AwsNetworkFirewall - Amazon Security Hub
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The following are examples of the Amazon Security Finding Format for AwsNetworkFirewall resources.


The AwsNetworkFirewallFirewall object contains details about an Amazon Network Firewall firewall.

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsNetworkFirewallFirewall object. To view descriptions of AwsNetworkFirewallFirewall attributes, see AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsNetworkFirewallFirewall": { "DeleteProtection": false, "FirewallArn": "arn:aws-cn:network-firewall:us-east-1:024665936331:firewall/testfirewall", "FirewallPolicyArn": "arn:aws-cn:network-firewall:us-east-1:444455556666:firewall-policy/InitialFirewall", "FirewallId": "dea7d8e9-ae38-4a8a-b022-672a830a99fa", "FirewallName": "testfirewall", "FirewallPolicyChangeProtection": false, "SubnetChangeProtection": false, "SubnetMappings": [ { "SubnetId": "subnet-0183481095e588cdc" }, { "SubnetId": "subnet-01f518fad1b1c90b0" } ], "VpcId": "vpc-40e83c38" }


The AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy object provides details about a firewall policy. A firewall policy defines the behavior of a network firewall.

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy object. To view descriptions of AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy attributes, see AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicyDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsNetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy": { "FirewallPolicy": { "StatefulRuleGroupReferences": [ { "ResourceArn": "arn:aws-cn:network-firewall:us-east-1:444455556666:stateful-rulegroup/PatchesOnly" } ], "StatelessDefaultActions": [ "aws:forward_to_sfe" ], "StatelessFragmentDefaultActions": [ "aws:forward_to_sfe" ], "StatelessRuleGroupReferences": [ { "Priority": 1, "ResourceArn": "arn:aws-cn:network-firewall:us-east-1:444455556666:stateless-rulegroup/Stateless-1" } ] }, "FirewallPolicyArn": "arn:aws-cn:network-firewall:us-east-1:444455556666:firewall-policy/InitialFirewall", "FirewallPolicyId": "9ceeda22-6050-4048-a0ca-50ce47f0cc65", "FirewallPolicyName": "InitialFirewall", "Description": "Initial firewall" }


The AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroup object provides details about an Amazon Network Firewall rule group. Rule groups are used to inspect and control network traffic. Stateless rule groups apply to individual packets. Stateful rule groups apply to packets in the context of their traffic flow.

Rule groups are referenced in firewall policies.

The following examples show the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroup object. To view descriptions of AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroup attributes, see AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroupDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.

Example – stateless rule group

"AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroup": { "Capacity": 600, "RuleGroupArn": "arn:aws-cn:network-firewall:us-east-1:444455556666:stateless-rulegroup/Stateless-1", "RuleGroupId": "fb13c4df-b6da-4c1e-91ec-84b7a5487493", "RuleGroupName": "Stateless-1" "Description": "Example of a stateless rule group", "Type": "STATELESS", "RuleGroup": { "RulesSource": { "StatelessRulesAndCustomActions": { "CustomActions": [], "StatelessRules": [ { "Priority": 1, "RuleDefinition": { "Actions": [ "aws:pass" ], "MatchAttributes": { "DestinationPorts": [ { "FromPort": 443, "ToPort": 443 } ], "Destinations": [ { "AddressDefinition": "" } ], "Protocols": [ 6 ], "SourcePorts": [ { "FromPort": 0, "ToPort": 65535 } ], "Sources": [ { "AddressDefinition": "" } ] } } } ] } } } }

Example – stateful rule group

"AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroup": { "Capacity": 100, "RuleGroupArn": "arn:aws-cn:network-firewall:us-east-1:444455556666:stateful-rulegroup/tupletest", "RuleGroupId": "38b71c12-da80-4643-a6c5-03337f8933e0", "RuleGroupName": "ExampleRuleGroup", "Description": "Example of a stateful rule group", "Type": "STATEFUL", "RuleGroup": { "RuleSource": { "StatefulRules": [ { "Action": "PASS", "Header": { "Destination": "Any", "DestinationPort": "443", "Direction": "ANY", "Protocol": "TCP", "Source": "Any", "SourcePort": "Any" }, "RuleOptions": [ { "Keyword": "sid:1" } ] } ] } } }

The following is a list of valid value examples for AwsNetworkFirewallRuleGroup attributes:

  • Action

    Valid values: PASS | DROP | ALERT

  • Protocol

    Valid values: IP | TCP | UDP | ICMP | HTTP | FTP | TLS | SMB | DNS | DCERPC | SSH | SMTP | IMAP | MSN | KRB5 | IKEV2 | TFTP | NTP | DHCP

  • Flags

    Valid values: FIN | SYN | RST | PSH | ACK | URG | ECE | CWR

  • Masks

    Valid values: FIN | SYN | RST | PSH | ACK | URG | ECE | CWR