Get the Amazon SDK for C++ from a package manager
If you are using a package manager like homebrew or vcpkg:
After updating the SDK for C++ to a new version, you must recompile any library or executable that depends on the SDK.
To set up the Amazon SDK for C++, you can either build the SDK yourself directly from the source or download the libraries using a package manager.
The SDK source is separated into individual packages by service. Installing the entire SDK can take up to an hour. Installing only the specific subset of
services that your program uses decreases installation time and also reduces size on disk. To choose which services to install, you need to know the package name
of each service your program uses. You can see the list of package directories at aws/aws-sdk-cpp
# Repo directory name and packageName aws-sdk-cpp\aws-cpp-sdk-s3 # Example: Package name is s3
You need a minimum of 4 GB of RAM to build some of the larger Amazon clients. The SDK might fail to build on Amazon EC2 instance types t2.micro, t2.small, and other small instance types due to insufficient memory.
Get the SDK using vcpkg
The available vcpkg distribution is supported by external contributors and is not provided through Amazon. The most recent version is always available through installing from source.
You must install vcpkg
Download and bootstrap vcpkg
by following the instructions on the vcpkg GitHub Readme, substituting the following options when prompted: -
As part of those instructions, you are guided to enter:
.\vcpkg\vcpkg install
[packages to install]
To install the entire SDK, enter
.\vcpkg\vcpkg install "aws-sdk-cpp[*]" --recurse
or indicate only specific services of the SDK to install by appending a package name in brackets, for example,.\vcpkg\vcpkg install "aws-sdk-cpp[s3, ec2]" --recurse
The output displays a messages including the following:
CMake projects should use: "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/dev/vcpkg/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"
Copy the complete
command to use for CMake later. The vcpkg GitHub Readme also instructs on where to use this for your toolset. -
You may also need to note the build configuration type that you installed via vcpkg. The console output shows the build configuration and the version of the SDK. The following example output indicates the build configuration is "x86-windows" and the Amazon SDK for C++ version installed is 1.8.
The following packages will be built and installed: aws-sdk-cpp[core,dynamodb,kinesis,s3]:x86-windows -> 1.8.126#6
After you install the Amazon SDK for C++, you can develop your own application using the SDK. The "Hello, S3" starter application reports the Amazon S3 buckets you own.