Integrating Security Hub with Amazon Organizations - Amazon Security Hub
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Integrating Security Hub with Amazon Organizations

To integrate Amazon Security Hub and Amazon Organizations, you create an organization in Organizations and use the organization management account to designate a delegated Security Hub administrator account. This enables Security Hub as a trusted service in Organizations. It also enables Security Hub in the current Amazon Web Services Region for the delegated administrator account, and it allows the delegated administrator to enable Security Hub for member accounts, view data in member accounts, and perform other allowed actions on member accounts.

If you use central configuration, then the delegated administrator can also create Security Hub configuration policies that specify how the Security Hub service, standards, and controls should be configured in organization accounts.

Creating an organization

An organization is an entity that you create to consolidate your Amazon Web Services accounts so that you can administer them as a single unit.

You can create an organization by using either the Amazon Organizations console or by using a command from the Amazon CLI or one of the SDK APIs. For detailed instructions, see Create an organization in the Amazon Organizations User Guide.

You can use Amazon Organizations to centrally view and manage all of the accounts within your organization. An organization has one management account along with zero or more member accounts. You can organize the accounts in a hierarchical, tree-like structure with a root at the top and organizational units (OUs) nested under the root. Each account can be directly under the root, or placed in one of the OUs in the hierarchy. An OU is a container for specific accounts. For example, you can create a finance OU that includes all accounts related to financial operations.

Recommendations for choosing the delegated Security Hub administrator

If you have an administrator account in place from the manual invitation process and are transitioning to account management with Amazon Organizations, we recommend designating that account as the delegated Security Hub administrator.

Although the Security Hub APIs and console allow the organization management account to be the delegated Security Hub administrator, we recommend choosing two different accounts. This is because users who have access to the organization management account to manage billing are likely to be different from users who need access to Security Hub for security management.

We recommend using the same delegated administrator across Regions. If you opt in to central configuration, Security Hub automatically designates the same delegated administrator in your home Region and any linked Regions.

Verify permissions to configure the delegated administrator

To designate and remove a delegated Security Hub administrator account, the organization management account must have permissions for the EnableOrganizationAdminAccount and DisableOrganizationAdminAccount actions in Security Hub. The Organizations management account must also have administrative permissions for Organizations.

To grant all of the required permissions, attach the following Security Hub managed policies to the IAM principal for the organization management account:

Designating the delegated administrator

To designate the delegated Security Hub administrator account, you can use the Security Hub console, Security Hub API, or Amazon CLI. Security Hub sets the delegated administrator in the current Amazon Web Services Region only, and you must repeat the action in other Regions. If you start using central configuration, then Security Hub automatically sets the same delegated administrator in the home Region and linked Regions.

The organization management account doesn't have to enable Security Hub in order to designate the delegated Security Hub administrator account.

We recommend that the organization management account is not the delegated Security Hub administrator account. However, if you do choose the organization management account as the Security Hub delegated administrator, the management account must have Security Hub enabled. If the management account does not have Security Hub enabled, you must enable Security Hub for it manually. Security Hub can't be enabled automatically for the organization management account.


You must designate the delegated Security Hub administrator using one of the following methods. Designating the delegated Security Hub administrator with Organizations APIs doesn't reflect in Security Hub.

Choose your preferred method, and follow the steps to designate the delegated Security Hub administrator account.

Security Hub console
To designate the delegated Security Hub administrator while onboarding
  1. Open the Amazon Security Hub console at

  2. Choose Go to Security Hub. You're prompted to sign in to the organization management account.

  3. On the Designate delegated administrator page, in the Delegated administrator account section, specify the delegated administrator account. We recommend choosing the same delegated administrator that you have set for other Amazon security and compliance services.

  4. Choose Set delegated administrator. You're prompted to sign in to the delegated administrator account (if you're not already) to continue onboarding with central configuration. If you don't want to start central configuration, choose Cancel. Your delegated administrator is set, but you aren't yet using central configuration.

To designate the delegated Security Hub administrator from the Settings page
  1. Open the Amazon Security Hub console at

  2. In the Security Hub navigation pane, choose Settings. Then choose General.

  3. If a Security Hub administrator account is currently assigned, then before you can designate a new account, you must remove the current account.

    Under Delegated Administrator, to remove the current account, choose Remove.

  4. Enter the account ID of the account you want to designate as the Security Hub administrator account.

    You must designate the same Security Hub administrator account in all Regions. If you designate an account that is different from the account designated in other Regions, the console returns an error.

  5. Choose Delegate.

Security Hub API, Amazon CLI

From the organization management account, use the EnableOrganizationAdminAccount operation of the Security Hub API. If you're using the Amazon CLI, run the enable-organization-admin-account command. Provide the Amazon Web Services account ID of the delegated Security Hub administrator.

The following example designates the delegated Security Hub administrator. This example is formatted for Linux, macOS, or Unix, and it uses the backslash (\) line-continuation character to improve readability.

$ aws securityhub enable-organization-admin-account --admin-account-id 123456789012

Removing or changing the delegated administrator


When you use central configuration, you can't use the Security Hub console or Security Hub APIs to change or remove the delegated administrator account. If the organization management account uses the Amazon Organizations console or Amazon Organizations APIs to change or remove the delegated Security Hub administrator, Security Hub automatically stops central configuration, and deletes your configuration policies and policy associations. Member accounts retain the configurations they had before the delegated administrator was changed or removed.

Only the organization management account can remove the delegated Security Hub administrator account.

To change the delegated Security Hub administrator, you must first remove the current delegated administrator account and then designate a new one.

If you use the Security Hub console to remove the delegated administrator in one Region, it is automatically removed in all Regions.

