Use a performant S3 client: Amazon CRT-based S3 client
The Amazon CRT-based S3 client—built on top of the Amazon Common Runtime (CRT)—is an alternative S3 asynchronous client. It transfers objects to and from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with enhanced performance and reliability by automatically using Amazon S3's multipart upload API and byte-range fetches.
The Amazon CRT-based S3 client improves transfer reliability in case there is a network failure. Reliability is improved by retrying individual failed parts of a file transfer without restarting the transfer from the beginning.
In addition, the Amazon CRT-based S3 client offers enhanced connection pooling and Domain Name System (DNS) load balancing, which also improves throughput.
You can use the Amazon CRT-based S3 client in place of the SDK's standard S3 asynchronous client and take advantage of its improved throughput right away.
Amazon CRT-based components in the SDK
The Amazon CRT-based S3 client, described in this topic, and the Amazon CRT-based HTTP client are different components in the SDK.
The Amazon CRT-based S3 client is an implementation of the S3AsyncClientS3AsyncClient
interface and
offers several benefits.
The Amazon CRT-based HTTP client is an
implementation of the SdkAsyncHttpClientSdkAsyncHttpClient
interface and
offers several advantages.
Although both components use libraries from the Amazon Common
Runtime, the Amazon CRT-based S3 client uses the aws-c-s3 library
Add dependencies to use the Amazon CRT-based S3 client
To use the Amazon CRT-based S3 client, add the following two dependencies to your Maven project file. The
example shows the minimum versions to use. Search the Maven central repository for the most
recent versions of the s3
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>s3</artifactId> <version>
</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>aws-crt</artifactId> <version>0.30.11
</version> </dependency>
Create an instance of the Amazon CRT-based S3 client
Create an instance of the Amazon CRT-based S3 client with default settings as shown in the following code snippet.
S3AsyncClient s3AsyncClient = S3AsyncClient.crtCreate();
To configure the client, use the Amazon CRT client builder. You can switch from the standard S3 asynchronous client to Amazon CRT-based client by changing the builder method.
import; import; import; S3AsyncClient s3AsyncClient = S3AsyncClient.crtBuilder() .credentialsProvider(DefaultCredentialsProvider.create()) .region(Region.US_WEST_2) .targetThroughputInGbps(20.0) .minimumPartSizeInBytes(8 * 1025 * 1024L) .build();
Some of the settings in the standard builder might not be currently supported in the
Amazon CRT client builder. Get the standard builder by calling
Use the Amazon CRT-based S3 client
Use the Amazon CRT-based S3 client to call Amazon S3 API operations. The following example demonstrates the
import; import; import; import; import; S3AsyncClient s3Client = S3AsyncClient.crtCreate(); // Upload a local file to Amazon S3. PutObjectResponse putObjectResponse = s3Client.putObject(req -> req.bucket(
) .key(<KEY_NAME>
), AsyncRequestBody.fromFile(Paths.get(<FILE_NAME>
))) .join(); // Download an object from Amazon S3 to a local file. GetObjectResponse getObjectResponse = s3Client.getObject(req -> req.bucket(<BUCKET_NAME>
) .key(<KEY_NAME>
), AsyncResponseTransformer.toFile(Paths.get(<FILE_NAME>
))) .join();
Configuration limitations
The Amazon CRT-based S3 client and Java-based S3 async client provide comparable features, with the Amazon CRT-based S3 client offering a performance edge. However, the Amazon CRT-based S3 client lacks configuration settings that the Java-based S3 async client has. These settings include:
Client-level configuration: API call attempt timeout, compression execution interceptors, metric publishers, custom execution attributes, custom advanced options, custom scheduled executor service, custom headers
Request-level configuration: custom signers, credentials providers, API call attempt timeout
For a full listing of the configuration differences, see the API reference.
Java-based S3 async client | Amazon CRT-based S3 client |
Client-level configurations Request-level configurations |
Client-level configurations No request-level configurations |