Amazon CloudFormation resources generated when AWS::Serverless::Function is specified - Amazon Serverless Application Model
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Amazon CloudFormation resources generated when AWS::Serverless::Function is specified

When an AWS::Serverless::Function is specified, Amazon Serverless Application Model (Amazon SAM) always creates an AWS::Lambda::Function base Amazon CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)

In addition to this Amazon CloudFormation resource, when AWS::Serverless::Function is specified, Amazon SAM also generates Amazon CloudFormation resources for the following scenarios.

AutoPublishAlias property is specified

When the AutoPublishAlias property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is specified, Amazon SAM generates the following Amazon CloudFormation resources: AWS::Lambda::Alias and AWS::Lambda::Version.


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>Alias<alias‑name>

<alias‑name> is the string that AutoPublishAlias is set to. For example, if you set AutoPublishAlias to live, the LogicalId is: MyFunctionAliaslive.

Referenceable property: <function‑LogicalId>.Alias


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>Version<sha>

<sha> is a unique hash value that is generated when the stack is created. For example, MyFunctionVersion926eeb5ff1.

Referenceable property: <function‑LogicalId>.Version

Role property is not specified

When the Role property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is not specified, Amazon SAM generates an AWS::IAM::Role Amazon CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>Role

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)

DeploymentPreference property is specified

When the DeploymentPreference property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is specified, Amazon SAM generates the following resources Amazon CloudFormation resources: AWS::CodeDeploy::Application and AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup. In addition, if the Role property of the DeploymentPreference object is not specified, Amazon SAM also generates an AWS::IAM::Role Amazon CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: ServerlessDeploymentApplication

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>DeploymentGroup

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)


LogicalId: CodeDeployServiceRole

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)

An Api event source is specified

When the Event property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is set to Api, but the RestApiId property is not specified, Amazon SAM generates the AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi Amazon CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: ServerlessRestApi

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)

An HttpApi event source is specified

When the Event property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is set to HttpApi, but the ApiId property is not specified, Amazon SAM generates the AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api Amazon CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: ServerlessHttpApi

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)

A streaming event source is specified

When the Event property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is set to one of the streaming types, Amazon SAM generates the AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping Amazon CloudFormation resource. This applies to the following types: DynamoDB, Kinesis, MQ, MSK, and SQS.


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId><event‑LogicalId>

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)

An event bridge (or event bus) event source is specified

When the Event property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is set to one of the event bridge (or event bus) types, Amazon SAM generates the AWS::Events::Rule Amazon CloudFormation resource. This applies to the following types: EventBridgeRule, Schedule, and CloudWatchEvents.


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId><event‑LogicalId>

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)

An IotRule event source is specified

When the Event property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is set to IoTRule, Amazon SAM generates the AWS::IoT::TopicRule Amazon CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId><event‑LogicalId>

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)

OnSuccess (or OnFailure) property is specified for Amazon SNS events

When the OnSuccess (or OnFailure) property of the DestinationConfig property of the EventInvokeConfig property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is specified, and the destination type is SNS but the destination ARN is not specified, Amazon SAM generates the following Amazon CloudFormation resources: AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig and AWS::SNS::Topic.


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>EventInvokeConfig

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>OnSuccessTopic (or <function‑LogicalId>OnFailureTopic)

Referenceable property: <function‑LogicalId>.DestinationTopic

If both OnSuccess and OnFailure are specified for an Amazon SNS event, to distinguish between the generated resources, you must use the LogicalId.

OnSuccess (or OnFailure) property is specified for Amazon SQS events

When the OnSuccess (or OnFailure) property of the DestinationConfig property of the EventInvokeConfig property of an AWS::Serverless::Function is specified, and the destination type is SQS but the destination ARN is not specified, Amazon SAM generates the following Amazon CloudFormation resources: AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig and AWS::SQS::Queue.


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>EventInvokeConfig

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this Amazon CloudFormation resource)


LogicalId: <function‑LogicalId>OnSuccessQueue (or <function‑LogicalId>OnFailureQueue)

Referenceable property: <function‑LogicalId>.DestinationQueue

If both OnSuccess and OnFailure are specified for an Amazon SQS event, to distinguish between the generated resources, you must use the LogicalId.