Perform transaction operations - Amazon SDK for Java 2.x
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Perform transaction operations

The DynamoDB Enhanced Client API provides the transactGetItems() and the transactWriteItems() methods. The transaction methods of the SDK for Java provide atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) in DynamoDB tables, helping you to maintain data correctness in your applications.

transactGetItems() example

The transactGetItems() method accepts up to 100 individual requests for items. All items are read in a single atomic transaction. The Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide has information about the conditions that cause a transactGetItems() method to fail, and also about the isolation level used when you call transactGetItem().

After comment line 1 in the following example, the code calls the transactGetItems() method with a builder parameter. The builder's addGetItem() is invoked three times with a data object that contains the key values that the SDK will use to generate the final request.

The request returns a list of Document objects after comment line 2. The list of documents that is returned contains non-null Document instances of item data in the same order as requested. The Document.getItem(MappedTableResource<T> mappedTableResource) method converts an untyped Document object into a typed Java object if item data was returned, otherwise the method returns null.

public static void transactGetItemsExample(DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient, DynamoDbTable<ProductCatalog> catalogTable, DynamoDbTable<MovieActor> movieActorTable) { // 1. Request three items from two tables using a builder. final List<Document> documents = enhancedClient.transactGetItems(b -> b .addGetItem(catalogTable, Key.builder().partitionValue(2).sortValue("Title 55").build()) .addGetItem(movieActorTable, Key.builder().partitionValue("Sophie's Choice").sortValue("Meryl Streep").build()) .addGetItem(movieActorTable, Key.builder().partitionValue("Blue Jasmine").sortValue("Cate Blanchett").build()) .build()); // 2. A list of Document objects is returned in the same order as requested. ProductCatalog title55 = documents.get(0).getItem(catalogTable); if (title55 != null) {; } MovieActor sophiesChoice = documents.get(1).getItem(movieActorTable); if (sophiesChoice != null) {; } // 3. The getItem() method returns null if the Document object contains no item from DynamoDB. MovieActor blueJasmine = documents.get(2).getItem(movieActorTable); if (blueJasmine != null) {; } }

The DynamoDB tables contain the following items before the code example runs.

ProductCatalog{id=2, title='Title 55', isbn='orig_isbn', authors=[b, g], price=10} MovieActor{movieName='Sophie's Choice', actorName='Meryl Streep', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=1982, actingSchoolName='Yale School of Drama'}

The following output is logged. If an item is requested but not found, it not returned as is the case for the request for the movie named Blue Jasmine.

ProductCatalog{id=2, title='Title 55', isbn='orig_isbn', authors=[b, g], price=10} MovieActor{movieName='Sophie's Choice', actorName='Meryl Streep', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=1982, actingSchoolName='Yale School of Drama'}

transactWriteItems() examples

The transactWriteItems() accepts up to 100 put, update, or delete actions in a single atomic transaction across multiple tables. The Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide contains details about restrictions and failure conditions of the underlying DynamoDB service operation.

Basic example

In the following example, four operations are requested for two tables. The corresponding model classes ProductCatalog and MovieActor were shown previously.

Each of the three possible operations—put, update, and delete—uses a dedicated request parameter to specify the details.

The code after comment line 1 shows the simple variation of the addPutItem() method. The method accepts a MappedTableResource object and the data object instance to put. The statement after comment line 2 shows the variation that accepts a TransactPutItemEnhancedRequest instance. This variation lets you add more options in the request, such as a condition expression. A subsequent example shows a condition expression for an individual operation.

An update operation is requested after comment line 3. TransactUpdateItemEnhancedRequest has an ignoreNulls() method that lets you configure what the SDK does with null values on the model object. If the ignoreNulls() method returns true, the SDK does not remove the table's attribute values for data object attributes that are null. If the ignoreNulls() method returns false, the SDK requests the DynamoDB service to remove the attributes from the item in the table. The default value for ignoreNulls is false.

