Listing IAM Users who are Administrators - Amazon SDK for Ruby
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Listing IAM Users who are Administrators

The following example uses the get_account_authorization_details, method to get the list of users for the current account.

Choose Copy to save the code locally.

Create the file get_admins.rb.

Add the required IAM gem and the os gem, and use the latter to use the bundled certificate if you are running on Microsoft Windows.


Version 2 of the Amazon SDK for Ruby didn’t have service-specific gems.

require 'aws-sdk-iam' # v2: require 'aws-sdk' require 'os' if Aws.use_bundled_cert! end

Create a method to determine whether the user has a policy with administrator privileges.

def user_has_admin_policy(user, admin_access) policies = user.user_policy_list policies.each do |p| if p.policy_name == admin_access return true end end false end

Create a method to determine whether the user has an attached policy with administrator privileges.

def user_has_attached_policy(user, admin_access) attached_policies = user.attached_managed_policies attached_policies.each do |p| if p.policy_name == admin_access return true end end false end

Create a method to determine whether a group to which the user belongs has a policy with administrator privileges.

Create a method to determine whether a group to which the user belongs has an attached policy with administrator privileges.

def group_has_admin_policy(client, group, admin_access) resp = client.list_group_policies( group_name: group.group_name ) resp.policy_names.each do |name| if name == admin_access return true end end false end

Create a method to determine whether a group to which the user belongs has administrator privileges.

def user_has_admin_from_group(client, user, admin_access) resp = client.list_groups_for_user( user_name: user.user_name ) resp.groups.each do |group| has_admin_policy = group_has_admin_policy(client, group, admin_access) if has_admin_policy return true end has_attached_policy = group_has_attached_policy(client, group, admin_access) if has_attached_policy return true end end false end

Create a method to determine whether the user has administrator privileges.

def is_user_admin(client, user, admin_access) has_admin_policy = user_has_admin_policy(user, admin_access) if has_admin_policy return true end has_attached_admin_policy = user_has_attached_policy(user, admin_access) if has_attached_admin_policy return true end has_admin_from_group = user_has_admin_from_group(client, user, admin_access) if has_admin_from_group return true end false end

Create a method to loop through a list of users and return how many of those users have administrator privileges.


The main routine starts here. Create an IAM client and variables to store the number of users, number of users who have adminstrator privileges, and the string that identifies a policy that supplies adminstrator privileges.

def get_admin_count(client, users, admin_access) num_admins = 0 users.each do |user| is_admin = is_user_admin(client, user, admin_access) if is_admin puts user.user_name num_admins += 1 end end num_admins end

Call get_account_authorization_details to get the details of the account and get the users for the account from user_detail_list. Keep track of how many users we get, call get_admin_count to get the number of those users who have administrator privileges, and keep track of the number of those.

details = client.get_account_authorization_details( filter: ['User'] ) users = details.user_detail_list num_users += users.count more_admins = get_admin_count(client, users, access_admin) num_admins += more_admins

If the first call to get_account_authorization_details did not get all of the details, call it again and repeat the process of determining how many have administrator privileges.


Finally, display how many users have administrator privileges.

more_users = details.is_truncated

while more_users
details = client.get_account_authorization_details(

filter: [‘User’], marker: details.marker


users = details.user_detail_list

num_users += users.count more_admins = get_admin_count(client, users, access_admin) num_admins += more_admins

more_users = details.is_truncated


See the complete example on GitHub.