Working with the Summary dashboard - Amazon Security Hub
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Working with the Summary dashboard

On the Amazon Security Hub console, the dashboard on the Summary page can help you identify areas of security concern in your Amazon environment, without the need for additional analytics tools or complex queries. You can customize the dashboard layout, add or remove widgets, and filter the data to focus on areas of particular interest. You can also save your filter criteria as a filter set to quickly retrieve specific types of data in the future.

If you customize the dashboard or filter the data, Security Hub automatically saves your settings for subsequent use. In addition, the settings are saved independently for each user of your Security Hub account. This means that different users can have different layouts, widgets, and filter sets for the dashboard.

Each time you open the Summary dashboard, Security Hub automatically refreshes most dashboard data. However, some of the data is updated less frequently. For example, security scores and control statuses are updated every 24 hours.

If you configured a cross-Region aggregation Region for Security Hub, your dashboard data includes findings from the aggregation Region and all linked Regions. If you're the delegated Security Hub administrator for an organization, the data includes findings for your administrator account and your member accounts. You can optionally filter the data by account. If you have a member account or a standalone account, the data includes findings only for your account.

Available widgets for the Summary dashboard

The Summary dashboard includes widgets that reflect the modern cloud security threat landscape, guided by the security operations and experiences of Amazon customers. Some widgets are shown by default while others are not. You can customize your view of the dashboard by adding or removing widgets.

To add them, choose Add widget at the top right of the Summary page. In the search bar, enter the title of the widget. Drag and drop the widget on to the dashboard.

Widgets shown by default

By default, the Summary dashboard includes the following widgets:

Security standards

Displays your most recent summary security score and the security score for each Security Hub standard. Security scores, which range from 0–100 percent, represent the proportion of passed controls relative to all of your enabled controls. For more information about these scores, see How security scores are calculated. This widget helps you understand your overall security posture.

Assets with the most findings

Provides an overview of the resources, accounts, and applications that have the most findings. The list is sorted in descending order by the number of findings. In the widget, each tab shows the top six items in that category, grouped by severity and resource type. If you choose a number in the Total findings column, Security Hub opens a page that shows the findings for the asset. This widget helps you quickly identify which of your core assets have potential security threats.

Findings by Region

Shows the total number of findings, grouped by severity, in each Amazon Web Services Region in which Security Hub is enabled. This widget helps you identify security issues that potentially affect particular Regions. If you open the dashboard in your aggregation Region, this widget helps you monitor potential security issues in each linked Region.

Most common threat types

Provides a breakdown of the 10 most common types of threats in your Amazon environment. This includes threats such as escalation of privileges, use of exposed credentials, or communication with malicious IP addresses.

To view this data, Amazon GuardDuty must be enabled. If it is, choose a threat type in this widget to open the GuardDuty console and review findings related to this threat. This widget helps you evaluate potential threats in the context of other security issues.

Software vulnerabilities with exploits

Provides a summary of software vulnerabilities that exist in your Amazon environment and have known exploits. You can also review a breakdown of vulnerabilities that do and don't have fixes available.

To view this data, Amazon Inspector must be enabled. If it is, choose a statistic in this widget to open the Amazon Inspector console and review more details about the vulnerability. This widget helps you evaluate software vulnerabilities in the context of other security issues.

New findings over time

Shows trends in the number of new daily findings during the past 90 days. You can break down the data by severity or by provider for additional context. This widget helps you understand if finding volume spiked or dropped at specific times during the past 90 days.

Resources with the most findings

Provides a summary of the resources that have generated the most findings, broken down by the following resource types: Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, and Amazon Lambda functions.

In the widget, each tab focuses on one of the preceding resource types, listing the 10 resource instances that generated the most findings. To review the findings for a specific resource, choose the resource instance. This widget helps you triage security findings that are associated with common Amazon resources.

Widgets hidden by default

The following widgets are also available for the Summary dashboard, but they are hidden by default:

AMIs with the most findings

Provides a list of the 10 Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) that have generated the most findings. This data is available only if Amazon EC2 enabled for your account. It helps you identify which AMIs pose potential security risks.

IAM principals with the most findings

Provides a list of the 10 Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) users that have generated the most findings. This widget helps you perform administrative and billing tasks. It shows you which users contribute to Security Hub usage the most.

