A container definition that describes a container in the task.
- Command
The command that is passed to the container.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
- Cpu
The number of CPU units reserved for the container.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- DependsOn
The dependencies that are defined for container startup and shutdown.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsDependsOnDetails objects
Required: No
- DisableNetworking
Whether to disable networking within the container.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- DnsSearchDomains
A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
- DnsServers
A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
- DockerLabels
A key-value map of labels to add to the container.
Type: String to string map
Key Pattern:
Value Pattern:
Required: No
- DockerSecurityOptions
A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
- EntryPoint
The entry point that is passed to the container.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
- Environment
The environment variables to pass to a container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentDetails objects
Required: No
- EnvironmentFiles
A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsEnvironmentFilesDetails objects
Required: No
- Essential
Whether the container is essential. All tasks must have at least one essential container.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- ExtraHosts
A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the /etc/hosts file on the container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsExtraHostsDetails objects
Required: No
- FirelensConfiguration
The FireLens configuration for the container. Specifies and configures a log router for container logs.
Type: AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsFirelensConfigurationDetails object
Required: No
- HealthCheck
The container health check command and associated configuration parameters for the container.
Type: AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsHealthCheckDetails object
Required: No
- Hostname
The hostname to use for the container.
Type: String
Required: No
- Image
The image used to start the container.
Type: String
Required: No
- Interactive
If set to true, then containerized applications can be deployed that require
or atty
to be allocated.Type: Boolean
Required: No
- Links
A list of links for the container in the form
. Allows containers to communicate with each other without the need for port mappings.Type: Array of strings
Required: No
- LinuxParameters
Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Linux kernel capabilities.
Type: AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLinuxParametersDetails object
Required: No
- LogConfiguration
The log configuration specification for the container.
Type: AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsLogConfigurationDetails object
Required: No
- Memory
The amount (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. If the container attempts to exceed the memory specified here, the container is shut down. The total amount of memory reserved for all containers within a task must be lower than the task memory value, if one is specified.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- MemoryReservation
The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- MountPoints
The mount points for the data volumes in the container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsMountPointsDetails objects
Required: No
- Name
The name of the container.
Type: String
Required: No
- PortMappings
The list of port mappings for the container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsPortMappingsDetails objects
Required: No
- Privileged
Whether the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance. The elevated privileges are similar to the root user.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- PseudoTerminal
Whether to allocate a TTY to the container.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- ReadonlyRootFilesystem
Whether the container is given read-only access to its root file system.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- RepositoryCredentials
The private repository authentication credentials to use.
Type: AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsRepositoryCredentialsDetails object
Required: No
- ResourceRequirements
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. The only supported resource is a GPU.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsResourceRequirementsDetails objects
Required: No
- Secrets
The secrets to pass to the container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSecretsDetails objects
Required: No
- StartTimeout
The number of seconds to wait before giving up on resolving dependencies for a container.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- StopTimeout
The number of seconds to wait before the container is stopped if it doesn't shut down normally on its own.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- SystemControls
A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsSystemControlsDetails objects
Required: No
- Ulimits
A list of ulimits to set in the container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsUlimitsDetails objects
Required: No
- User
The user to use inside the container.
The value can use one of the following formats.
Type: String
Required: No
- VolumesFrom
Data volumes to mount from another container.
Type: Array of AwsEcsTaskDefinitionContainerDefinitionsVolumesFromDetails objects
Required: No
- WorkingDirectory
The working directory in which to run commands inside the container.
Type: String
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: