Getting metrics from Amazon CloudWatch with Amazon SDK for PHP Version 3 - Amazon SDK for PHP
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Getting metrics from Amazon CloudWatch with Amazon SDK for PHP Version 3

Metrics are data about the performance of your systems. You can enable detailed monitoring of some resources, such as your Amazon EC2 instances, or of your own application metrics.

The following examples show how to:

All the example code for the Amazon SDK for PHP is available here on GitHub.


Before running the example code, configure your Amazon credentials, as described in Credentials. Then import the Amazon SDK for PHP, as described in Basic usage.

List metrics


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\CloudWatch\CloudWatchClient; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;

Sample Code

function listMetrics($cloudWatchClient) { try { $result = $cloudWatchClient->listMetrics(); $message = ''; if (isset($result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'])) { $message .= 'For the effective URI at ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] . ":\n\n"; if ( (isset($result['Metrics'])) and (count($result['Metrics']) > 0) ) { $message .= "Metrics found:\n\n"; foreach ($result['Metrics'] as $metric) { $message .= 'For metric ' . $metric['MetricName'] . ' in namespace ' . $metric['Namespace'] . ":\n"; if ( (isset($metric['Dimensions'])) and (count($metric['Dimensions']) > 0) ) { $message .= "Dimensions:\n"; foreach ($metric['Dimensions'] as $dimension) { $message .= 'Name: ' . $dimension['Name'] . ', Value: ' . $dimension['Value'] . "\n"; } $message .= "\n"; } else { $message .= "No dimensions.\n\n"; } } } else { $message .= 'No metrics found.'; } } else { $message .= 'No metrics found.'; } return $message; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function listTheMetrics() { $cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-08-01' ]); echo listMetrics($cloudWatchClient); } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // listTheMetrics();

Retrieve alarms for a metric


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\CloudWatch\CloudWatchClient; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;

Sample Code

function describeAlarmsForMetric( $cloudWatchClient, $metricName, $namespace, $dimensions ) { try { $result = $cloudWatchClient->describeAlarmsForMetric([ 'MetricName' => $metricName, 'Namespace' => $namespace, 'Dimensions' => $dimensions ]); $message = ''; if (isset($result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'])) { $message .= 'At the effective URI of ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] . ":\n\n"; if ( (isset($result['MetricAlarms'])) and (count($result['MetricAlarms']) > 0) ) { $message .= 'Matching alarms for ' . $metricName . ":\n\n"; foreach ($result['MetricAlarms'] as $alarm) { $message .= $alarm['AlarmName'] . "\n"; } } else { $message .= 'No matching alarms found for ' . $metricName . '.'; } } else { $message .= 'No matching alarms found for ' . $metricName . '.'; } return $message; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function describeTheAlarmsForMetric() { $metricName = 'BucketSizeBytes'; $namespace = 'AWS/S3'; $dimensions = [ [ 'Name' => 'StorageType', 'Value' => 'StandardStorage' ], [ 'Name' => 'BucketName', 'Value' => 'my-bucket' ] ]; $cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-08-01' ]); echo describeAlarmsForMetric( $cloudWatchClient, $metricName, $namespace, $dimensions ); } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // describeTheAlarmsForMetric();

Get metric statistics


require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\CloudWatch\CloudWatchClient; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;

Sample Code

function getMetricStatistics( $cloudWatchClient, $namespace, $metricName, $dimensions, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $statistics, $unit ) { try { $result = $cloudWatchClient->getMetricStatistics([ 'Namespace' => $namespace, 'MetricName' => $metricName, 'Dimensions' => $dimensions, 'StartTime' => $startTime, 'EndTime' => $endTime, 'Period' => $period, 'Statistics' => $statistics, 'Unit' => $unit ]); $message = ''; if (isset($result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'])) { $message .= 'For the effective URI at ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] . "\n\n"; if ( (isset($result['Datapoints'])) and (count($result['Datapoints']) > 0) ) { $message .= "Datapoints found:\n\n"; foreach ($result['Datapoints'] as $datapoint) { foreach ($datapoint as $key => $value) { $message .= $key . ' = ' . $value . "\n"; } $message .= "\n"; } } else { $message .= 'No datapoints found.'; } } else { $message .= 'No datapoints found.'; } return $message; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function getTheMetricStatistics() { // Average number of Amazon EC2 vCPUs every 5 minutes within // the past 3 hours. $namespace = 'AWS/Usage'; $metricName = 'ResourceCount'; $dimensions = [ [ 'Name' => 'Service', 'Value' => 'EC2' ], [ 'Name' => 'Resource', 'Value' => 'vCPU' ], [ 'Name' => 'Type', 'Value' => 'Resource' ], [ 'Name' => 'Class', 'Value' => 'Standard/OnDemand' ] ]; $startTime = strtotime('-3 hours'); $endTime = strtotime('now'); $period = 300; // Seconds. (5 minutes = 300 seconds.) $statistics = ['Average']; $unit = 'None'; $cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-08-01' ]); echo getMetricStatistics( $cloudWatchClient, $namespace, $metricName, $dimensions, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $statistics, $unit ); // Another example: average number of bytes of standard storage in the // specified Amazon S3 bucket each day for the past 3 days. /* $namespace = 'AWS/S3'; $metricName = 'BucketSizeBytes'; $dimensions = [ [ 'Name' => 'StorageType', 'Value'=> 'StandardStorage' ], [ 'Name' => 'BucketName', 'Value' => 'my-bucket' ] ]; $startTime = strtotime('-3 days'); $endTime = strtotime('now'); $period = 86400; // Seconds. (1 day = 86400 seconds.) $statistics = array('Average'); $unit = 'Bytes'; $cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-08-01' ]); echo getMetricStatistics($cloudWatchClient, $namespace, $metricName, $dimensions, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $statistics, $unit); */ } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // getTheMetricStatistics();