Amazon S3 example program
This section walks you through a simple example program to list the contents of an Amazon S3
bucket by calling ListObjectsV2
You must meet the following prerequisites to run this example program.
You have an Amazon S3 bucket. In this tutorial, the bucket is named
. -
Has a defined SDK profile named
In the SDK profile, the logical IAM role
must map to an IAM role, such asarn:aws:iam::
which grants111122223333
permission to list the contents of your Amazon S3 bucket.
Has a logical resource named
that is mapped to your Amazon S3 bucket with the SID and client of your SAP system.
Your user has a PFCG role that:
Authorizes the user to access
SDK profile via auth object -/AWS1/SESS
. -
Authorizes the user for logical IAM role
access via auth object -/AWS1/LROL
Your SAP system can authenticate itself to Amazon using the method defined in the SDK profile.
Your Amazon EC2 instance profile grants your SAP system the rights to
in the IAM rolearn:aws:iam::
mapped in the SDK profile.111122223333
The following code block demonstrates what your code would look like.
REPORT zdemo_s3_listbuckets. START-OF-SELECTION. PARAMETERS pv_lres TYPE /aws1/rt_resource_logical DEFAULT 'DEMO_BUCKET' OBLIGATORY. DATA(go_session) = /aws1/cl_rt_session_aws=>create( 'DEMO_S3' ). DATA(gv_bucket) = go_session->resolve_lresource( pv_lres ). DATA(go_s3) = /aws1/cl_s3_factory=>create( go_session ). TRY. DATA(lo_output) = go_s3->listobjectsv2( iv_bucket = CONV string( gv_bucket ) iv_maxkeys = 100 ). LOOP AT lo_output->get_contents( ) INTO DATA(lo_object). DATA lv_mdate TYPE datum. CONVERT TIME STAMP lo_object->get_lastmodified( ) TIME ZONE 'UTC' INTO DATE lv_mdate. WRITE: / CONV text30( lo_object->get_key( ) ), lv_mdate, lo_object->get_size( ). ENDLOOP. CATCH /aws1/cx_rt_generic INTO DATA(lo_ex). DATA(lv_msg) = lo_ex->if_message~get_text( ). MESSAGE lv_msg TYPE 'I'. ENDTRY.
Code sections
The following is a review of the code in sections.
PARAMETERS pv_lres TYPE /aws1/rt_resource_logical DEFAULT 'DEMO_BUCKET' OBLIGATORY.
The user can't specify a physical bucket name. They specify a logical bucket and the
system administrators (specifically the business analyst) in coordination with the Amazon
administrator map logical buckets to physical buckets in /AWS1/IMG
. In most
business scenarios, the user doesn't have a chance to choose the logical bucket — the logical
resource ID is hard coded in the code or configured in a custom configuration table.
DATA(go_session) = /aws1/cl_rt_session_aws=>create( 'DEMO_S3' ).
This line establishes a security session and declares that this ABAP program expects to
use the DEMO_S3
SDK profile. This call is the connection to the SDK configuration
and pulls in the default Region, authentication settings, and the desired IAM Role. A call
is automatically made to ensure that authorization object
is satisfied. Additionally, AUTHORIZATION-CHECK
will be made to determine the most powerful (lower sequence number) logical IAM role the
user is authorized for, based on the authorization object /AWS1/LROL
. The SDK
will assume that the IAM role is mapped to the logical IAM role for the SID and client.
Then, the session object activates tracing based on the trace settings in the
If the user is not authorized for the requested SDK profile or for any available logical IAM role, an exception will be raised.
DATA(gv_bucket) = go_session->resolve_lresource( pv_lres ).
This line resolves the logical resource to a physical bucket name. If the logical resource cannot be resolved because the configuration has no mapping for this SID/client combination, an exception will be raised.
DATA(go_s3) = /aws1/cl_s3_factory=>create( go_session ).
This line creates an API object for Amazon S3 using the create()
method of
. The returned object is of type /aws1/if_s3
which is the interface for an Amazon S3 API. A separate API object must be created for each
service. For example, if an ABAP program is consuming Amazon S3, Amazon Lambda, and DynamoDB,
then it creates API objects from /aws1/cl_s3_factory
, and /aws1/cl_dyn_factory
There are some optional parameters to the constructor which enable you to specify the
Region if you want to override the default Region configured IMG
. In this way,
there can be two instances of /aws1/if_s3
, one for us-east-1
and one
for us-west-2
, if you want to copy objects from a bucket in one Region to a
bucket in another Region. Similarly, you can create two different security session objects and
use them to create two separate instances of /aws1/cl_s3
, if you need a report to
read from a finance-related bucket and write objects to a logistics-related bucket.
DATA(lo_output) = go_s3->listobjectsv2( iv_bucket = CONV string( gv_bucket ) iv_maxkeys = 100 ).
This line is a call to ListObjectsV2
. It requires simple input arguments and
returns a single object. These objects may represent deep JSON and XML data, de-serialized
into an ABAP object-oriented construct. It can be quite complicated in some cases. Now, you
only need to process the output to list the contents of the bucket.
LOOP AT lo_output->get_contents( ) INTO DATA(lo_object). DATA lv_mdate TYPE datum. CONVERT TIME STAMP lo_object->get_lastmodified( ) TIME ZONE 'UTC' INTO DATE lv_mdate. WRITE: / CONV text30( lo_object->get_key( ) ), lv_mdate, lo_object->get_size( ). ENDLOOP.
The data is accessed using a GET...()
style method that hides the internal
representation of the data. GET_CONTENTS( )
returns an ABAP table and each row
itself contains an object representing a single Amazon S3 entry. In most cases, Amazon SDK takes this
object-oriented approach and all data is represented as objects and tables. The
field is represented as a timestamp that can be converted to a
date with the ABAP-native CONVERT TIME STAMP
command. the GET_SIZE()
returns an INT4
for easy math and formatting operations.
CATCH /aws1/cx_rt_generic INTO DATA(lo_ex). DATA(lv_msg) = lo_ex->if_message~get_text( ). MESSAGE lv_msg TYPE 'I'.
All errors – connection, 4xx client, 5xx server, or any ABAP error, such as authorization or configuration errors, are represented as exceptions. You can tackle each exception separately. You have the choice of whether an exception should be handled as an informational error, a retry, warning, short dump, or any other kind of handling.