The statement after comment line 4 shows the variation of a delete request that takes a data object. The enhanced client extracts the key values before dispatching the final request.

public static void transactWriteItems(DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient, DynamoDbTable<ProductCatalog> catalogTable, DynamoDbTable<MovieActor> movieActorTable) { enhancedClient.transactWriteItems(b -> b // 1. Simplest variation of put item request. .addPutItem(catalogTable, getProductCatId2()) // 2. Put item request variation that accommodates condition expressions. .addPutItem(movieActorTable, TransactPutItemEnhancedRequest.builder(MovieActor.class) .item(getMovieActorStreep()) .conditionExpression(Expression.builder().expression("attribute_not_exists (movie)").build()) .build()) // 3. Update request that does not remove attribute values on the table if the data object's value is null. .addUpdateItem(catalogTable, TransactUpdateItemEnhancedRequest.builder(ProductCatalog.class) .item(getProductCatId4ForUpdate()) .ignoreNulls(Boolean.TRUE) .build()) // 4. Variation of delete request that accepts a data object. The key values are extracted for the request. .addDeleteItem(movieActorTable, getMovieActorBlanchett()) ); }

The following helper methods provide the data objects for the add*Item parameters.

public static ProductCatalog getProductCatId2() { return ProductCatalog.builder() .id(2) .isbn("1-565-85698") .authors(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b"))) .price(BigDecimal.valueOf(30.22)) .title("Title 55") .build(); } public static ProductCatalog getProductCatId4ForUpdate() { return ProductCatalog.builder() .id(4) .price(BigDecimal.valueOf(40.00)) .title("Title 1") .build(); } public static MovieActor getMovieActorBlanchett() { MovieActor movieActor = new MovieActor(); movieActor.setActorName("Cate Blanchett"); movieActor.setMovieName("Tar"); movieActor.setActingYear(2022); movieActor.setActingAward("Best Actress"); movieActor.setActingSchoolName("National Institute of Dramatic Art"); return movieActor; } public static MovieActor getMovieActorStreep() { MovieActor movieActor = new MovieActor(); movieActor.setActorName("Meryl Streep"); movieActor.setMovieName("Sophie's Choice"); movieActor.setActingYear(1982); movieActor.setActingAward("Best Actress"); movieActor.setActingSchoolName("Yale School of Drama"); return movieActor; }

The DynamoDB tables contain the following items before the code example runs.

1 | ProductCatalog{id=4, title='Title 1', isbn='orig_isbn', authors=[b, g], price=10} 2 | MovieActor{movieName='Tar', actorName='Cate Blanchett', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=2022, actingSchoolName='National Institute of Dramatic Art'}

The following items are in the tables after the code finishes running.

3 | ProductCatalog{id=2, title='Title 55', isbn='1-565-85698', authors=[a, b], price=30.22} 4 | ProductCatalog{id=4, title='Title 1', isbn='orig_isbn', authors=[b, g], price=40.0} 5 | MovieActor{movieName='Sophie's Choice', actorName='Meryl Streep', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=1982, actingSchoolName='Yale School of Drama'}

The item on line 2 has been deleted and lines 3 and 5 show the items that were put. Line 4 shows the update of line 1. The price value is the only value that changed on the item. If ignoreNulls() had returned false, line 4 would look like the following line.

ProductCatalog{id=4, title='Title 1', isbn='null', authors=null, price=40.0}

Condition check example

The following example shows the use of a condition check. A condition check is used to check that an item exists or to check the condition of specific attributes of an item in the database. The item checked in the condition check cannot be used in another operation in the transaction.


You can't target the same item with multiple operations within the same transaction. For example, you can't perform a condition check and also attempt to update the same item in the same transaction.

The example shows one of each type of operation in a transactional write items request. After comment line 2, the addConditionCheck() method supplies the condition that fails the transaction if the conditionExpression parameter evaluates to false. The condition expression that is returned from the method shown in the Helper methods block checks if the award year for the movie Sophie's Choice is not equal to 1982. If it is, the expression evaluates to false and the transaction fails.