Accounts with the most findings (by severity)

Shows a graph of the 10 accounts that have generated the most findings, grouped by severity. This widget helps you determine which accounts to focus analysis and remediation efforts on.

Accounts with the most findings (by resource type)

Shows a graph of the 10 accounts that have generated the most findings, grouped by resource type. This widget helps you determine which accounts and resource types to prioritize for analysis and remediation.


Lists five Security Hub managed insights and the number of findings that they generated. Insights identify a specific security area that requires attention.

Latest findings from Amazon integrations

Shows the number of findings that you received in Security Hub from integrated Amazon Web Services. It also shows when you most recently received findings from each integrated service. This widget provides consolidated findings data from multiple Amazon Web Services. To drill down, choose an integrated service. Security Hub then opens the console for that service.

Filtering the Summary dashboard

To curate data on the Summary dashboard and include only the security data that's most relevant to you, you can filter the dashboard. For example, if you're a member of an application team, you might create a dedicated view for a critical application in your production environment. If you're a member of a security team, you might create a dedicated view that helps you focus on high-severity findings. To filter data on the Summary dashboard, you enter filter criteria in the filter box above the dashboard. If you apply filter criteria, the criteria applies to all the data on the dashboard except the data in the Insights and Security standards widgets.

You can filter the data by using the following fields:

  • Account name

  • Account ID

  • Application Amazon Resource Name (ARN)

  • Application name

  • Product name (for an Amazon Web Service or third-party product that sends findings to Security Hub)

  • Record state

  • Region

  • Resource tag

  • Severity

  • Workflow status

By default, dashboard data is filtered using the following criteria: Workflow status is NOTIFIED or NEW, and Record state is ACTIVE. These criteria appear above the dashboard, below the filter box. To remove these criteria, choose X in the filter token for the criteria that you want to remove.

If you apply filter criteria that you want to use again, you can save it as a filter set. A filter set is a set of filter criteria that you create and save to reapply when you review data on the Summary dashboard.


The following fields can't be saved as part of a filter set: Application ARN, application name, and resource tag.

Creating and saving filter sets

Follow these steps to create and save a filter set.

To create and save a filter set
  1. Open the Amazon Security Hub console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Summary.

  3. In the filter box above the Summary dashboard, enter the filter criteria for the filter set.

  4. On the Clear filters menu, choose Save new filter set.

  5. In the Save filter set dialog box, enter a name for the filter set.

  6. (Optional) To use the filter set by default each time you open the Summary page, select the option to set it as the default view.

  7. Choose Save.

To switch between filter sets that you’ve created and saved, use the Choose a filter set menu above the Summary dashboard. When you select a filter set, Security Hub applies the criteria of the filter set to the data on the dashboard.

Updating or deleting filter sets

Follow these steps to update or delete an existing filter set. If you delete a filter set that is currently set as your default view of the Summary dashboard, your default view is reset to the default Security Hub view.

To update or delete a filter set
  1. Open the Amazon Security Hub console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Summary.

  3. In the Choose a filter set menu above the Summary page, choose the filter set.

  4. On the Clear filters menu, do one of the following:

    • To update the filter set, choose Update current filter set. Then, enter your changes in the dialog box that appears.

    • To delete the filter set choose Delete current filter set. Then, choose Delete in the dialog box that appears.

Customizing the Summary dashboard

You can customize the Summary dashboard in several ways. You can add and remove widgets from the dashboard. You can also rearrange and resize widgets on the dashboard.

If you customize the dashboard, Security Hub applies your changes immediately and saves your new dashboard settings. Your changes apply to your view of the dashboard in all Amazon Web Services Regions and browsers.

To customize the Summary dashboard
  1. Open the Amazon Security Hub console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Summary.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • To add a widget, choose Add widgets at the upper-right corner of the page. In the search bar, enter the title of the widget to add. Then, drag the widget to the location that you want.

    • To remove a widget, choose the three dots in the upper-right corner of the widget.

    • To move a widget, choose the handle at the upper-left corner of the widget, and then drag the widget to the location that you want.

    • To change the size of a widget, choose the resize handle at the lower-right corner of the widget. Drag the widget's edge until the widget is your preferred size.

To subsequently restore the original settings, choose Reset to default layout at the top of the page.