Debug your serverless application with Amazon SAM - Amazon Serverless Application Model
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Debug your serverless application with Amazon SAM

After testing your application, you will be ready to debug any issues you’ve found. With the Amazon SAM command line interface (CLI), you can locally test and debug your serverless application before uploading it to the Amazon Cloud. Debugging your application identifies and fixes issues or errors in your application.

You can use Amazon SAM to perform step-through debugging, which is a method of running code one line or instruction at a time. When you locally invoke a Lambda function in debug mode within the Amazon SAM CLI, you can then attach a debugger to it. With the debugger, you can step through your code line by line, see the values of different variables, and fix issues the same way you would for any other application. You can verify whether your application is behaving as expected, debug what's wrong, and fix any issues, before going through the steps of packaging and deploying your application.


If your application includes one or more layers, when you locally run and debug your application the layers package is downloaded and cached on your local host. For more information, see How layers are cached locally.