HttpApiFunctionAuth - Amazon Serverless Application Model
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Configures authorization at the event level.

Configure Auth for a specific API + Path + Method


To declare this entity in your Amazon Serverless Application Model (Amazon SAM) template, use the following syntax.


AuthorizationScopes: List Authorizer: String



The authorization scopes to apply to this API, path, and method.

Scopes listed here will override any scopes applied by the DefaultAuthorizer if one exists.

Type: List

Required: No

Amazon CloudFormation compatibility: This property is unique to Amazon SAM and doesn't have an Amazon CloudFormation equivalent.


The Authorizer for a specific Function. To use IAM authorization, specify AWS_IAM and specify true for EnableIamAuthorizer in the Globals section of your template.

If you have specified a Global Authorizer on the API and want to make a specific Function public, override by setting Authorizer to NONE.

Type: String

Required: No

Amazon CloudFormation compatibility: This property is unique to Amazon SAM and doesn't have an Amazon CloudFormation equivalent.



Specifing Authorization at Function level


Auth: Authorizer: OpenIdAuth AuthorizationScopes: - scope1 - scope2

IAM authorization

Specifies IAM authorization at the event level. To use AWS_IAM authorization at the event level, you must also specify true for EnableIamAuthorizer in the Globals section of your template. For more information, see Globals section of the Amazon SAM template.


Globals: HttpApi: Auth: EnableIamAuthorizer: true Resources: HttpApiFunctionWithIamAuth: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: Events: ApiEvent: Type: HttpApi Properties: Path: /iam-auth Method: GET Auth: Authorizer: AWS_IAM Handler: index.handler InlineCode: | def handler(event, context): return {'body': 'HttpApiFunctionWithIamAuth', 'statusCode': 200} Runtime: python3.9