This guide discusses expressions in depth in another topic.

public static void conditionCheckFailExample(DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient, DynamoDbTable<ProductCatalog> catalogTable, DynamoDbTable<MovieActor> movieActorTable) { try { enhancedClient.transactWriteItems(b -> b // 1. Perform one of each type of operation with the next three methods. .addPutItem(catalogTable, TransactPutItemEnhancedRequest.builder(ProductCatalog.class) .item(getProductCatId2()).build()) .addUpdateItem(catalogTable, TransactUpdateItemEnhancedRequest.builder(ProductCatalog.class) .item(getProductCatId4ForUpdate()) .ignoreNulls(Boolean.TRUE).build()) .addDeleteItem(movieActorTable, TransactDeleteItemEnhancedRequest.builder() .key(b1 -> b1 .partitionValue(getMovieActorBlanchett().getMovieName()) .sortValue(getMovieActorBlanchett().getActorName())).build()) // 2. Add a condition check on a table item that is not involved in another operation in this request. .addConditionCheck(movieActorTable, ConditionCheck.builder() .conditionExpression(buildConditionCheckExpression()) .key(k -> k .partitionValue("Sophie's Choice") .sortValue("Meryl Streep")) // 3. Specify the request to return existing values from the item if the condition evaluates to true. .returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure(ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure.ALL_OLD) .build()) .build()); // 4. Catch the exception if the transaction fails and log the information. } catch (TransactionCanceledException ex) { ex.cancellationReasons().stream().forEach(cancellationReason -> {; }); } }

The following helper methods are used in the previous code example.

private static Expression buildConditionCheckExpression() { Map<String, AttributeValue> expressionValue = Map.of( ":year", numberValue(1982)); return Expression.builder() .expression("actingyear <> :year") .expressionValues(expressionValue) .build(); } public static ProductCatalog getProductCatId2() { return ProductCatalog.builder() .id(2) .isbn("1-565-85698") .authors(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b"))) .price(BigDecimal.valueOf(30.22)) .title("Title 55") .build(); } public static ProductCatalog getProductCatId4ForUpdate() { return ProductCatalog.builder() .id(4) .price(BigDecimal.valueOf(40.00)) .title("Title 1") .build(); } public static MovieActor getMovieActorBlanchett() { MovieActor movieActor = new MovieActor(); movieActor.setActorName("Cate Blanchett"); movieActor.setMovieName("Blue Jasmine"); movieActor.setActingYear(2013); movieActor.setActingAward("Best Actress"); movieActor.setActingSchoolName("National Institute of Dramatic Art"); return movieActor; }

The DynamoDB tables contain the following items before the code example runs.

1 | ProductCatalog{id=4, title='Title 1', isbn='orig_isbn', authors=[b, g], price=10} 2 | MovieActor{movieName='Sophie's Choice', actorName='Meryl Streep', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=1982, actingSchoolName='Yale School of Drama'} 3 | MovieActor{movieName='Tar', actorName='Cate Blanchett', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=2022, actingSchoolName='National Institute of Dramatic Art'}

The following items are in the tables after the code finishes running.

ProductCatalog{id=4, title='Title 1', isbn='orig_isbn', authors=[b, g], price=10} MovieActor{movieName='Sophie's Choice', actorName='Meryl Streep', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=1982, actingSchoolName='Yale School of Drama'} MovieActor{movieName='Tar', actorName='Cate Blanchett', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=2022, actingSchoolName='National Institute of Dramatic Art'}

Items remain unchanged in the tables because the transaction failed. The actingYear value for the movie Sophie's Choice is 1982, as shown on line 2 of the items in the table before the transactWriteItem() method is called.

To capture the cancellation information for the transaction, enclose the transactWriteItems() method call in a try block and catch the TransactionCanceledException. After comment line 4 of the example, the code logs each CancellationReason object. Because the code following comment line 3 of the example specifies that values should be returned for the item that caused the transaction to fail, the log displays the raw database values for the Sophie's Choice movie item.

CancellationReason(Code=None) CancellationReason(Code=None) CancellationReason(Code=None) CancellationReason(Item={actor=AttributeValue(S=Meryl Streep), movie=AttributeValue(S=Sophie's Choice), actingaward=AttributeValue(S=Best Actress), actingyear=AttributeValue(N=1982), actingschoolname=AttributeValue(S=Yale School of Drama)}, ¬ Code=ConditionalCheckFailed, Message=The conditional request failed.)