The Security Hub API only removes the delegated Security Hub administrator account from the Region where the API call or command is issued. You must repeat the action in other Regions.

If you use the Organizations API to remove the delegated Security Hub administrator account, it is automatically removed in all Regions.

Removing the delegated administrator (Organizations API, Amazon CLI)

You can use Organizations to remove the delegated Security Hub administrator in all Regions.

If you use central configuration to manage accounts, removing the delegated administrator account results in the deletion of your configuration policies and policy associations. Member accounts retain the configurations that they had before the delegated administrator was changed or removed. However, these accounts can't be managed by the removed delegated administrator account anymore. They become self-managed accounts that must be configured separately in each Region.

Choose your preferred method, and follow the instructions to remove the delegated Security Hub administrator account with Amazon Organizations.

Organizations API, Amazon CLI

To remove the delegated Security Hub administrator

From the organization management account, use the DeregisterDelegatedAdministrator operation of the Organizations API. If you're using the Amazon CLI, run the deregister-delegated-administrator command. Provide the account ID of the delegated administrator, and the service principal for Security Hub, which is

The following example removes the delegated Security Hub administrator. This example is formatted for Linux, macOS, or Unix, and it uses the backslash (\) line-continuation character to improve readability.

$ aws organizations deregister-delegated-administrator --account-id 123456789012 --service-principal

Removing the delegated administrator (Security Hub console)

You can use the Security Hub console to remove the delegated Security Hub administrator in all Regions.

When the delegated Security Hub administrator account is removed, the member accounts are disassociated from the removed delegated Security Hub administrator account.

Security Hub is still enabled in the member accounts. They become standalone accounts until a new Security Hub administrator enables them as member accounts.

If the organization management account isn't an enabled account in Security Hub, then use the option on the Welcome to Security Hub page.

To remove the delegated Security Hub administrator account from the Welcome to Security Hub page
  1. Open the Amazon Security Hub console at

  2. Choose Go to Security Hub.

  3. Under Delegated Administrator, choose Remove.

If the organization management account is an enabled account in Security Hub, then use the option on the General tab of the Settings page.

To remove the delegated Security Hub administrator account from the Settings page
  1. Open the Amazon Security Hub console at

  2. In the Security Hub navigation pane, choose Settings. Then choose General.

  3. Under Delegated Administrator, choose Remove.

Removing the delegated administrator (Security Hub API, Amazon CLI)

You can use the Security Hub API or Security Hub operations for the Amazon CLI to remove the delegated Security Hub administrator. When you remove the delegated administrator with one of these methods, it is only removed in the Region where the API call or command was issued. Security Hub doesn't update other Regions, and it doesn't remove the delegated administrator account in Amazon Organizations.

Choose your preferred method, and follow these steps to remove the delegated Security Hub administrator account with Security Hub.

Security Hub API, Amazon CLI

To remove the delegated Security Hub administrator

From the organization management account, use the DisableOrganizationAdminAccount operation of the Security Hub API. If you're using the Amazon CLI, run the disable-organization-admin-account command. Provide the account ID of the delegated Security Hub administrator.

The following example removes the delegated Security Hub administrator. This example is formatted for Linux, macOS, or Unix, and it uses the backslash (\) line-continuation character to improve readability.

$ aws securityhub disable-organization-admin-account --admin-account-id 123456789012

Disabling Security Hub integration with Amazon Organizations

After an Amazon Organizations organization is integrated with Amazon Security Hub, the Organizations management account can subsequently disable the integration. As a user of the Organizations management account, you can do this by disabling trusted access for Security Hub in Amazon Organizations.

When you disable trusted access for Security Hub, the following occurs:

  • Security Hub loses its status as a trusted service in Amazon Organizations.

  • The Security Hub delegated administrator account loses access to Security Hub settings, data, and resources for all Security Hub member accounts in all Amazon Web Services Regions.

  • If you were using central configuration, Security Hub automatically stops using it for your organization. Your configuration policies and policy associations are deleted. Accounts retain the configurations that they had before you disabled trusted access.

  • All Security Hub member accounts become standalone accounts and retain their current settings. If Security Hub was enabled for a member account in one or more Regions, Security Hub continues to be enabled for the account in those Regions. Enabled standards and controls are also unchanged. You can change these settings separately in each account and Region. However, the account is no longer associated with a delegated administrator in any Region.

For additional information about the results of disabling trusted service access, see Using Amazon Organizations with other Amazon Web Services in the Amazon Organizations User Guide.

To disable trusted access, you can use the Amazon Organizations console, Organizations API, or the Amazon CLI. Only a user of the Organizations management account can disable trusted service access for Security Hub. For details about the permissions that you need, see Permissions required to disable trusted access in the Amazon Organizations User Guide.

Before you disable trusted access, we recommend working with the delegated administrator for your organization to disable Security Hub in member accounts and to clean up Security Hub resources in those accounts.

Choose your preferred method, and follow the steps to disable trusted access for Security Hub.

Organizations console
To disable trusted access for Security Hub
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console using the credentials of the Amazon Organizations management account.

  2. Open the Organizations console at

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Services.

  4. Under Integrated services, choose Amazon Security Hub.

  5. Choose Disable trusted access.

  6. Confirm that you want to disable trusted access.

Organizations API

To disable trusted access for Security Hub

Invoke the DisableAWSServiceAccess operation of the Amazon Organizations API. For the ServicePrincipal parameter, specify the Security Hub service principal (

Amazon CLI

To disable trusted access for Security Hub

Run the disable-aws-service-access command of the Amazon Organizations API. For the service-principal parameter, specify the Security Hub service principal (


aws organizations disable-aws-service-access --service-principal