Poll for resource states in the Amazon SDK for Java 2.x: Waiters - Amazon SDK for Java 2.x
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Poll for resource states in the Amazon SDK for Java 2.x: Waiters

The waiters utility of the Amazon SDK for Java 2.x enables you to validate that Amazon resources are in a specified state before performing operations on those resources.

A waiter is an abstraction used to poll Amazon resources, such as DynamoDB tables or Amazon S3 buckets, until a desired state is reached (or until a determination is made that the resource won’t ever reach the desired state). Instead of writing logic to continuously poll your Amazon resources, which can be cumbersome and error-prone, you can use waiters to poll a resource and have your code continue to run after the resource is ready.


Before you can use waiters in a project with the Amazon SDK for Java, you must complete the steps in Setting up the Amazon SDK for Java 2.x.

You must also configure your project dependencies (for example, in your pom.xml or build.gradle file) to use version 2.15.0 or later of the Amazon SDK for Java.

For example:

<project> <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>software.amazon.awssdk</groupId> <artifactId>bom</artifactId> <version>2.27.21</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencyManagement> </project>

Using waiters

To instantiate a waiters object, first create a service client. Set the service client’s waiter() method as the value of the waiter object. Once the waiter instance exists, set its response options to execute the appropriate code.

Synchronous programming

The following code snippet shows how to wait for a DynamoDB table to exist and be in an ACTIVE state.

DynamoDbClient dynamo = DynamoDbClient.create(); DynamoDbWaiter waiter = dynamo.waiter(); WaiterResponse<DescribeTableResponse> waiterResponse = waiter.waitUntilTableExists(r -> r.tableName("myTable")); // print out the matched response with a tableStatus of ACTIVE waiterResponse.matched().response().ifPresent(System.out::println);

Asynchronous programming

The following code snippet shows how to wait for a DynamoDB table to no longer exist.

DynamoDbAsyncClient asyncDynamo = DynamoDbAsyncClient.create(); DynamoDbAsyncWaiter asyncWaiter = asyncDynamo.waiter(); CompletableFuture<WaiterResponse<DescribeTableResponse>> waiterResponse = asyncWaiter.waitUntilTableNotExists(r -> r.tableName("myTable")); waiterResponse.whenComplete((r, t) -> { if (t == null) { // print out the matched ResourceNotFoundException r.matched().exception().ifPresent(System.out::println); } }).join();

Configure waiters

You can customize the configuration for a waiter by using the overrideConfiguration() on its builder. For some operations, you can apply a custom configuration when you make the request.

Configure a waiter

The following code snippet shows how to override the configuration on a waiter.

// sync DynamoDbWaiter waiter = DynamoDbWaiter.builder() .overrideConfiguration(b -> b.maxAttempts(10)) .client(dynamoDbClient) .build(); // async DynamoDbAsyncWaiter asyncWaiter = DynamoDbAsyncWaiter.builder() .client(dynamoDbAsyncClient) .overrideConfiguration(o -> o.backoffStrategy( FixedDelayBackoffStrategy.create(Duration.ofSeconds(2)))) .scheduledExecutorService(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(3)) .build();

Override configuration for a specific request

The following code snippet shows how to override the configuration for a waiter on a per-request basis. Note that only some operations have customizable configurations.

waiter.waitUntilTableNotExists(b -> b.tableName("myTable"), o -> o.maxAttempts(10)); asyncWaiter.waitUntilTableExists(b -> b.tableName("myTable"), o -> o.waitTimeout(Duration.ofMinutes(1)));

Code examples

For a complete example using waiters with DynamoDB, see CreateTable.java in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

For a complete example using waiters with Amazon S3, see S3BucketOps.java in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.