Delete a serverless endpoint - Amazon SageMaker
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Delete a serverless endpoint

You can delete your serverless endpoint using the SageMaker console, the DeleteEndpoint API, or the Amazon CLI. The following examples show you how to delete your endpoint through the API and the SageMaker console.

To delete an endpoint (using API)

The following example uses the Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3) to call the DeleteEndpoint API. For EndpointName, use the name of the serverless endpoint you want to delete.

response = client.delete_endpoint( EndpointName="<your-endpoint-name>", )

To delete an endpoint (using the console)

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SageMaker console.

  2. In the navigation tab, choose Inference.

  3. Next, choose Endpoints.

  4. From the list of endpoints, select the endpoint you want to delete.

  5. Choose the Actions drop-down list, and then choose Delete.

  6. When prompted again, choose Delete.

Your endpoint should now begin the deletion process.