crowd-semantic-segmentation - Amazon SageMaker
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A widget for segmenting an image and assigning a label to each image segment.

See an interactive example of an HTML template that uses this Crowd HTML Element in CodePen.

The following is an example of a Liquid template that uses the <crowd-semantic-segmentation> element. Copy the following code and save it in a file with the extension .html. Open the file in any browser to preview and interact with this template.


The following attributes are supported by this element.


The text to display above the image. This is typically a question or simple instruction for the worker.


A JSON object containing the color mappings of a prior semantic segmentation job and a link to the overlay image output by the prior job. Include this when you want a human worker to verify the results of a prior labeling job and adjust it if necessary.

The attribute would appear as follows:

initial-value='{ "labelMappings": { "Bird": { "color": "#ff7f0e" }, "Cat": { "color": "#2ca02c" }, "Cow": { "color": "#d62728" }, "Dog": { "color": "#1f77b4" } }, "src": {{ "S3 file URL for image" | grant_read_access }} }'

When using Ground Truth built in task types with annotation consolidation (where more than one worker labels a single image), label mappings are included in individual worker output records, however the overall result is represented as the internal-color-map in the consolidated results.

You can convert the internal-color-map to label-mappings in a custom template using the Liquid templating language:

initial-value="{ 'src' : '{{ task.input.manifestLine.label-attribute-name-from-prior-job| grant_read_access }}', 'labelMappings': { {% for box in task.input.manifestLine.label-attribute-name-from-prior-job-metadata.internal-color-map %} {% if box[1]['class-name'] != 'BACKGROUND' %} {{ box[1]['class-name'] | to_json }}: { 'color': {{ box[1]['hex-color'] | to_json }} }, {% endif %} {% endfor %} } }"


A JSON formatted array of strings, each of which is a label that a worker can assign to a segment of the image.


The name of this widget. It is used as a key for the widget's input in the form output.


The URL of the image that is to be segmented.

Element Hierarchy

This element has the following parent and child elements.


The following regions are supported by this element.


General instructions about how to do image segmentation.


Important task-specific instructions that are displayed in a prominent place.


The following output is supported by this element.


A JSON Object containing a Base64 encoded PNG of the labels.


A JSON Object containing objects with named with the segmentation labels.

  • color – The hexadecimal value of the label's RGB color in the labeledImage PNG.


A boolean representing whether the initial values have been modified. This is only included when the output is from an adjustment task.


A JSON object that specifies the dimensions of the image that is being annotated by the worker. This object contains the following properties.

  • height – The height, in pixels, of the image.

  • width – The width, in pixels, of the image.

Example : Sample Element Outputs

The following is a sample of output from this element.

[ { "annotatedResult": { "inputImageProperties": { "height": 533, "width": 800 }, "labelMappings": { "<Label 2>": { "color": "#ff7f0e" }, "<label 3>": { "color": "#2ca02c" }, "<label 1>": { "color": "#1f77b4" } }, "labeledImage": { "pngImageData": "<Base-64 Encoded Data>" } } } ]

See Also

For more information, see the following.