Contains information about a Security Hub insight.
- Filters
One or more attributes used to filter the findings included in the insight. You can filter by up to ten finding attributes. For each attribute, you can provide up to 20 filter values. The insight only includes findings that match the criteria defined in the filters.
Type: AwsSecurityFindingFilters object
Required: Yes
- GroupByAttribute
The grouping attribute for the insight's findings. Indicates how to group the matching findings, and identifies the type of item that the insight applies to. For example, if an insight is grouped by resource identifier, then the insight produces a list of resource identifiers.
Type: String
Required: Yes
- InsightArn
The ARN of a Security Hub insight.
Type: String
Required: Yes
- Name
The name of a Security Hub insight.
Type: String
Required: Yes
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: