AwsWaf - Amazon Security Hub
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


The following are examples of the Amazon Security Finding Format for AwsWaf resources.


The AwsWafRateBasedRule object contains details about an Amazon WAF rate-based rule for global resources. An Amazon WAF rate-based rule provides settings to indicate when to allow, block, or count a request. Rate-based rules include the number of requests that arrive over a specified period of time.

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsWafRateBasedRule object. To view descriptions of AwsWafRateBasedRule attributes, see AwsWafRateBasedRuleDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafRateBasedRule":{ "MatchPredicates" : [{ "DataId" : "391b7a7e-5f00-40d2-b114-3f27ceacbbb0", "Negated" : "True", "Type" : "IPMatch" , }], "MetricName" : "MetricName", "Name" : "Test", "RateKey" : "IP", "RateLimit" : 235000, "RuleId" : "5dfb4085-f103-4ec6-b39a-d4a0dae5f47f" }


The AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRule object contains details about a rate-based rule for Regional resources. A rate-based rule provides settings to indicate when to allow, block, or count a request. Rate-based rules include the number of requests that arrive over a specified period of time.

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRule object. To view descriptions of AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRule attributes, see AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRuleDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafRegionalRateBasedRule":{ "MatchPredicates" : [{ "DataId" : "391b7a7e-5f00-40d2-b114-3f27ceacbbb0", "Negated" : "True", "Type" : "IPMatch" , }], "MetricName" : "MetricName", "Name" : "Test", "RateKey" : "IP", "RateLimit" : 235000, "RuleId" : "5dfb4085-f103-4ec6-b39a-d4a0dae5f47f" }


The AwsWafRegionalRule object provides details about an Amazon WAF Regional rule . This rule identifies the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsWafRegionalRule object. To view descriptions of AwsWafRegionalRule attributes, see AwsWafRegionalRuleDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafRegionalRule": { "MetricName": "SampleWAF_Rule__Metric_1", "Name": "bb-waf-regional-rule-not-empty-conditions-compliant", "RuleId": "8f651760-24fa-40a6-a9ed-4b60f1de95fe", "PredicateList": [{ "DataId": "127d9346-e607-4e93-9286-c1296fb5445a", "Negated": false, "Type": "GeoMatch" }] }


The AwsWafRegionalRuleGroup object provides details about an Amazon WAF Regional rule group. A rule group is a collection of predefined rules that you add to a web access control list (web ACL).

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsWafRegionalRuleGroup object. To view descriptions of AwsWafRegionalRuleGroup attributes, see AwsWafRegionalRuleGroupDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafRegionalRuleGroup": { "MetricName": "SampleWAF_Metric_1", "Name": "bb-WAFClassicRuleGroupWithRuleCompliant", "RuleGroupId": "2012ca6d-e66d-4d9b-b766-bfb03ad77cfb", "Rules": [{ "Action": { "Type": "ALLOW" } }], "Priority": 1, "RuleId": "cdd225da-32cf-4773-8dc5-3bca3ed9c19c", "Type": "REGULAR" }


AwsWafRegionalWebAcl provides details about an Amazon WAF Regional web access control list (web ACL). A web ACL contains the rules that identify the requests that you want to allow, block, or count.

The following is an example AwsWafRegionalWebAcl finding in the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF). To view descriptions of AwsApiGatewayV2Stage attributes, see AwsWafRegionalWebAclDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafRegionalWebAcl": { "DefaultAction": "ALLOW", "MetricName" : "web-regional-webacl-metric-1", "Name": "WebACL_123", "RulesList": [ { "Action": { "Type": "Block" }, "Priority": 3, "RuleId": "24445857-852b-4d47-bd9c-61f05e4d223c", "Type": "REGULAR", "ExcludedRules": [ { "ExclusionType": "Exclusion", "RuleId": "Rule_id_1" } ], "OverrideAction": { "Type": "OVERRIDE" } } ], "WebAclId": "443c76f4-2e72-4c89-a2ee-389d501c1f67" }


AwsWafRule provides information about an Amazon WAF rule. An Amazon WAF rule identifies the web requests that you want to allow, block, or count.

The following is an example AwsWafRule finding in the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF). To view descriptions of AwsApiGatewayV2Stage attributes, see AwsWafRuleDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafRule": { "MetricName": "AwsWafRule_Metric_1", "Name": "AwsWafRule_Name_1", "PredicateList": [{ "DataId": "cdd225da-32cf-4773-1dc2-3bca3ed9c19c", "Negated": false, "Type": "GeoMatch" }], "RuleId": "8f651760-24fa-40a6-a9ed-4b60f1de953e" }


AwsWafRuleGroup provides information about an Amazon WAF rule group. An Amazon WAF rule group is a collection of predefined rules that you add to a web access control list (web ACL).

The following is an example AwsWafRuleGroup finding in the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF). To view descriptions of AwsApiGatewayV2Stage attributes, see AwsWafRuleGroupDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafRuleGroup": { "MetricName": "SampleWAF_Metric_1", "Name": "bb-WAFRuleGroupWithRuleCompliant", "RuleGroupId": "2012ca6d-e66d-4d9b-b766-bfb03ad77cfb", "Rules": [{ "Action": { "Type": "ALLOW", }, "Priority": 1, "RuleId": "cdd225da-32cf-4773-8dc5-3bca3ed9c19c", "Type": "REGULAR" }] }


The AwsWafv2RuleGroup object provides details about an Amazon WAFV2 rule group.

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsWafv2RuleGroup object. To view descriptions of AwsWafv2RuleGroup attributes, see AwsWafv2RuleGroupDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafv2RuleGroup": { "Arn": "arn:aws-cn:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:global/rulegroup/wafv2rulegroupasff/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "Capacity": 1000, "Description": "Resource for ASFF", "Id": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "Name": "wafv2rulegroupasff", "Rules": [{ "Action": { "Allow": { "CustomRequestHandling": { "InsertHeaders": [ { "Name": "AllowActionHeader1Name", "Value": "AllowActionHeader1Value" }, { "Name": "AllowActionHeader2Name", "Value": "AllowActionHeader2Value" } ] } }, "Name": "RuleOne", "Priority": 1, "VisibilityConfig": { "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true, "MetricName": "rulegroupasff", "SampledRequestsEnabled": false } }], "VisibilityConfig": { "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true, "MetricName": "rulegroupasff", "SampledRequestsEnabled": false } }


The AwsWafWebAcl object provides details about an Amazon WAF web ACL.

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsWafWebAcl object. To view descriptions of AwsWafWebAcl attributes, see AwsWafWebAclDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafWebAcl": { "DefaultAction": "ALLOW", "Name": "MyWafAcl", "Rules": [ { "Action": { "Type": "ALLOW" }, "ExcludedRules": [ { "RuleId": "5432a230-0113-5b83-bbb2-89375c5bfa98" } ], "OverrideAction": { "Type": "NONE" }, "Priority": 1, "RuleId": "5432a230-0113-5b83-bbb2-89375c5bfa98", "Type": "REGULAR" } ], "WebAclId": "waf-1234567890" }


The AwsWafv2WebAcl object provides details about an Amazon WAFV2 web ACL.

The following example shows the Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF) for the AwsWafv2WebAcl object. To view descriptions of AwsWafv2WebAcl attributes, see AwsWafv2WebAclDetails in the Amazon Security Hub API Reference.


"AwsWafv2WebAcl": { "Arn": "arn:aws-cn:wafv2:us-east-1:123456789012:regional/webacl/WebACL-RoaD4QexqSxG/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "Capacity": 1326, "CaptchaConfig": { "ImmunityTimeProperty": { "ImmunityTime": 500 } }, "DefaultAction": { "Block": {} }, "Description": "Web ACL for JsonBody testing", "ManagedbyFirewallManager": false, "Name": "WebACL-RoaD4QexqSxG", "Rules": [{ "Action": { "RuleAction": { "Block": {} } }, "Name": "TestJsonBodyRule", "Priority": 1, "VisibilityConfig": { "SampledRequestsEnabled": true, "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true, "MetricName": "JsonBodyMatchMetric" } }], "VisibilityConfig": { "SampledRequestsEnabled": true, "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true, "MetricName": "TestingJsonBodyMetric" } }