by doing the following:

  • Gets initialized with a SageMaker Runtime client and the name of a model endpoint. Before you can get an inference stream, the model that the endpoint hosts must support inference streaming.

  • In the example stream_inference method, receives a request body and passes it to the invoke_endpoint_with_response_stream method of the SDK.

  • Iterates over each event in the EventStream object that the SDK returns.

  • From each event, gets the contents of the Bytes object in the PayloadPart object.

  • In the example _write method, writes to a buffer to concatenate the contents of the Bytes objects. The combined contents form a newline-delimited JSON body.

  • Uses the example _readlines method to get an iterable series of JSON objects.

  • In each JSON object, gets a piece of the inference.

  • With the yield expression, returns the pieces incrementally.

The following example creates and uses a SmrInferenceStream object:

request_body = {"inputs": ["Large model inference is"], "parameters": {"max_new_tokens": 100, "enable_sampling": "true"}} smr_inference_stream = SmrInferenceStream( sagemaker_runtime, endpoint_name) stream = smr_inference_stream.stream_inference(request_body) for part in stream: print(part, end='')

This example passes a request body to the stream_inference method. It iterates over the response to print each piece that the inference stream returns.

The example assumes that the model at the specified endpoint is an LLM that generates text. The output from this example is a body of generated text that prints incrementally:

a challenging problem in machine learning. The goal is to . . .

Invoke Your Endpoint by Using the Amazon CLI

You can test your endpoint by running commands with the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI). The Amazon CLI supports standard inference requests with the invoke-endpoint command, and it supports asynchronous inference requests with the invoke-endpoint-async command.


The Amazon CLI doesn't support streaming inference requests.

The following example uses the invoke-endpoint command to send an inference request to a model endpoint:

aws sagemaker-runtime invoke-endpoint \ --endpoint-name endpoint_name \ --body fileb://$file_name \ output_file.txt

For the --endpoint-name parameter, provide the name you specified for EndpointName when you created your endpoint with CreateEndpoint. For the --body parameter, provide input data for SageMaker to pass to the model. The data must be in the same format that was used for training. This example shows how to send binary data to your endpoint.

For more information on when to use file:// over fileb:// when passing the contents of a file to a parameter of the Amazon CLI, see Best Practices for Local File Parameters.

For more information, and to see additional parameters that you can pass, see invoke-endpoint in the Amazon CLI Command Reference.

If the invoke-endpoint command succeeds it returns a response such as the following:

{ "ContentType": "<content_type>; charset=utf-8", "InvokedProductionVariant": "<Variant>" }

If the command doesn't succeed, check whether the input payload is in the correct format.

View the output of the invocation by checking the file output file (output_file.txt in this example).

more output_file.txt