Logging parameters and metrics with Amazon SageMaker Experiments - Amazon SageMaker
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Logging parameters and metrics with Amazon SageMaker Experiments

This guide show how to log parameters and metrics with Amazon SageMaker Experiments. A SageMaker experiment consists of runs, and each run consists of all the inputs, parameters, configurations and results for a single model training interaction.

You can log parameters and metrics from a remote function using either the @remote decorator or the RemoteExecutor API.

To log parameters and metrics from a remote function, choose one of the following methods:

  • Instantiate a SageMaker experiment run inside a remote function using Run from the SageMaker Experiments library. For more information, see Create an Amazon SageMaker Experiment.

  • Use the load_run function inside a remote function from the SageMaker Experiments library. This will load a Run instance that is declared outside of the remote function.

The following sections show how to create and track lineage with SageMaker experiment runs by using the previous listed methods. The sections also describe cases that are not supported by SageMaker training.

Use the @remote decorator to integrate with SageMaker Experiments

You can either instantiate an experiment in SageMaker, or load a current SageMaker experiment from inside a remote function. The following sections show you show to use either method.

Create an experiment with SageMaker Experiments

You can create an experiment run in SageMaker experiment. To do this you pass your experiment name, run name, and other parameters into your remote function.

The following code example imports the name of your experiment, the name of the run, and the parameters to log during each run. The parameters param_1 and param_2 are logged over time inside a training loop. Common parameters may include batch size or epochs. In this example, the metrics metric_a and metric_b are logged for a run over time inside a training loop. Other common metrics may include accuracy or loss.

from sagemaker.remote_function import remote from sagemaker.experiments.run import Run # Define your remote function @remote def train(value_1, value_2, exp_name, run_name): ... ... #Creates the experiment with Run( experiment_name=exp_name, run_name=run_name, ) as run: ... #Define values for the parameters to log run.log_parameter("param_1", value_1) run.log_parameter("param_2", value_2) ... #Define metrics to log run.log_metric("metric_a", 0.5) run.log_metric("metric_b", 0.1) # Invoke your remote function train(1.0, 2.0, "my-exp-name", "my-run-name")

Load current SageMaker Experiments with a job initiated by the @remote decorator

Use the load_run() function from the SageMaker Experiments library to load the current run object from the run context. You can also use the load_run() function within your remote function. Load the run object initialized locally by the with statement on the run object as shown in the following code example.

from sagemaker.experiments.run import Run, load_run # Define your remote function @remote def train(value_1, value_2): ... ... with load_run() as run: run.log_metric("metric_a", value_1) run.log_metric("metric_b", value_2) # Invoke your remote function with Run( experiment_name="my-exp-name", run_name="my-run-name", ) as run: train(0.5, 1.0)

Load a current experiment run within a job initiated with the RemoteExecutor API

You can also load a current SageMaker experiment run if your jobs were initiated with the RemoteExecutor API. The following code example shows how to use RemoteExecutor API with the SageMaker Experiments load_run function. You do this to load a current SageMaker experiment run and capture metrics in the job submitted by RemoteExecutor.

from sagemaker.experiments.run import Run, load_run def square(x): with load_run() as run: result = x * x run.log_metric("result", result) return result with RemoteExecutor( max_parallel_job=2, instance_type="ml.m5.large" ) as e: with Run( experiment_name="my-exp-name", run_name="my-run-name", ): future_1 = e.submit(square, 2)

Unsupported uses for SageMaker Experiments while annotating your code with an @remote decorator

SageMaker does not support passing a Run type object to an @remote function or using global Run objects. The following examples show code that will throw a SerializationError.

The following code example attempts to pass a Run type object to an @remote decorator, and it generates an error.

@remote def func(run: Run): run.log_metrics("metric_a", 1.0) with Run(...) as run: func(run) ---> SerializationError caused by NotImplementedError

The following code example attempts to use a global run object instantiated outside of the remote function. In the code example, the train() function is defined inside the with Run context, referencing a global run object from within. When train() is called, it generates an error.

with Run(...) as run: @remote def train(metric_1, value_1, metric_2, value_2): run.log_parameter(metric_1, value_1) run.log_parameter(metric_2, value_2) train("p1", 1.0, "p2", 0.5) ---> SerializationError caused by NotImplementedError