Single operation condition example

The following example shows the use of a condition on a single operation in a transaction request. The delete operation after comment line 1 contains a condition that checks the value of the target item of the operation against the database. In this example, the condition expression created with the helper method after comment line 2 specifies that the item should be deleted from the database if the acting year of the movie is not equal to 2013.

Expressions are discussed later in this guide.

public static void singleOperationConditionFailExample(DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient, DynamoDbTable<ProductCatalog> catalogTable, DynamoDbTable<MovieActor> movieActorTable) { try { enhancedClient.transactWriteItems(b -> b .addPutItem(catalogTable, TransactPutItemEnhancedRequest.builder(ProductCatalog.class) .item(getProductCatId2()) .build()) .addUpdateItem(catalogTable, TransactUpdateItemEnhancedRequest.builder(ProductCatalog.class) .item(getProductCatId4ForUpdate()) .ignoreNulls(Boolean.TRUE).build()) // 1. Delete operation that contains a condition expression .addDeleteItem(movieActorTable, TransactDeleteItemEnhancedRequest.builder() .key((Key.Builder k) -> { MovieActor blanchett = getMovieActorBlanchett(); k.partitionValue(blanchett.getMovieName()) .sortValue(blanchett.getActorName()); }) .conditionExpression(buildDeleteItemExpression()) .returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure(ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure.ALL_OLD) .build()) .build()); } catch (TransactionCanceledException ex) { ex.cancellationReasons().forEach(cancellationReason ->; } } // 2. Provide condition expression to check if 'actingyear' is not equal to 2013. private static Expression buildDeleteItemExpression() { Map<String, AttributeValue> expressionValue = Map.of( ":year", numberValue(2013)); return Expression.builder() .expression("actingyear <> :year") .expressionValues(expressionValue) .build(); }

The following helper methods are used in the previous code example.

public static ProductCatalog getProductCatId2() { return ProductCatalog.builder() .id(2) .isbn("1-565-85698") .authors(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b"))) .price(BigDecimal.valueOf(30.22)) .title("Title 55") .build(); } public static ProductCatalog getProductCatId4ForUpdate() { return ProductCatalog.builder() .id(4) .price(BigDecimal.valueOf(40.00)) .title("Title 1") .build(); } public static MovieActor getMovieActorBlanchett() { MovieActor movieActor = new MovieActor(); movieActor.setActorName("Cate Blanchett"); movieActor.setMovieName("Blue Jasmine"); movieActor.setActingYear(2013); movieActor.setActingAward("Best Actress"); movieActor.setActingSchoolName("National Institute of Dramatic Art"); return movieActor; }

The DynamoDB tables contain the following items before the code example runs.

1 | ProductCatalog{id=4, title='Title 1', isbn='orig_isbn', authors=[b, g], price=10} 2 | MovieActor{movieName='Blue Jasmine', actorName='Cate Blanchett', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=2013, actingSchoolName='National Institute of Dramatic Art'}

The following items are in the tables after the code finishes running.

ProductCatalog{id=4, title='Title 1', isbn='orig_isbn', authors=[b, g], price=10} 2023-03-15 11:29:07 [main] INFO org.example.tests.TransactDemoTest:168 - MovieActor{movieName='Blue Jasmine', actorName='Cate Blanchett', actingAward='Best Actress', actingYear=2013, actingSchoolName='National Institute of Dramatic Art'}

Items remain unchanged in the tables because the transaction failed. The actingYear value for the movie Blue Jasmine is 2013 as shown on line 2 in the list of items before the code example runs.

The following lines are logged to the console.

CancellationReason(Code=None) CancellationReason(Code=None) CancellationReason(Item={actor=AttributeValue(S=Cate Blanchett), movie=AttributeValue(S=Blue Jasmine), actingaward=AttributeValue(S=Best Actress), actingyear=AttributeValue(N=2013), actingschoolname=AttributeValue(S=National Institute of Dramatic Art)}, Code=ConditionalCheckFailed, Message=The conditional request failed)